Just saw it on BTC-e trollbox. Probably YAC on BTC-e tomorrow (May 20 22:20 UTC).
erikgul: btc getting ready to rise
oakshadel: jhovanny8, wait 10 hours.
danilo303: fontas pump?
ur007pl: c0nnect4, yeah, i know. it sucks
jhovanny8: Kill the beast!
bendrexl: theBee2112, I'd love a code. Anyone here bought codes from the troll box?
blee088: tomschmidtty, just know when you are heading in the wrong direction
Stevenrm87: What's up with the FTC sell wall
c0nnect4: splash4203, because 5 cookies makes your digestive tract explode?
fontas: Tomorrow
zekk: fonta self pump
philuk2000: jhovanny8, 0.002-0.006 gap rise on mnc is peanuts
kupo2001: ur007pl, haha depends on the hardware
splash4203: c0nnect4, haha fair enough. also the cookie quotient decreases sharply after four
danilo303: fontas, cool! 0.01?
jhovanny8: philuk2000, in plain English ?
c0nnect4: splash4203, lol
kupo2001: vivit, woot thanks buddy

asic: fontas, FTC pump?
ur007pl: kupo2001, i'm going to install ubuntu, so iwill know if the motherboard or os is giving me the issue
fontas: tomorrow is coin announce.oakshadel: fontas, NMV
erikgul: new coin?
saigo: jhovanny8, peanuts = small
kupo2001: ur007pl, good idea

RiseOfAtlantis7: fontas, YAC??
tomschmidtty: blee088, indeed. i usually realize it after a few days...but i made a business off of binge drinking so it's a tight rope to walk ha
NetCrash: What ist the best namecoin pool? Thx
jhovanny8: fontas, can we pay for a heads up on which coin it will be?
blee088: tomschmidtty, are you th eone that said you did yagé
klausn: fontas, when we see wdc here fontas ? any info ?!
asic: definitely YAC.
vivit: kupo2001, XD
philuk2000: jhovanny8, lol it is plain english it means mnc is vefy easily pumpable and increase of 0.003 isnt hard for nmc
fontas: Everyone will find out tomorrow at the same time
jhovanny8: fontas, kk
oakshadel: or look for the green candle you made.
saigo: fontas, April wants its meme back
asic: fontas, exact time in UTC?
tomschmidtty: blee088 - yup...and everyone should
fontas: 22:20 utcblee088: tomschmidtty, did that help your alcoholism? i've read it works wonders for it
jhovanny8: fontas, also, is NMC being pumped by you?
asic: fontas, May 20 22:20 UTC, confirmed?vivit: kupo2001, did you chooose your MOB because of lowest price and performance?
kupo2001: vivit,

alexbigdeal: what is more likely amazon accepting BTC or gox accepting LTC ?
fox19891989: fontas, which coin?
kupo2001: alexbigdeal, haha prolly neither but i would bet paypal taking btc first
oakshadel: anything lower then 0.0068 is profit tomoroow