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1  Economy / Gambling / Crypto betting site advertisement up on the La Liga game's billboard on: May 13, 2018, 11:29:44 PM
Was watching highlights of the game played today and while a goal was being scored I saw blockchain betting in the background being advertised on the back drop of the field.
It said  Cool

This got me intrigued a bit. Undecided
I never heard of them before and it did say betting. So it being advertised during a football game I instantly thought of sportsbetting.
I've been looking for a new sportsbook to bet on so I was wondering what this new alt coin was about.

Does anybody else know about this PLAY token that is showing up on coinmarket cap?

From what I gathered it is a token for PvP betting on online games when briefly going over their site.
2  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Which is the best exchange to trade alt coin on / The most selection and lowest on: May 03, 2018, 07:35:04 PM
I am wanting to get some feedback on this subject I have been questioning for well over a year now.

Which of the larger exchanges are better to trade bitcoin for alt coins on?
Would also like to know the one that charges the lowest fee so to withdraw those alt coins or bitcoin from. But isn't as necessary as having to pass KYC/AML verification so to be able to withdraw from them.

Just took at look at Bitfinex, Kraken and Bitstamp but can not decide.

Any advice would help me decide which one is the right one to go with.
3  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Vitalik Buterin is to receive the 2018 Genius Award for founding Ethereum Ntwork on: April 30, 2018, 12:44:40 PM
At a black tie gala, inventor and founder Vitalik Buterin, will be receiving his genius award on May 11th in New Jersey City.
Vitalik was introduced to the blockchain at the age of 19 and was not satisfied with what he saw. So he developed his own decentralized applications and the concept of using smart contracts on a blockchain was born.

There will be three others who will take part in the awards ceremonies.

Here is a quote from the article of who those might be:

Other recipients of the 2018 Genius Award include Sara Seager, described as the “Indiana Jones of Astronomy;” Laurie Santos, renowned for teaching the “Science of Happiness;” and George Church, described as a “legendary genomics pioneer.”

4  Economy / Gambling discussion / Casino in Las Vegas Accepting bitcoin - Land based and huge sign infront! on: April 23, 2018, 04:43:09 PM
Bitcoin has finally made it's mark in the largest place on earth with the most land based casinos per square feet.

This is the first one but not the last.
This is beginning of the exposure bitcoin needed to show that gambling, in physical sites and not just for online ones,
BTC is a true contender for those gambler's dollars. Cool
5  Economy / Gambling discussion / Sidney Crosby scores the best goal of the season maybe of all time last night! on: March 23, 2018, 09:21:52 PM
He received a pass and hit the puck while infront of the net across the front of the goalie like he was passing it to himself and while it was in the air managed to hit it into the net.

Nobody could believe it especially the goal tender since he was trying to hit it mid-air while it was passing infront of him but Sidney somehow managed to keep focused on the puck while being checked by a defense man and scoring a goal.
6  Economy / Gambling discussion / Is Tiger Woods coming making the come back of all come backs? on: March 11, 2018, 03:52:42 PM
I just saw that Tiger Woods is on the Leaderboard coming in on Sunday's Val Spar Championship (I know, I've never heard of it either but it is still a PGA tournament Wink ) and has a chance to make his 80th win on the tournament circuit.

I thought he was never going to make anymore wins to break of the old time record holder of tournament wins in the PGA ever again since he had all those toxic episodes in his life over the past 5 years with his wife chasing him with a golf club, OTC drug abuse and getting pulled over and put in a detox facility, being part of the frappening along with his then girlfriend Lindsey Vonn (she had her phone hacked into as well) and whatever else the media did not disclose in the public eye.

He has not won a tournament since August 2013.

The best to not being able to win a single tournament since then, you thought this guy's life in golf was over and done with. Undecided
7  Economy / Gambling discussion / NFL game caused casinos to lose alot on: January 15, 2018, 10:25:50 PM
Did anyone bet on the vikings to win last night during the NFL playoffs?
There was something about the bookies losing alot since the Minnesota team did not score the last point which was easy to do since it was the 1 point kick after the touchdown to have them go over the 6pt spread that the casinos were offering them to win by.

They say that 65% people who had to them to win against the saints won their bets and screwed the sports bookies over.
The Vikings took a knee so was it because they saw the lines and knew that vegas and the casinos had them on winning over 6pts or not?

Sometimes I see sports games as fixed this way where they can score much more points during the game to cover the spread but do this on purpose so to A screw the bettors or B screw over the casinos.
8  Economy / Gambling discussion / New NHL team announced in next US city on: December 08, 2017, 11:52:48 PM
Seattle Washington has been announced to be the next NHL franchise to expand that leagues number of teams to 32 to make it for the 2020/2021 season.
9  Economy / Currency exchange / Buying btc using paypal? Legit method here? on: November 09, 2017, 02:10:25 AM
Just noticed this person is selling a way to make purchases for bitcoin using his site as he claims he is the site owner and has been doing this for over a year now.

What do you think?

Is this weebly site legit or not to purchase using the most defunct way to make a crypto purchase on the planet with the ease of chargebacking being done. Huh
10  Economy / Service Discussion / Bitconnect expo held - mostly asians were the top contributors? on: October 29, 2017, 12:00:35 AM

After watching this being a pretty big event for their contributors.
I noticed almost all the top people who were voted to get prizes were asians.
Even the ones from different countries.

I know this was held in Thailand but still.
Is bitconnect more attractive to asian people to use than other minorites? Huh
11  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Marketplace (Altcoins) / Looks like a giveaway of several prizes for centra-tech btc card! on: August 12, 2017, 03:06:49 AM

Looks alright to get some cash on one as well as the card that is worth several hundred ether if you were get it from them during their crowdsale of ico sales.

Nice card!
12  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Service Discussion (Altcoins) / Which exchange is the best to go to so to sell your new found BCC/BCH ? on: August 01, 2017, 07:57:17 PM
When you receive it which one is the best to sell it on?

I found this tweet about someone who just put their order in 2 hours ago and now just waiting for the blocks to be mined before the exchanges allow trading which he says it has started already.

I wouldn't know since I do not have an account on this exchange or very many of them.

So your thoughts on this would be appreciated.
13  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / What is the difference of these two Bitcoin Cash symbols? on: July 31, 2017, 06:48:32 PM
As yobit has released the bitcoin cash tokens under the symbol BCC in which everybody knows it as.

But not I see HitBTC release it as this BCCF

for bitcoin cash "futures".

So which one is the right one  Huh

Or am I sposse to be under the impression they will be naming for their own respective trading symbol on each and every exchange for the same coin?

This is very confusing then if that happens. Embarrassed
14  Economy / Exchanges / a legitimate exchange to use for alt coin trading? on: April 09, 2017, 11:43:08 PM
I actually thought they were a fly by night exchange feeding off the popularity of the yo-bit name looking so similar.
But then I vaguely remember seeing their logo before mid last year for a campaign or something they were running.
Now again they started running one recently again.
So in them revamping their stay into the bitcoin talk forum community I ask you this:
Are they a viable and reliable exchange to use and not just take my deposit and close their doors suddenly?

What coins do they trade cause when i go to their site all I see are coins I never heard of before being traded for USD and BTC called YOC and YOG shown here:
Whatever those are. Embarrassed

Thread located here of their project:
15  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Service Discussion (Altcoins) / bter exchange anyone can vouch for them and to risk putting any bits towards it? on: April 01, 2017, 05:37:11 PM
I just heard of this exchange yesterday and want to know if they are reputable and trusted enough now to use?
I do not want to deposit anything into their exchange wallet just to find out they have restrictions or are not a licensed exchange so to cause me to lose my bitcoins in their site.
Any one can offer an insight or experience with this site Bter?
I did glance over something that happen to them back in 2015 but still see people using them. Embarrassed
16  Economy / Gambling discussion / Has anyone heard of Fairbet? And your experience with using them for you sports on: April 01, 2017, 05:25:09 PM
I just saw a commercial for their site and you can stop your parlay bet mid matches?
Is that right? Shocked
That is a massive thing to do.
Has anyone registered an account with them and tried this out?
There has got to be some restrictions in place or they would be paying out punters out the nose on penalty kicks in the EPL matches in the last minutes of those matches.
17  Other / Off-topic / DeadPool 2 teaser released! A lonnnnggg one! :D on: March 06, 2017, 03:27:14 PM

Almost viewed 17 million times! Grin
18  Other / Off-topic / Bill Paxton just died. The Terminator, Alien and Tornado Killer just died! on: February 26, 2017, 11:46:36 PM
I don't think they will mention it on the academy awards tonight since they are starting in an hour or so and it just happened all the sudden.

He was a frickin' hero to alot of people.

Certainly game over man, game over. Embarrassed
19  Economy / Gambling / Sportsplays this a good site and does it actually payout? on: February 16, 2017, 04:04:25 PM
Has anybody hear of this site before?

It looks like the site has been around from 2011 from their forum posts.
But have they been offering sportsbets before then?
Their payouts seem low for the betting experience they offer.

Anymore information about them or any experiences from anybody here who has used them?
Say how much of a maximum amount you managed to win from your bets there.

Thanks for all who can put in their valuable input. Smiley
20  Economy / Gambling discussion / Pro Tennis Player lost a bet for SuperBowl had to go on Date from Twitter winner on: February 16, 2017, 02:03:03 PM
Genie Bouchard had a bet on a live game that Atlanta would won the super bowl when they were up 21+ in the second quarter Roll Eyes. Jump the bandwagon much? Undecided
She had to pay up last night to the twitter follower that placed that bet if the Tom Brady and the New England team came back that she had to go on a date with him. So of course she lost! Cheesy
The guy from Chicago got flew in to meet her on her coin and he paid for the date. Well that is what she intended who knows if he did pay a meal and the tickets for the Brooklyn Nets game they went to last time for the millionaire tennis star who is on Sports Illustrated cover in their next issue.

She wore a fur coat and the guy who I think was younger than the 22 year old phenom did not look to happy while at the game. From the video during the game she was talking to him and he just gave a face like "Yeah yeah, keep blah-ing' about nothing." Cheesy

They snapchatted the entire time from what they were saying.
Any links to those videos?

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