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1  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Speculation (Altcoins) / Tezos price speculation 2021 on: February 03, 2021, 10:15:41 PM
Hey, guys. I see that XTZ is not much popular here. I wonder why.
But since many people are waiting for ETH 2.0 that is aimed to resolve high-fees and low TPS, I guess that you have to know.
Some of your favourite DeFi will be using Tezos blockchain too.

These are the 20:
BUSD (Binance USD)
CEL (Celcius)
COMP (Compound)
FTT (FTX Token)
HT (Huobi Token)
HUSD (Huobi USD)
LEO (UNUS SED LEO – iFinex Ecosystem)
LINK (Chainlink)
MKR (Maker)
OKB (Okex)
PAX (Paxos)
SUSHI (Sushiswap)
UNI (Uniswap)
USDT (Tether)
WBTC (Wrapped BTC)
WETH (Wrapped Eth)
WRAP (Wrap Protocol)

So, any thoughts? Does somebody have full bags with XTZ?
2  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Bounties (Altcoins) / [BOUNTY] LINES on: May 04, 2018, 12:53:38 PM

We are happy to announce our new bounty-campaign!
Right now, all the members of our Lines community have a chance to contribute to the future of our project.
How? Here is the recipe :

General conditions for participation:
-be a member of our DISCORD channel and TELEGRAM and be subscribed to our official TWITTER.

  • Video blogs!

The main goal of this activity is to make YouTube videos about Lines project. The clip should be more than 4 minutes long and the amount of your YouTube-channel subscribers should be more than 200.
Your clip has to be consistent and meaningful. You can express your wishes of new features you would like to see in our project and your other thoughts.
We will be paying only one video per user per week.
Standard reward is 300 LNS.
If your YouTube channel has more than 5000 subscribers - you will get x2 reward.
If your YouTube channel has more than 10000 subscribers - you will get x3 reward.
Please note this campaign is not limited in timeline. We are not planning to stop it.
Send me a personal message with your video.

  • Articles
You can also earn some Lines by writing articles about our project. Your texts should be informative and positive. Text length should be at least 3000 symbols without spaces.
Standard reward is 300 LNS but if your article is more than 6000 symbols long, you will get x2 reward.

Please note this campaign is not limited in timeline. We are not planning to stop it.
Send me a personal message with your article.

  • Signature bounty.
This task is very easy. All you need is just to have our pre-designed signature on Bitcointalk and we are going to pay you LNS for that. Payouts will be processed at the end of the period by shares as follows:

1 per week for Members
1.5 per week for Full Members
3.5 per week for Sr.Members / Hero Members / Legendary

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[/color][/font][/size][/td][td][table][tr][td][size=16px][font=arial][b][url=][color=#000]LINES[/color]  [color=#04f]Untraceable cash[/color][/url][/b][/font][/size][/td][/tr][tr][td][b][url=][color=#04f]WEBSITE[/color][/url] | [url=][color=#04f]ANN[/color][/url] | [url=][color=#04f]BOUNTY[/color][/url] | [url=][color=#04f]TWITTER[/color][/url] | [url=][color=#04f]TELEGRAM[/color][/url] | [url=][color=#04f]DISCORD[/color][/url] | [url=][color=#04f]GITHUB[/color][/url] |  [url=][color=#04f]FAUCET[/color][/url][/b][/td][/tr][/table][/td][/tr][/table]

Full Member
[size=12pt][color=#5858FA][font=verdana][b]LINES - Crypto-currency, simple as a line[/b][/font][/color][/size][color=#4000FF][b]| [url=]WEBSITE[/url] | [url=]TWITTER[/url] | [url=]ANN[/url] | [url=]TELEGRAM[/url] | [url=]DISCORD[/url] | [url=]GITHUB[/url] |  [url=]FAUCET[/url][/b][/color]

LINES - Crypto-currency, simple as a line | [url=]WEBSITE[/url] | [url=]TWITTER[/url] | [url=]ANN[/url] | [url=]TELEGRAM[/url] | [url=]DISCORD[/url] | [url=]GITHUB[/url] | [url=]FAUCET[/url]

Signature bounty campaign will last 6 weeks. During this period, you will have to leave not less than 50 informative posts on Bitcointalk. Total amount of coins allocated for this bounty is 100000 LNS. Counting of payouts will be made after the end of this signature campaign.

3  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / [ANN] Lines on: March 19, 2018, 07:15:57 PM





Super-easy to use and completely anonymous
cryptocurrency with ~0 fee & fast transactions

Transaction fee is around zero LNS. And now lines
is one of the most profitable currencies for transfers.
We like it.

Lines wallets have simple and understandable interfaces.
This helps to reduce entrance threshold for people into
crypto-currencies. And it's just more enjoyable to use.

In addition, you can easily send LNS from one device
with Lines Wallet to another. It's super-fast, free and cool.
Payments via NFC and messenger apps to be implemented.

Download Lines Wallet
      Also available
a Console wallet
for Windows, macOS, Linux

About privacy

We believe that the future is impossible without
compliance privacy, true decentralization
and openness of the financial institute.

Lines is based on one of the most secure algorithms
available today — CryptoNote. Hiding information
from the outside about your transactions and balances
is one of its features. In addition, any transfer requires
confirmation of several blocks before the transaction
is released which is a standard procedure for protecting
against a double–spending fraud.

               Lines <3 devs

Source code is fully opened. We attract active and motivated
developers to modify the lines’ core, solve actual problems
and develop new software products.

We have set up regular bug-hunting programs for people
who are interested in the evolution of anonymous currencies
and keep a permanent team of developers.

If you are a developer, UI or graphic designer
and want to join the team — email on

Active Mining Pools

Supply & Emission

Total supply

1,000,000,000 LNS

Hash algorithm

CN Variant 1

Block time

120 seconds


Automatically adjusted for each block

Block reward

First time block reward
is not less than 220 LNS
and it’s correction will never
exceed 0.039 LNS per day.



Emission speed

No hyperinflation.

Low fees and profit
for miners for over 30 years.


Lines Roadmap 2018 and Whitepaper

At the end of the year we'll publish the annual report
and roadmap for 2019


                                        Full Whitepaper will be released in May


       Launch and test of Lines Network β 


       Launch of Lines Network 1.0 


       Release of GUI-wallet for Windows, macOS & Linux 


       Release of Lines Lightwallet


       Launch of Lines Exchange Service and listing LNS on exchanges


       Release of Lines Wallet for Android


       Release of Lines Wallet for iOS

October — November

       Lines Bug Bounty Program


       Release of Web-wallet


       Release of working prototype wallet-app with money (Lines, Bitcoin,
Ethereum etc.) transfer via NFC


LNS have already listed on


News & updates

We'll post all the news about lines develop and updates in this topic,

on our site

and on




4  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / deleted on: March 18, 2018, 09:56:24 PM
deleted. Sorry.
5  Local / Кодеры / Logarithmwallet - что это? on: November 22, 2017, 10:39:44 PM
Наткнулся на следующий контракт. Как думаете, что здесь происходит?  Undecided
6  Other / Archival / eSausage - the new movement - TOKENIZE the sausages [AIRDROP - NOW!!!] on: October 07, 2017, 02:11:19 AM
Why eSausage?
Guys, only I have now in my fridge is a sausages. So I ve decided to decentralize it.

eSausage - the fastest transactions
PoE - ProofOfEat - the completely new algo! PoE protect your investments for a long time. I think for a few days.

Token Distribution:
Total Supply - 100 000 000 000 eSAU (100 billion)
75 billion eSAU (70%) will be airdropped to 7,000 Ethereum addresses (10 million eSAU per 1 person)
25 billion eSAU might be sold for a low-ticket price to interested members of our community later (to fund the development)

Actually I am a lazy asshole so you can send me a few eth to my adress to stop this chaos with eBTC eXRP and others.

It is not a SCAM!

Leave your ETH adresses down in this topic and I will send you some eSAU!

Today our team (My fat british cat and me) have started the development of the first PoE cryptocurrency! Hope you will like it! Any help is welcome!
Our Roadmap!
Where to buy/sell
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