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1  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / MCXnow is Back!! on: January 27, 2014, 07:26:27 PM

^^ If you haven't already, take a look at mcxnow.  I believe they'll be adding more altcoins soon.
2  Economy / Service Announcements / WorldcoinFoundation - Building a Well in West Kenya on: January 23, 2014, 02:52:52 PM has partnered with to build a well system in West Kenya, Africa!

Donations in WDC and BTC are accepted.

Check it out!
3  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Worldcoin Fundraising - Build a Well System in Africa on: January 23, 2014, 02:38:41 PM
Greetings all,

Please check out

WorldCoinFoundation.Org is raising funds to have a well system built in West Kenya, Africa.

Check it out!
4  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / IPO Scams and the Cure on: January 10, 2014, 02:59:12 PM
With the recent string of IPO scams appearing on Bitcointalk and elsewhere, and the many oblivious people freely throwing their coins at them, I thought it appropriate to draw attention to the current progress of Scharmbeck Feeshares.

SBFS is real

It's established

It's listed on a credible Crypto Stock Exchange

The developers are completely open and honest (and you can easily find out where they live)

The price is going up steadily

They have a better plan than most / all other companies offering IPO's ( Not: #1: Steal underpants, #2: ...? #3: Profit! )


Stop giving your coins to scammers

Do your research

Make decisions based on information

Make purchases based on credibility

You can spend a few seconds giving your coins to scammers offering IPO's here on bitcointalk, and then spend weeks trying to get your coins back when they cut and run

or you can spend a few hours doing your research and invest in a real company.  I am NOT saying that Scharmbeck Feeshares are your only alternative, I'm saying spend some time doing your research and make informed decisions.
5  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / IPO Scams vs. Scharmbeck on: January 09, 2014, 03:36:15 PM
With the recent string of IPO scams appearing on Bitcointalk and elsewhere, and the many oblivious people freely throwing their coins at them, I thought it appropriate to draw attention to the current progress of Scharmbeck Feeshares.

SBFS is real

It's established

It's listed on a credible Crypto Stock Exchange

The developers are completely open and honest (and you can easily find out where they live)

The price is going up steadily

They have a better plan than most / all other companies offering IPO's ( Not: #1: Steal underpants, #2: ...? #3: Profit! )


Stop giving your coins to scammers

Do your research

Make decisions based on information

Make purchases based on credibility

You can spend a few seconds giving your coins to scammers offering IPO's here on bitcointalk, and then spend weeks trying to get your coins back when they cut and run

or you can spend a few hours doing your research and invest in a real company.  I am NOT saying that Scharmbeck Feeshares are your only alternative, I'm saying spend some time doing your research and make informed decisions.

6  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Worldcoin Reward Decrease Chart - Interesting on: January 08, 2014, 03:45:42 PM
I'd like to draw attention to the Reward Chart for Worldcoin.  It seems to be overlooked; however, if you're mining WDC now, it's in your interest to know about the Reward Decrease system:

I think we're on week 17 now.  The current reward per block is 53.95 WDC

It's interesting and notable that in about a year from now, the reward per block will be 31.67 WDC

And in two years from now: 18.78
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