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1  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Technical Support / 80 BTC: transaction not found? on: March 31, 2013, 06:12:00 PM

I've made dozens of transactions previously but the last one seems to have failed.

I sent 80 BTC to another person using my Blockchain android app. The person saw this incoming transaction in his wallet and his balance updated to 80 BTC. Everything was perfectly fine as usual.

In the evening he calls me and tells me his balance is 0. I check my transaction history and there is NO such transaction there. Moreover, 80 BTC are not in my account either.

Here's what I have:

1. An email confirming that the transaction was sent:

Payment Sent Notification
A Payment has been sent from your bitcoin wallet.
1Mu7R5BGKQSb3QEcTyEpii9C43tpDewtNL 80.03 BTC
beeteecee 78.62226501 BTC
-80.03 BTC

2. Luckily I left the page open on my computer when I checked the status of the transaction before I left home. I made a screenshot of it.

Like I said the transaction does NOT show up in my transaction history anymore and when I click on the link in my email it goes the main page with this message: Transaction not found.

Please let me know what I can do here to return my bitcoins. It is 8 thousand dollars we are talking about now. And as far as I understand it can happen to anyone.

I've been dealing with bitcoins for a year now but this situation made me back off with my optimism.

P.S. The guy I sent the bitcoins to also sent an email to the support.

UPD. Here's the recipient's wallet address on blockchain: It says No transactions found for this address.
The sender's address:

UPD2. So, here's what happened:

1. My friend asked me to back him up and sell this guy 80 BTC. he sends me those 80 BTC because I didn't have enough in my balance.
2. I meet the buyer and do the trade, I send him 80 BTC.
3. By nighttime, the transaction disappears from my wallet and the buyer's wallet.
4. Turns out the transaction my friend sent me was never processed. So he had those 80 BTC returned to his wallet. But for some reason they still showed up in my wallet during the trade, that's why I didn't hesitate.
5. My friend just sent me those 80 BTC again. Which I will froward to the buyer. All sorted out.
2  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Technical Support / Multibit sent more BTC than I entered! on: January 09, 2013, 07:10:01 AM
Has anybody seen this before?

I had 33 BTC in my wallet and I sent 8 BTC with Multibit. The client shows the current balance of 25 BTC, which is correct. However, The Blockchain shows that I only have 20 BTC in my final balance! And it shows that I sent 8 BTC to one address and almost 5 BTC to another address in the same transaction. How is that possible?

What can it be? Anyone?

3  Economy / Services / Will pay BTC for some PHP/CSS/design changes on my website on: November 13, 2012, 01:39:54 AM
Will pay BTC for some PHP/CSS/design changes on my website. I lack experience in this, so I woud really appreciate some help. I'm sure those are minor issues that experienced developers will do in no time.

My website is running on Wordpress/Buddypress.

If all works well, I'll assign some bigger tasks in the future. For more details PM me or contact me via Jabber:

4  Economy / Trading Discussion / - Buy Bitcoin in Vancouver on: November 07, 2012, 06:13:16 AM
If you’re looking to buy bitcoins in Vancouver, BC, Canada, we can help you.

Our rates* depend on the amount:

100**-250 CAD: 10%
250-500 CAD: 7%
500-5,000 CAD: 5%
Over 5,000 CAD: Negotiable
*Rates are based on the current market rate at Virtex.
**The minimum order is 100 CAD.

Please contact us via one of the following methods:

Phone (text only): +1 310 853 2401
Email: realbeeteecee[at]
5  Economy / Currency exchange / Selling BTC for Interac on: October 30, 2012, 03:28:33 AM

Selling BTC via the Interac e-transfer @ current CaVirtex + 5%. I can sell up to 5 BTC if you're a new buyer. If all goes well, I'll sell more.

PM me or add me on Jabber:
6  Economy / Trading Discussion / Trading solo using OKPAY on: October 26, 2012, 06:38:14 AM
Now that MtGox accepts payments via OKPAY, do you think it's viable to sell bitcoins using OKPAY? I mean, won't people who have OKPAY accounts just go to MtGox and buy there?

Just considering this option.

7  Economy / Trading Discussion / Best ways to trade BTC in Canada? on: October 26, 2012, 05:01:01 AM
I'm already on for OTC trade but the demand in my city (Vancouver) is not that high now. I've made a couple of sales for almost nothing (2%), just to check that everything works fine. However, it's not worth my time, I want to sell for at least 5%.

I tried and sold BTC with PayPal. I wasn't that fortunate to last for several months, my account got frozen in a week. If PP didn't freeze accounts it would be such a nice business.

I hear Interac e-transfers can also be used by scammers because they are not irreversible.

So, I just wanted to hear from fellow Canadians. What are the best ways to trade BTC in Canada besides OTC?

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