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1  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / [WTS] 1000 ProtoShares on: November 05, 2013, 03:54:38 PM
Looking to sell my 1000 ProtoShares for BTC. If you are interested, please reply with your bids, starting from 0.01 BTC for each PTS.
2  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Litecoin about to hit Mt.Gox on June 19th?? on: June 07, 2013, 09:19:23 AM

Just read it on reddit. Fake?
3  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / [YAC] Proof-of-stake minting? on: May 28, 2013, 05:20:58 PM
I have no idea what Proof-of-stake is. But I've done some research and here's what I think it is:

YaCoin is a hybrid PoW+PoS cryptocurrency and it is supposed to start generating PoS blocks after one month.

Am I correct? If yes, how to generate YAC PoS blocks after June 8th?

4  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / [YAC] YACoin on VirCurEx! on: May 22, 2013, 02:54:03 AM
5  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / [YAC] YACoin GIVEAWAY (3.1415926 YAC each) on: May 20, 2013, 04:54:24 PM
Post your address here and I will send 3.1415926 YAC to each of you. (Please don't post more than once.)

Not much, but I'd like to help promoting YACoin.

Total supply is 3141.5926 YAC.

Donations are welcome. Smiley

Update 2013-06-15
So far, 545 * 3.1415926 YACs have been given away.

Update 2013-05-27:
I've been busy these days, so it might take days for me to check this post.
So far, 412 * 3.1415926 YACs have been given away, which means I still have 588 * 3.1415926 left.

6  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / [YAC] Fontas said a new coin will be on BTC-e tomorrow. on: May 19, 2013, 07:59:56 AM
Just saw it on BTC-e trollbox. Probably YAC on BTC-e tomorrow (May 20 22:20 UTC).

erikgul: btc getting ready to rise

oakshadel: jhovanny8, wait 10 hours.

danilo303: fontas pump?

ur007pl: c0nnect4, yeah, i know. it sucks

jhovanny8: Kill the beast!

bendrexl: theBee2112, I'd love a code. Anyone here bought codes from the troll box?

blee088: tomschmidtty, just know when you are heading in the wrong direction

Stevenrm87: What's up with the FTC sell wall

c0nnect4: splash4203, because 5 cookies makes your digestive tract explode?

fontas: Tomorrow

zekk: fonta self pump

philuk2000: jhovanny8, 0.002-0.006 gap rise on mnc is peanuts

kupo2001: ur007pl, haha depends on the hardware

splash4203: c0nnect4, haha fair enough. also the cookie quotient decreases sharply after four

danilo303: fontas, cool! 0.01?

jhovanny8: philuk2000, in plain English ?

c0nnect4: splash4203, lol

kupo2001: vivit, woot thanks buddy Cheesy

asic: fontas, FTC pump?

ur007pl: kupo2001, i'm going to install ubuntu, so iwill know if the motherboard or os is giving me the issue

fontas: tomorrow is coin announce.

oakshadel: fontas, NMV

erikgul: new coin?

saigo: jhovanny8, peanuts = small

kupo2001: ur007pl, good idea Cheesy

RiseOfAtlantis7: fontas, YAC??

tomschmidtty: blee088, indeed. i usually realize it after a few days...but i made a business off of binge drinking so it's a tight rope to walk ha

NetCrash: What ist the best namecoin pool? Thx

jhovanny8: fontas, can we pay for a heads up on which coin it will be?

blee088: tomschmidtty, are you th eone that said you did yagé

klausn: fontas, when we see wdc here fontas ? any info ?!

asic: definitely YAC.

vivit: kupo2001, XD

philuk2000: jhovanny8, lol it is plain english it means mnc is vefy easily pumpable and increase of 0.003 isnt hard for nmc

fontas: Everyone will find out tomorrow at the same time

jhovanny8: fontas, kk

oakshadel: or look for the green candle you made.

saigo: fontas, April wants its meme back

asic: fontas, exact time in UTC?

tomschmidtty: blee088 - yup...and everyone should

fontas: 22:20 utc

blee088: tomschmidtty, did that help your alcoholism? i've read it works wonders for it

jhovanny8: fontas, also, is NMC being pumped by you?

asic: fontas, May 20 22:20 UTC, confirmed?

vivit: kupo2001, did you chooose your MOB because of lowest price and performance?

kupo2001: vivit, Wink

alexbigdeal: what is more likely amazon accepting BTC or gox accepting LTC ?

fox19891989: fontas, which coin?

kupo2001: alexbigdeal, haha prolly neither but i would bet paypal taking btc first

oakshadel: anything lower then 0.0068 is profit tomoroow
7  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / [YAC] Is there a YAC statistics site? on: May 17, 2013, 05:42:10 PM see the total network hashrate?
8  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / [YAC] YAC pool? on: May 09, 2013, 02:15:47 PM
Can anyone set up a mining pool for YAC? Solo mining is becoming more and more unrealistic. Cry
9  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / [FC] Potential 51% attack from on: April 26, 2013, 12:06:04 PM
I just noticed that has just found 6 blocks in a row:

At the time of writing, the hashrate of is 376.29 MH/s, while the whole FC network is 669.64 MH/s.
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