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1  Economy / Economics / US mono bank group starts to spend money to attack freedom rises? on: January 16, 2016, 02:34:48 AM
Current clues: US-based alt-coin exchange is down / A previous google programmer starts to do strange act. Roll Eyes

What's your opinion?

Do they start to be afraid of the bitcoin and other community driven projects and the movements?
2  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / [ANN] Yet another GPU miner release! [YAC] on: June 12, 2013, 12:39:18 AM
It seems that under this weird circumstance, the GPU miner should be released.
Here it is:
Prebuilt binary for windows 64:
Source code:
Win32 binary built by Thirtybird:!e1YVDBYZ!YSzn40ba5ciOVUeJjIcQnFxbvr0JhdYwkzqempL_l8Y
CL kernel v7 provided by mikaelh:
(Package Status: MINOR UPDATE, correct the program name issue, upgrade to cgminer 3.2.1, If you have working installation, no need to update.)

It's based on the cgminer scrypt mining, but there's some difference, the lookup-gap=2 + thread-concurrency parameters are just used to for allocate the pad buffer. The intensity (I) means the global work size 2^I, it seems to be related to the Nfactor & GPU stream cores & GPU memory size. For the GCN GPUs, set the worksize to 256 and for the pre-GCN GPUs, set the worksize to 64.

Some command lines only for reference:
For 5950
yacminer --device 0 --scrypt --worksize 64 --lookup-gap 2 -I 11 --thread-concurrency 8192 -o <URL> -u <username> -p <password>
Currently can hash 190KH/s (Nfactor=9)

For 6750
yacminer --device 0 --scrypt --worksize 64 --lookup-gap 2 -I 10 --thread-concurrency 2816 -o <URL> -u <username> -p <password>
Currently can hash 47KH/s (Nfactor=9)

For 7950
Some correction
[Under Linux]
yacminer --device 0 --scrypt --worksize 256 --lookup-gap 2 -I 12 --thread-concurrency 32768 -o <URL> -u <username> -p <password>
Currently can hash 230KH/s (Nfactor=9)
[Under Windows]
yacminer --device 0 --scrypt --worksize 256 --lookup-gap 2 -I 11 --thread-concurrency 8192 -o <URL> -u <username> -p <password>
Currently can hash ???KH/s (Nfactor=9)

When running under linux, maybe you need to set these environment variables:
export DISPLAY=:0

[Compilation under linux]
It's quite easy if you've already complied cgminer once (have all the other dependency libraries installed)
chmod +x ./configure
./configure --enable-scrypt
make install
Then, it will be installed into the application's dir (typical /usr/local/bin).

[Known issue]
  • Because using the latest cgminer 3.2.0 code base, the network thread seems has slow reaction to submit hash & get a response at the beginning. After a while, it will become normal.
  • AMD Graphics drivers prior to 12.X may not work, so recommend using newer drivers.

[Q&As]  (Performance tuning, out-of-dated if you use the kernel supported Look-up gap & TC)

PS, my GPU miner is not quite fast comparing to some others, and it may not work for some other cards.
3  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / BitBar mode could be a IPO mode haha on: May 05, 2013, 10:06:13 AM
BitBar mode is a good way for issuing securities as it is beneficial for the preminer so much, if he is very serious and want to have a long-term business. Let's see how the PoS will function if there're less & less miners to maintain the network & its security.

4  Other / CPU/GPU Bitcoin mining hardware / Anyone tested the Intel HD Graphics on: April 22, 2013, 06:30:03 AM
From Ivy Bridge, it starts to support OpenCL. Does anyone give a try? How about the speed of the 6/16 EU?
5  Bitcoin / Development & Technical Discussion / The transaction fee is so high? on: March 20, 2013, 02:46:05 AM
Is there anything wrong that this transaction fee is so high? The fee is 13.2BTC
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