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1  Bitcoin / Mining / Gui miner solo, how do I know it's working? on: April 26, 2011, 01:37:42 AM
GUI Miner solo. I've let it run for almost 2 weeks now and I haven't generated 50 BTC yet. If it's "running" with the bitcoin client as server how do I verify it'll send me the 50 BTC? Does it just know to credit the client? I don't get it.

I'm thinking it may have solved something but doesn't know how to credit me? I'm confused how it knows how to register the credits in the wallet. I'm running poclbm-gui and launching bitcoin in server mode through the menu interface running solo w/ 2x 6950's
2  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Confused about transaction fee... on: April 13, 2011, 11:31:24 PM
In my bitcoin client there is a transaction fee recommendation of 0.01. Does this mean anytime I send money to someone it'll charge them 0.01 back to me, or how does this work? I read the wiki but confused on who it affects. Who gets the 0.01 and at what point?
3  Bitcoin / Mining / So two things... on: April 13, 2011, 12:14:14 PM
If I'm running 2x 6950's then I'm probably paying more in electricity than money I am generating... correct?

Second question. The difilculty within a year changes how much? Will 2x 6950's generate a good amount of bitcoin for another year or do you guys have to upgrade GPU's for bitcoins every year?
4  Bitcoin / Mining / Am I doing it right? on: April 11, 2011, 11:32:19 PM
Windows 7

2x 6950's shader unlocked in crossfire

Running poclbm-gui under local solo mode.

Currently have "Default" setup generating on device 0 cayman. Should I create another one generating on device 1?

My current Mhash/s is 272/s. Is that good? How many khash is that?

Are there any extra param I should be running to make it more effecient? I remember seeing something like -vectors.

Am I generating enough that it's worth it to stay solo or should I join a pool?

5  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Help a newbie get started please. on: March 21, 2011, 11:39:49 PM
Hi there.

This sounds very interesting and I'd like to get started.

I have two computers I can immediately start using for "mining."

How would I get started?

One is my professional computer: Macbook Pro (last year).

Second is my gaming computer: Recently built Sandy Bridge 2500k OC'd to 4.5ghz w/ 2x 6950's OC'd to 6970's.

Can I use both to mine for me or am I only allowed to use one?

I heard I can get more money by leveraging GPU than CPU. How would I do this?

Thank you so much for taking the time to read and put the effort and make me follow the right direction!

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