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1  Bitcoin / Mining software (miners) / Bit Moose - v1.0.0 - Run Bit/Lite-Coin Miners as Windows Service on: November 01, 2012, 10:36:24 AM
Bit Moose is a free, open source, Bitcoin mining assistant program. It allows miners to run under a background windows service. The package includes a GUI and console host. You can configure your miners from the GUI or modify the Settings.xml file yourself to fine tune adjustments.

Current Version: 1.0.0
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- Windows Vista/7 (XP Untested) or Windows Server 2003/8
- .NET Framework 3.5


Bit Moose acts as a process controller, so it's just a matter of configuring each miner to run appropriately within the service context. The full Bit Moose release includes cgminer which can be configured to miner for litecoins using the --scrypt argument. Please read the SCRYPT-README.txt file in the cgminer folder for more information about which arguments should be passed to cgminer in order to mine for litecoins. You may also want to see this thread. In the full release, this can be found under {Bit Moose Folder}\miners\cgminer\.


    1. Run bitmoose-gui.exe
    2. Click the menu item Service->Install
    3. Wait about 5 seconds for the status bar to show "Service Stopped".
    4. Configure your miner.
    5. On your miner, click the 'Validation' tab, and click the button to make sure it runs ok from a console.
    6. Click the menu item Service->Start
      - After the service is started, you should see your miner's output trickling into the miner's status box.
    7. Done.
      - You can now log out of windows and let your miner work behind the scenes!


    On some NVIDIA cards, OpenCL doesn't detect properly in the miners when they are run from a service. I haven't found a resolution to this yet, but you may want to try changing the account the service runs under, or try adjusting some input arguments.

To report an issue, please PM me or create an issue ticket on codeplex. Feel free to send suggestions/comments.

If you like the project, please consider donating to address: 17psYruA7Z1m2S5zwmD8JEQyqGk8nes95V

2  Bitcoin / Hardware / ASICs any proof they are coming for ANY of the companies? on: October 22, 2012, 11:29:19 AM
Everybody keeps screaming about the ASICs but to me every single company w/ an "ASIC" coming out doesn't look reputable at all (businesses w/ just PO boxes and unanswered phones, not being registered with the state(s) business dept., etc. etc). I mean is there any actual proof that they are on their way? And if so, why are they all operating so shadily!?
3  Other / Beginners & Help / Bitcoin Anonymity on: October 22, 2012, 08:00:59 AM
I jumped on bitcoin because I've heard that it was anonymous. But after more reading I'm not so sure. Is it that all transactions can be monitored, traced, and/or viewed publicly? I mean ultimately if everything could be traced back to either you putting money in, or pulling money out... well that doesn't sound very anonymous to me at all!

So are bitcoins anonymous or not?
4  Other / Beginners & Help / Bitcoin Economy... Where are the legit merchants? on: October 22, 2012, 06:09:45 AM
So, I really like the idea of bitcoins, but as I've been mulling over all the details, websites, mining info, etc. I seem hard pressed to see where there's a solid exchange of this currency between consumers and retail/service businesses. Mostly what I find is that the major 'commercial' sites are either TOR based (want to be anonymous for legal/illegal reasons), or set up as means to facilitate bitcoins themselves (exchange/wallet/transfer sites).

Am I missing part of the spectrum? Are there any medium or large legit businesses that accept bitcoins?

I don't mean to piss on anyone's parade, I'm genuinely wondering.
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