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1  Economy / Speculation / BTC broke bottom of triangle. Deep crash ahead. on: January 30, 2018, 03:35:49 PM
Yesterday we closed well under the 100 day average.
Today we move even further away from it while breaking through the bottom of the triangle.

We've broken major support and nothing is stopping a deep fall.

Also notice how mainly BTC is falling and altcoins remain stable or even raise significantly.

Billions of BTC capital is flowing into blockchain 3.0 technology and people here still believe BTC's blockchain 0.1 Beta tech has a future... lol

Down we go guys,  you've been warned.
2  Economy / Speculation / The pathetic state of Bitcoin Core and why it will crash. on: January 22, 2018, 07:07:52 PM
One picture says it all.

Behold the pathetic hilarious state of Bitcoin Core and the potential and oportunity of the real Bitcoin (Cash).

Yea, we totally don't have a problem here... lol...
And there are still people posting here daily asking why the price is crashing... Gosh... I wonder...
3  Economy / Speculation / We've officially entered a new long term bear market on: January 16, 2018, 09:52:15 PM
I think this confirms what i've been saying for some time now.
Bitcoin has had its time.
Losing capital really fast now and no signs of recovery.

Technical capacity is not there.
Community support is not there.
Media support is not there.
Economic support is not there.

So many altcoins that solve the problems of this giant cluster f*ck that is Bitcoin Core.
4  Economy / Speculation / Why bitcoin is called and valued superior still? on: January 12, 2018, 11:00:51 AM
With so many innovations in the crypto space and solutions for every problem bitcoin has.
I keep on hearing that Bitcoin Core is still King of crypto, and not only in market cap.

"They have by far the biggest and best team behind it."
- Orly? What have they done? We're still using old code and innovation is nowhere to be seen. Instead we are seeing bankster like solutions being proposed by this group.

"Bitcoin has the most secure network."
- Orly? Only if you discard anything else than PoW. Proper implementations of PoS, BFT, PoR, PoB are much more secure than PoW and they don't waste gazillions of valuable energy and don't pollute the environment.

"It's the mother of crypto."
- So what. Parents die, children prosper. *repeat*

Let's sum up what other innovations we have in crypto space that Bitcoin does not offer.
As a currency:
- Fungibility.
- Privacy.
- Anonymity.
- Smart contracts.
- Scalable p2p network.
- Secure 'green' mining/network.
- Sustainable fee/mining reward setup.
- Decentralization.
- DNS.
- Governance.

- Secure Communication/messaging.
- IoT compatibility.
- Data storage.
- Decentralized web.
- Exchange.

There's probably a bunch more i can think of.
The question remains, why is bitcoin seen as superior and valued as such while it offers almost nothing? Even at it's basic function it is surpassed by almost every other crypto.
The only thing backing it's value is big whales shouting how awesome bitcoin is because they have a big stake in it.
5  Economy / Speculation / *POP* Goes the bubble! on: December 22, 2017, 02:43:30 PM
Oh boy, this is too great a Christmas gift.
I've been warning people for months.
All the worlds leading experts in the field have been warning everybody for months.

Biggest bubble in recorded history.
I don't even want to know how filthy rich a few have become with this and how millions have lost their savings! Hilarious!
6  Economy / Speculation / Operation DragonSlayer: The Flippening is happening NOW on: December 20, 2017, 12:47:42 AM
Watch this, Bitcoin Cash Surging to new ATHs while Core is plummeting into new lows since weeks.
Mining power is rapidly switching chains and merchants are adopting Bitcoin Cash at an exponential rate.

7  Economy / Speculation / Futures, not a correction but total collapse! on: December 09, 2017, 06:03:54 PM
The upcoming access to Bitcoin futures market will not cause a correction as many suspect, but a total collapse of Bitcoin.
It is inevetable as the network is already unable to cope with current transaction volumes, the price will plummet so hard the coming days that miners will have to stop mining, stoping the network dead in its tracks.
Exactly what Roger Ver planned and predicted for the flippening all along.

This is just a fair warning to get out now before big money starts crashing the price and the network.
8  Economy / Speculation / Trend reversal looks confirmed. on: December 08, 2017, 11:34:48 AM
How low will we go? Will we see early 2017 prices before the end of the year? Very likely. Will Bitcoin Cash finally take its rightful place at the throne? Good possibility, prepare your orders.
9  Economy / Speculation / Real strenght of Bitcoin is showing in Cash on: November 10, 2017, 06:10:38 PM
There we have it guys.
People were hoping for SW2X but got disappointed.
Now the only working real bitcoin is Bitcoin Cash and big money is flowing into it.
I suspect it will be equally valued to Bitcoin Core before the end of the year.
Every serious Bitcoiner know it is the only implementation that Satoshi thought would ever be viable.
Not this mutable SegWit nonsense. There was a very good reason he included signature data and keep transactions immutable!
10  Economy / Speculation / SW2x cancelation will crash Bitcoin on: November 09, 2017, 11:27:13 AM
SW2x was Bitcoins hope. Now that scaling bitcoin is once again out of sight for the foreseeable future,  we can expect prices to fall back to levels before there was any hope. People will look for scaleable alternatives again as they did before.
We can easily fall back to 2500-3000 levels within a week. 1000-1500 within a month is very likely.
No hope, no value.
11  Economy / Speculation / Has almost everybody lost sight of what Bitcoin was about? on: October 23, 2017, 11:26:29 AM
I remember a time where Bitcoin stood for independence of the bankster and goverment system.
Satoshi envisioned a future where people were free to trade on-chain and not through some obscure third party solutions or corporations.
With years of change to the core team it has now transitioned into a Corporate Bankster cartel where the only thing that matters is keeping the blocks small so the users are forced to use their 'brilliant' off-chain solutions (aaand we're back where we began...)
Most people don't know this i suppose.
The only true Bitcoin alive nowadays is Bitcoin Cash, which is the only true independent implementation of Satoshi's protocol where transactions are immutable and on-chain.
It's a sad state of crypto that we are in in general when ideas like SegWit, which is just incredibly insecure, can be pushed mainstream this easily.

People need to educate themselves.

Yea go ahead call me a hater or shill whatever you come up with. It's all bs, all i remember was the vision we had for bitcoin many years ago and what has become of it.

Here you'll get an idea how corrupted this all is
12  Economy / Speculation / End of bubble, recovery impossible. on: September 13, 2017, 06:54:57 PM
This is the end of the big hype/bubble. This nonsense drama will be over soon and the entire marketcap will move to crypto 3.0 coins.
For people delusional that Core coin will just recover as it did in the past, no it will not.
We are in a completely different situation now where we have so many alternatives that are vastly superior in every aspect to Core coin.
People will refuse to (re)invest in Core coin as it will be considered the original but failed project.
The seed which allowed us to develop a proper coin.

It's too bad Core coin is now controlled by the corporate banksters otherwise development could have continued and it could have grown into a huge success.
13  Economy / Speculation / Core coin wealth moving to Bitcoin Cash on: September 07, 2017, 09:15:01 AM
As predicted a lot of mining power and money is moving out of Core coin into Bitcoin Cash.
Even altcoins are losing value to Bitcoin Cash now.
Here we see the future of Crypto expanding, as Satoshi envisioned.
14  Economy / Speculation / Cashing out could destroy crypto? on: August 25, 2017, 09:29:31 PM
Just wondering, Bitcoin started as a project to offer people freedom from bankster/government fiat and the banking system. Yet almost every single person involved in Bitcoin is using it to try to get more of that very thing Bitcoin was designed to 'get rid of'.

I never cared for Bitcoin as an investment vehicle, it's a tool that offers people financial freedom and independance.
Yes tell me again how stupid i was selling cheap and how bad i should feel, notice how i don't care.
Because for me Bitcoin was never about making more Dollars.

If none of the horrible things that are waiting for us in the future will ruin bitcoin, maybe the mindset of people just wanting Bitcoin to gain more fiat will be even more devastating.

This mindset seems to have been increasing for years now...
People don't even ask me anymore how it works or why it was invented, all they care about is how to make fiat with it. My answer is always the same... "Bitcoin is not a good investment for you, only invest in things you understand and believe in."
15  Economy / Speculation / Dark cloud above the bulls. on: August 25, 2017, 09:42:14 AM
There seems to be a careful up-trend again and the bulls are starting to get vocal again with SW activation.

Let's just forget that SW is not a feature for the users, it's a security weakness introduced by the bankster controlled blockstream team.

When the SW2x and Bitcoin cash team decide to reorganise the SW chain there will be blood in the streets and Core coin could very possibly never rise to these heights again.

Remember it's just a matter of time before the news of the November hard fork hits mainstream media and people will start panic selling.
Miners have alread, and are still migrating to Bitcoin cash and 92% of the remaining miners will move to the November SW2x fork.
There won't be much left of Core coin by then.

Let's just ignore this reality and get burned... again... Don't be dumb this time...
16  Economy / Speculation / Core coin crashing while Bitcoin cashremains stable. on: August 21, 2017, 06:45:34 AM
Wild times. People dumping and panicing Core coin bug time.
We already dropped under $4000! And going deeper!
Smart move seems to be to move money into the stable Bitcoin cash or Ethereum.
17  Economy / Speculation / The biggest bitcoin crash ever has begun. on: August 13, 2017, 11:59:17 AM
After the biggest pump in the history of Bitcoin we are now witnessing the biggest crash crypto has ever seen.
This will be epic and popcorn worthy.
18  Economy / Speculation / Whale pump or newbie ignorance? on: August 12, 2017, 08:01:20 AM
What do you guys think is at the heart of this rise?

With the upcoming hard fork of November is it whales pumping it before taking huge profits and causing the biggest crash we've seen in Bitcoin so far?
Or is it new people investing in Bitcoin while having no idea of the upcoming hard fork?
19  Economy / Speculation / Where is the BCC dump? on: August 08, 2017, 12:03:16 PM
Hey all Bitcoin Cash haters, i thought you promised us a big dump once exchanges started to accept deposits.
I guess that dump isn't going to happen and BCC is only gaining strength.

What is your excuse this time?

Question for the hundreds of people announcing they would mass dump BCC, what happened? LOL
20  Economy / Speculation / BCC taking the crown. on: August 05, 2017, 02:45:09 PM
When you look at it logically it is the only possible outcome.

BCC is true to Satoshis view of Bitcoin, it has the most support from all the big Bitcoin investors and infrastructure.

The price is very high compared to current mining power, this means miners have big incentive to switch to BCC instead of keeping their rigs pointed at the classic Bitcoin chain.

BCC team have enormous wealth ensuring price stability, development, infrastructure growth and security.

Once people realize this and the Bitcoin network loses computing power to BCC all Bitcoin capital will shift to BCC. Leaving the blockstream bankster Bitcoin we all got frustrated with over the past years in the dust.

The new ATH is nothing but a distraction of capital moving to BCC. Whales don't want you to get your hands on BCC  cheap while it lasts.
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