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1  Economy / Invites & Accounts / [WTS] Ingress Invite on: February 04, 2013, 09:46:16 AM
 Selling an invite to the android augmented reality game "Ingress". Looking for around 0.2 BTC.

Or willing to trade for:
Steam Games (Depends on which games)
Runescape Gold/Accounts
Maplestory Coins/Accounts
Guild Wars 2 ( Grin)
2  Other / Beginners & Help / Selling ingress invite on: February 03, 2013, 01:50:17 AM
 Selling ingress invites for bitcoins or USD. Willing to consider offers around 0.2 BTC.

Also willing to trade for:
-Runescape gold/accounts
-Maplestory coins/accounts
-Steam games (depends on game)
-Guild wars 2 ( Grin)
3  Other / Beginners & Help / Mining on a laptop? on: December 02, 2012, 02:07:31 AM
 I currently own a laptop with a P150HM case. My specs are listed below:

Central Processing Unit: i7-2820 QM
RAM: 16 GB
Graphics Processing Unit: AMD 6990M

I also own an NZXT cooling pad.

My question is- Does it make sense mining on this laptop?

 I read that it there may be problems with cooling in a laptop, and I don't want to run the risk of frying my hardware. I lowered my core-clock using MSI afterburner to the minimum, which lowers my hash-rate by half. Whereas before I was getting approximately 220 MH/s, now I'm receiving a rate of about 110 MH/s. However, now my GPU is running at an average of 80 degrees, versus the 96 degrees before.

 So, should I continue with the current settings, or do you think I should stop mining completely on this laptop?
Also, I live in an extremely cold country. The temperatures are current under -20 degrees centigrade. Do you think leaving my computer in the room with an open window would be beneficial or detrimental to my computers life-span?
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