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As some might know already, was hacked back in April. I could not track hacker as all connections were made through TOR and end point operator did not have logs (or did not want to cooperate). More details here - really appreciate loyalty of users of this project, but I still willing to reimburse as much as possible. Therefore whatever left of this project is for sale - software (main piece is open source, but theme is custom) + DB + domain name. I will be looking first to offers from people/companies willing to take over project's debt (total is about 2900 BTC. I will provide more detailed info on request from serious buyers). If nobody will be willing to take it over - I will consider best cash offer so I could get as much as possible to refund whatever I can. When selling project I will give DB with all passwords cleared out. Anyway, I will be considering any offer and you are welcome to contact me via PM and/or email
I am tinkering with my own *coin project, and one part of it was missing in OSS world - Faucet. (Block Explorer already exists - Abe!) As a test, I set up Namecoin Faucet at . luke-jr and cocktopus already donated enough namecoins to it, so you can try it in action. GitHub page - is based on Catalyst perl framework, which leverage my Catalyst::Model::Bitcoin module (which in turn leverage another, Toby's, module Finance::Bitcoin). It is very simple - it uses Cache::FastMmap to keep track of IP addresses of visitors and number of requests done. What this mean - simply deployment (no DB) and no persistence between server restarts (application restarts should be fine, since session file stored in /tmp folder by default). Also, if amount of cached data will become bigger then cache size - unused records will get purged from the cache... Protection from double-requests based only on IP addresses and reCAPTCHAs right now. No Google Account authentication like Gavin's Faucet have. Might be included in version 2 if it ever happen  So.. Please help test both front end and, if someone good enough with perl/linux, backend. 
Today I opened admin panel of my to find out that some "smart" kid created 6 accounts and was playing currently running free roll SNG tourney. With all ins in each game. He was hunting for 1 chip (i.e. 1 bitcent). He was able to withdraw this "astonishing" amount of bitcoins during 3 HOURS - incredible 78 bitcents! People, c'mon. What will be next? You will be looking to get 5 bitcents by scamming someone? Then 1 bitcent? very disappointed... Hope price will drop enough to get rid of all these scumbags.
Here I plan to post links to particular issues of Open Source Poker Room project and bounty for fixing it. Remember - your code will become part of public domain and you will get paid for it! Full attribution to you will be kept as well! Current bounties: 1) 10 BTC - - Implemented by dentldir2) 5 BTC - - Implemented by dentldir3) 10 BTC - - Implemented by megabytesHow it should work - if not already, open account, and fork project . Fix issue from the list above and issue pull request. Once your code applied - I will contact your for details of the payment. I doubt this will happen, but if two pull request submitted at the same project, I reserve right to select better one. You may want to contribute other code to the project and I will give back some coins for it as well - I just can't provide exact amount up-front. If you are looking to fix something outside of list above and want to know how much I am willing to pay for this - contact me at
I need someone who can break table in my https://betco.inHere is why - several months ago it was normal every few hands refresh table due missing buttons, some actions going weird or game just freezes itself. I found why this was happening and fixed it. Now, I still read reports from time to time that people loose control buttons during game at the table. I am looking into server logs, other players - and these report looks more like connectivity issue on player side... But I still want to try to break it without loosing connection. So... I will pay 5 btc to person who first will come with set of steps to break game at the table at . I only count breaks which I can recreate locally. I.e. I should follow you steps and get no buttons and ticking timer, and eventually timeout without being able to do any action. Post it here, so we have evidence who did it first. Two (or more) different ways of breaking things each get their own 5 btc! Update:The easiest way - record screencast. I will do exactly same steps and if I will get same problem - I will award bounty to screencast author. Update 2:There another way to create meaningful report for me - table runs in verbose mode and if you use Chrome or FireFox with Firebug - there will be alot of stuff going on in the console. Leave it open while playing and when something wrong happen - copy/paste the whole log from console to or similar service and post here a link to it with small description what happened.
We wont to hire web developer for our project. This is small job paid in dollars through oDesk (if you want, I can pay directly through bitcoin here). Your work become part of AGPL software with all recognition's. My budget is $500 or bitcoins equivalent. Here is oDesk page - - feel free to apply there. Or email me at
I want to raise few bucks for hiring developer for project. I have my rig or parts for sale. Except PSU everything you see on picture is sell-able. This PSU did not handle it so I am in the process of RMAing it and for now I have 1kW PSU which handle the whole setup on stock clocks well.  I have two cards ATI 5970, never been overclocked since my PSU just can't handle it. You will need good 1250W psu, not Xion =)) Each card have water block, 3 fan radiator, 36W water pump pumping coolant through them. This rig have MSI X58M motherboard with i950 and 8Gb of RAM. 750Gb hdd. I am looking to sell cards for $500 shipped each or with complete WC system for $1300 both shipped (watercooling keeps cards at 50C when ambient temperature is 80F) + completely silent. I can sell the whole rig, but not sure if this viable since it is pretty heavy. But if you like it - I can sell the whole thing. If you need I can prepare everything for mining on it as well. Anyway, everything discus-sable. Post here any questions.
I am looking to sell -'Ubitious' is a file sharing site. Features: - Very simple. - No registration required, no logs kept. - Unlimited file size. - 7 days expiration after last download. - Earn bitcoins for all your files downloads. - Auto thumbnails feature for image and video uploads. - It's free to upload file and to download you need to pay at least 2 bitcents. If you want to earn money for your files, you need to invest into this file first. After uploading of the file you will be given bitcoin address where to send your invested bitcoins. Price to download will be set to amount you invested. You will get 70% share for each download. This service is ideal for selling art, songs, software. It's written on Perl + Catalyst Framework (same software used in my Bitcoin Poker Room - Database backend - simple Sqlite file database but can be deployed to MySQL easily - thanks to DBIx::Class module authors. Files are stored on amazon s3. Authentication used to prevent hot linking and not paid file downloads. Domain receives about 50 visitors daily with spikes when someone share something on or alike. I would not say it great money wise as is - it was just fun project, but it generated about 2 bitcoins revenue over last 3 month =)) But probably right marketing and more features will finally kick it. Code written pretty well + some unit tests for model in place. There is no tests for File controller tho, I was more worried about model (part handling files storage a payments - ie most of business logic). As result of purchase you will receive full GIT repository + current DB + domain. Not sure how to deal with existing uploads... There are not too many, but I do not think there is a way to move amazon S3 bucket automagically.. So probably some hand work will be required there - will see. I have no idea how much it should cost, so please post offers in this topic. If I will not receive good offer I will open source it closer to domain expiration date. Only bitcoins offers are accepted.
I just switched main unit to bitcents at . We were discussing this and I can'd decide what will feel more natural: bitcents (0.01 BTC) or milibitcoins (0.001). May be something else?
I sent some bitcents to btcJack site few hours ago and transaction still not included in block chain.. Are we at the point where most transactions will require fee to be included into chain? If so - we definitely need to work on smaller divisibility, since 0.01 current smallest fee is to big for certain transactions.
Will buy your old forum accounts. Criteria: - forum should support signatures and links in them without "nofollow" - this should be popular forums software like phpbb, smf, etc. - you have to have at least 10 posts I will pay 0.001 BTC for each post under account. I will change email and password immediately. If account have 0 posts it also can be bought if forum software allows to show signature on profile page (like here -;u=739). Price for this type of accounts - 0.001 BTC Interested? - email me at
I never had graphics like this in my life and the only reason I bough 2x5970 - to generate bitcoins.
But since I am already here, can someone recommend some very cool 3D game which will use these two cards in full? I prefere HitMan-like games, but anything looking cool should be great =)
| – is a marketplace to buy and sell context links for SEO purposes. What our service can offer for Sellers who want to monetize their websites/blogs: - We buy links embedded into your website text content - so-called "context links". If you are a blog owner - we replace certain phrases found in your posts with links containing the same anchor text as the original phrase linked to buyer's website. - Add as many websites to sell links from as you want. - We buy these links at 5% discount from You and sell at the retail price that You set up plus a convenience fee to buyers. - Convenient payments in Bitcoins. What our service can offer to Buyers who want to promote their website in Search Engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc: - No contracts. You will be charged only for what you actually use. - You pay just 5% convenience fee for using this service. - You can search for specific phrase(s) you would like to link to your website and rent these from us. - We keep track of all the links that your rent. If any source website removes a link or becomes unreachable we immediately stop charging rent for this link. - You can rent a link for any amount of time and can stop renting it anytime. - Accept major credit cards and Bitcoins.
Update 3/31/2011
Resolved issue by creating throw away account at and contacting support via their internal messaging system. Their email did not work so far. So if you need to contact them, best chances is to contact through their internal messaging system.
Original: ======================================================= I decided to try BiddingPond once and won some item. Proceed to payment page and clicked "Pay with MyBitcoin" button. Followed instructions on gateway to pay for item and after successful payment got 404 Error on biddingpond website.
Payment was lost and then I found that there is "NOT WORK YET" across MyBitcoin pay button on website. Yes, I agree - this is my fault, but this is something that could be easily fixed, since there should be tracks of this payment.
So to fix this issue and finally pay seller I wrote to support. They told me they did not receive payment at all and contacted for transaction reversal. No answer for several days.
I wrote directly to with the same question and info - no response so far.
here is log of transaction from my side:
pavel@MS-7593:~/miners/poclbm$ bitcoind sendtoaddress 1FcPBRy8JY5tTbG39hDHkubqTU82kN28cv 12 4296cda25f6a009c1fe0087578b4ff6b558e7a8442da11e63488d73a4a2f9ec6
So my questions is - who is the owner of So far I was not able to find out who is behind this service, but for some reason a lot of merchants and users feel safe about it.
And I believe stuff should remove all non working functions from their website leading to lost payments too.
May be someone knowledgeable here who know how to read VDDC temps under linux for ati cards?
Currently need essays/rewritten articles on following topics: 1) sexual life (not porn, closer to essays from cosmopolitan/men's health) 2) Tire reviews (will provide source articles - need rewrite) 3) (Russian) Статьи про тюнинг автомобилей, ремонт и т.п. железные вопросы. Для 4) Articles on accounting and payroll topic 5) Gifts and gift giving - for http://gifti.us6) Car maintenance, repairs 7) Travel in Europe, anything about different places in Europe  Any website tutorials, how-tos, etc. 9) Halloween more sites to come. - 1000 words - 2 BTC. - i am looking for 300-400 words size for articles - i should not be able to find your article through Google. - before starting to work - please submit sample to my email - if someone going to regularly supply new articles for my websites, I will be glad to provide editorial access to post articles with associated images for additional 2 BTC per 1000 words.
Just for someone like me who do not look into Dev subforum here - version - one of Google employee used his 20% time to write Java library to connect to bitcoin p2p network, send and receive coins.