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I'm talking about a pretty long term investment.
Mines would probably be:
4k on Nexus (NXS)
2K on Waves (WAVES)
2k on Ripple (XRP)
1K on Ethereum Classic (ETC)
1K on diverse shit coins
What would yours be?
Hello I'm around 20 years old. I've been using bitcoin for a while and I would say that I know quite a lot about how the transaction process work and about how the BTC overall works. But in any way do I have any experience about mining bitcoins, or have any deep knowledge about pools, hardware and software needed. I would just say I just have some more knowledge than the overall bitcoin user, nothing more. (For example I don't know why is the mining difficulty increasing with each day but I do know perfectly how the blockchain process works).
I'm sure this question has been asked plenty of times with plenty of situations so I hope someone can tell me if the investment would be worth it for me or not.
I currently have some money that I don't wanna just store. I would like to invest around 50-80k in hardware and software. And I would have free energy/only mine on free energy time and have a lot of space to store a lot of miner hardware.
I'm currently studying programming myself which means I could easily follow any kind of tutorial and setup anything by myself or with little help. Would have to learn a lot about software/pool/group mining though.
I've used simulators to estimate how much money I would make of it but I don't really know if the miner hardware often breaks, or if there's often problems with the mining process, or even if it's a progressive process or you just randomly "generate BTC" sometimes and sometimes not.
So I'm asking, would it be worth investing this money in BTC mining with this conditions? Would it be more worth investing in mining some alts like ethereum (please dont move my thread to altcoins discussion xd)? How long do "miners" last? Do they break? What's an estimate of what I could make?
Thanks for the answers beforehand.
Hello. I know I maybe come a bit late but I would like to know how saturated the bitcoin casino market is. Is it worth investing in a decent provably fair site with an original betting system? Kinda like a crash lounge like bustabit? Or am I going to lose my money and won't even be able to compete with the big sites?
Buenas, llevo unos días muy emocionado. Ya que soy nuevo en la minería y había encontrado un par de páginas como hashnest o similares y me creía que había encontrado la solución a mis problemas. Después de leer bastante sobre mantenimiento, obsolescencia y tal me he dado cuenta de lo necio que había sido y menos mal que aún no había empezado a "invertir" nada.
Tengo ahora mismo unos 20k - 30k € para invertir en esto, había pensado en cloud mining pero la verdad es que lo de minear en tu casa tiene muchisima mejor pinta. Dispongo de una casa también en la que no pagaría luz. No tengo mucha idea todavía de equipo ni materiales pero alguien me podría echar un cable y me podría decir si esto me podría salir rentable?
Un saludo.