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1  Economy / Scam Accusations / Avoid the exchange It's FRAUD! on: June 29, 2014, 09:35:52 PM
As a few of you know, some phisher tried to collect e-mail addresses and Bitcoin addresses a few days ago by asking for them in private messages, claiming he wants to give away BTC. I replied and used a throw-away e-mail address to see what happens, and I just got the following e-mail:
Subject: New Bitcoin exchange secured 10% higher prices
News has emerged that a bitcoin exchange service has opened in Iowa, USA. The bitcoin exchange allows you to transfer bitcoin to the traditional fiat currency - the dollar.
With intention to attract new clients, for the next 12 hours http://www.btcmonetize(.)com secured 10% higher bitcoin price compared to the other exchanges.
At this moment the value of 1 Bitcoin is:
BtcMonetize: $646.1
Coinbase: $595.99
BitStamp: $593.00
The Voice of Digital Currency

So, that's what it's about. Trying to convince you to use a scam exchange. So avoid that URL included there at all costs!

More information here:
2  Economy / Service Discussion / This guy accidentally sent 800 coins to an old Mt.Gox address - he needs help on: June 02, 2014, 02:35:42 PM
BTC Reward offered BTC

He writes:

I messed up big time. I sent this address 800 bitcoin:
I had previously sent this address 300 bitcoin a year ago, and for the life of me I cannot remember what that was!
Any and all help appreciated.

The answer comes:

Mystery solved: this is a MtGox address. You sent 300 to it one year ago
ae1332a4-f3c0-4805-89d4-396387e7a96e,8c71169c-c0b2-46a8-97c8-8940cf2bb89a,"2013-04-16 18:37:04",deposit,300
So. I guess my goxcoins just became 800/202000 = 0.4% more worth. Thanks buddy.
Jokes aside this clearly sucks. I would recommend that you write a PHYSICAL letter and send it off to Japan.

If you have better advice for him besides "send a letter to Japan," please reply to him in the thread below.

3  Other / Beginners & Help / I thought you guys might appreciate a little bitcoin humor to brighten your day on: June 02, 2013, 03:41:31 AM

A Redditor posts a picture of his newly acquired Blockchain Erupter when...

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