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1  Economy / Speculation / Bitcoin pegging itself to the USD? on: June 17, 2013, 09:02:04 PM
When Max Keiser suggested it, it sounded ridiculous.

But maybe he wasn't talking to me.  Maybe he was talking to the whales or even the great manipulator(s).

Corrected link.  Had typed https, and it would appear Mr Keiser's site doesn't support SSL.  Thanks, Komodorpudel.
2  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Google Correlate on: May 26, 2011, 03:43:24 PM

Bitcoin, correlations compared by U.S. state.

What would be really interesting would be to upload difficulty against time in a CSV and see whether it correlates with anything.
3  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Bitcoin Plutarchy?!? on: May 23, 2011, 12:25:34 PM
I've had a horribly interesting idea.

We know we can encode data steganographically, but that it's not nice to do too much.
In order to poll the Bitcoin community, we could use as little as one byte of data to choose between a list of option.  I'm sure more entropy then that would be added for identification of the message, but only messages which paid a minimum miner's fee decided by the polling body would be part of the polling body's analysis.

Each Satoshi moved is considered one vote.  The meaning of the encoded data could be a simple public statement or encrypted hashes of one's answer signed by the public key of the voter.
This would allow an entity to get reactions from the Bitcoin community proportional to the number Bitcoins held by an opinion.

This could be extremely valuable for finding out what Bitcoins would like to be spent on or used for, and participation would almost necessarily be voluntary and non-binding.  The only possible punishment for a dishonest answer (initiating transaction in public and then reneging) is a slight devaluation of your Bitcoins amongst the other large Bitcoin holders.

On the one hand, I don't particularly like steganography in the block chain, but this is such a potentially powerful tool that I think it is going to happen.
4  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Buy Leo a Brick on: May 16, 2011, 04:55:06 PM
Leo Laporte of the TWiT network has a promotional scheme which allows the purchase of a brick facade with logo for the new studio.

It's pricey though; $640 (say approx 90 BTC).  If 10-20 people thought it worthwhile, I'm sure we could convince Leo to accept payment in BTC.  A mod could set up one of those Bitcoin kickstarter-style things.

Basically, I'm wondering whether a sufficient number of people are sufficiently grateful to the TWiT network to pay 5-10 BTC and get this promotion for Bitcoin.  It would be nice to get some good press.
5  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / When will Bitcoin achieve sentience/form a major part of an A.I.? on: April 26, 2011, 05:34:40 PM
Obviously, you'll have to roll with me on this one.

If Bitcoin becomes humanity's dominant economy, the Network itself will have huge processing power, but what's more important is the human computation being put into providing data to the Network.
Our capacity to make economic decisions is one of humanities most impressive rational traits.  A network composed of millions of brains making semirational economic decisions about their environment, combined with phone geolocation and Google Street View seems like a fantastic source for data for an emergent entity.

If network traffic were paid in BTC per GB, negotiated on the fly.  If phones uploaded geolocated pictures to a server and paid in BTC for distributed hosting and tor were paid a voluntary speed up package in BTC, the sheer complexity of data being processed per second should even be checked for sentience!
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