So since I started to have a slight grasp on how awesome bitcoin and the blockchain is, I've started to mull over an idea, and not knowing enough to verify if its possible/doable/worthwhile (I'm more an ideas and solutions man, than an implement it man), so I'm just going to throw this out there.....
General Idea:-Imagine, a new website, we'll call it "internetland" - me, being the founder, create my own new currency the "internetcoins" and run a new client (highly modded) on my server and what not.
People could sign up to be a national of "internetland" - agreeing to abide by the rules of the people and the blockchain.
People would get 1 wallet on a website with the world BEST security - that would form there "digital self" and thus must be kept secure, maybe even enforce brain wallets.
People could cast votes in a way democracy has never seen before by sending transactions
Accept internetcoins on there websites to trade for goods, being able to trade those internetcoins for other people on other websites.
Stocks and shares, and physical "old world" items can have there owners verified.
Vote upon laws being passed
A real democratic society that exists purely on the internet - surely that can done? What am I missing?
Mining:-Internet coins are mined and say 95% go to miners, and 5% go to internetland (its not as bad as that sounds trust me lol).
the 5% taken by internet land we'll call "taxes" - taxes could help to pay to help for development of internet land (again all decided by vote), problems that need attention in the real, disaster aid, protests, legal etc - a virtual nation funded by the peoples will and desire to.... leave there computer on a lot

but no seriously...
What do you think about my idea for a ciphercyber-nation? Is that even possible? Could it work if it was?
So that would