Jedan mali giveaway od mene. Pogodite koju će vrijednost (u $) btc imati sutra 28.12. u 22:00 i tko bude najbliži osvaja 0.001 BTC (trenutno ~150 kuna) za čokolade. Pravila1) molim bez alt accounta 2) "fake newbie" računi nisu dozvoljeni 3) nema editiranja postova 4) vrijednost BTC ću gledati prema Bitstamp-u 5) u slučaju da 2 korisnika budu "jednako blizu", nagrada se dijeli na dva dijela itd... 6) zadnji rok za gađanje cijene je 28.12.2020. u 18:00. Mislim da je to to, ne morate lijepiti adrese, samo cijenu (može i haiku).
I was looking at wrongly created flag by account Rmcdermott927 and seems that account kroneko logged in just to support that flag:    I wouldn't care less but this account has been inactive since May, 2019, logged in a month ago to write 2 posts in "Nasty" topic, and, I checked whole post history of this account and account looks like one big Nasty shill account. Actually, account is Nasty shill since 2012.
Please (exclude) ~ kroneko the shill from your trust lists.
Our local board is starting to look very messy lately, few new boards is what we really need there, I'll post some topics which should be separated from main board and short description of what's inside them, ( we would appriciate if we could get at least "off topic sub-board): "Off topic":U subotu je padala radioaktivna kisa! Evo kako se zastitit -> how to protect yourself against radioactive rain N26 Banka -> I need experience about bank Sretan Božić -> Marry Xmas Što se smiije reklamirati na fejsu i na tviteru -> what can I advertise on facebook and twitter Da li bi vas zanimalo... -> deals about watches Dobivam poruke za SEK karticu -> problem with bank(not related to crypto) -> song PSA: Važna obavijest -> changing time on Sunday Sirova nafta -> how to buy oil barrel Telegram Botovi -> telegram bots Svađaona ->'s flame room! Politika u Hrvatskoj -> politics in Croatia Akcije i popusti na EDC/satove/korisne iteme - zbirni topic -> discounts on EDC/watches (not related to crypto) Srecna nova 2019. godina -> Happy New Year 773 Milijona Emailova i Korisničkih Naloga se prodaja na underground forumima -> 773 email's being sold on underground forums Kodiranje kalkulatora za honorarnu placu -> I am coding calculator for salary Kalkulator za izracun penala -> another calculator ♥ Dan Žena - Osmi Mart ♥ -> woman's day Gdje kupiti kondom i koju vrstu kondoma? -> where do you buy condoms, why, which type, what do you think about condom crypto vending machine Forex trading -> forex trading, how much profit to expect? Happy EasterKako provjeriti skraćene i zaštićene linkove -> how to check short links Treba mi mala pomoć -> malware problem, please send me link for something twitter -> something about twitter account Dodatan način zarade bez ulaganja i rizika -> forex Forex -> forex Rulet i blackjack sistemi -> roulette and black jack systems Premium Medium članci - besplatno! -> "if anyone wants free medium article..." Besplatni FlixBus popusti - 20kn - 2x -> free flixbus ticket Sigurnost Racuna ->how to secure your accounts on internet Jeftin web hosting? -> I need cheap web hosting Referral marketing - dodatna zarada -> referral marketing "Beginners and Help"Google Authenticator app - opasnost od krađe kodova -> warning about 2FA Vračanje Bitcointalk naloga je ponovo u funkciji -> translationKako postaviti određene podforume na ignore -> how to ignore certain sub-boards Ažurirajte svoju Winrar verziju! -> malware in winrar Virusi, Malware, Keyloggeri se šire preko Telegrama -> malware in telegram Uvod u Ponzi Sheme -> about ponzi scheme Pro - tip rubrika -> topic for tips Pola Phishing Stranica Sada Posjeduje Zeleni Znak sa Katancom, https -> svoj Bitcointalk nalog -> "how to secure bitcointalk account" Trebam pomoć, savjete iskustva (početnik) -> I need help about mining Savjeti za pocetak -> I am new here and I need advice about trading and invest in crypto etc (that's for last 10 pages of croatian main board, if I messed something or missed some topic, and I probably did, please let me know)"News/press":Well, we have this topic, but problem is that it has 68 pages of various articles and many of them should be separated in new topics, it is very hard to read it like this. There are also several other threads linking various articles, not that I am lazy to write them here, it's just my fingers hurts of so much writing, I might update topic latter.
 Trust is not visible in Croatian marketplace, there are some bad people trying to steal money and I believe there should be at least some kind of visible warning. The same goes for good traders, it would be nice to see positive ratings when someone is selling stuff and sometimes it really might help seller. I think it would be great addition to our board.
Update[...] Maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea to add request to make trust visible in Altcoin part of our local board. Since Trust is visible in the English Altcoin section and in some other local boards, why not make it visible in ours too? Especially since we know scammy tendencies of altcoin projects. redacted
Vise mi je tuzno vidjeti kako nas Nizozemci prezavidju sa svim vezanom sa merite a nemaju ni 10% postova koliko ih ovdje imamo...  Valjda bude admin uslišio molitve i podigao opet merite sourcima, kod mene to otprilike ovako izgleda (vidim nešto i s obzirom da nemam merita bookmarkam post ili temu): [img] Recimo da sam sve merite već "podijelio" i za ovaj i za idući mjesec a nisam ih još ni dobio. Mozemo mi (kao clanovi ove zajednice) tu nesto pomoci...? Budem ja za koji dan prošao kroz naš board i složio nekakvu listu postova/tema koji nisu dobili merite ili su ih dobili premalo pa ću updejtat svoju merit temu, jedino bi bilo dobro kad bi mi svi linkali svoje i/ili tuđe dobre postove (iz naše zajednice) i poslali u PM (da mi olakšate "posao") pa bih otišao s tim u metu (ako nije problem) A, možda bolje ovdje nego na PM? Ili da otvorimo novu temu... Pa da svi vide koji su postovi već prijavljeni da ne duplamo. Kratak uvid u situaciju, znači, nestašica merita i kako je FatFork predložio, tema, a poslije "shilling hard for merits"
Accounts connected: koincik, vycl87Account koincik used this address 0x81e1decD05FA7020a4206cbc02F6e37792c7e948 Account vycl87 used this addy's 0xf7276ba841ef4fb44a8047216243fd507c329927 My Ethereum Wallet : 0xf7276ba841ef4fb44a8047216243fd507c329927
This seems to be LAtoken's deposit address, it has 2 transactions within 15 minutes from addresses mentioned above:  -------------- This seems to be Binance's deposit address, it has few transactions from addys mentioned above:  -------------- One token transaction here -------------- Some similarities in early days: I've joined the bountyhive and I like all the project which running by team. I also recommend it absolutely.
I've took my first bounty stakes already.
Don't miss the opportunity.
there is no one for answer, campaign and anything. This bounty still operational? What will we do quit or continue?
My first signature campaign is Pincoin and I hope it will be done soon, succesfully...
The most effective bounty I've ever seen. I am waiting impatiencely.
I really enjoy and wait with hopefully. I hope this project will be succesfull. ----------- Will you update bounty campaign spreadsheets?
I wonder accepted or not for twitter?
I like your coin. I hope project will success. I join for twitter. But I can't see any information about e-mail campaign?
I like your project and I think very good advertise on Twitter, Facebook. I hope will be great success...
I believe in this project. I hope it will be success. No one knows anything?
Is any market did not announcement?
we are still waiting for news from Pincoin Bounty Manager?
do we stay signature campaign?
Will you update bounty campaign spreadsheets?
I wonder accepted or not for twitter?
------------ Merit transactions between accounts (source:  ------------- vycl87's trust network (source  koincik's trust network (source  (other marked accounts are mentioned here, here, well, here but I didn't post my findings.) ------------ vycl87's trust page;u=1213661:  There is 6 positive feedback sent by this account, it is strange not to see "trading" feedback between accounts mentioned in topic, as there are several transactions between them. -------------- In vycl87's merit source application topic account koincik posted this: One of the most active and knowledgeable users of the forum. A well-intentioned person who can get along well with everyone in the forum. I think he is a good candidate for Merit source.
"One of the most active and knowledgeable users" seems forget that they made some "trades" with OP.
I deleted this user's first reply and I specifically said that account peloso is not allowed to post in my self moderated topic: reserved
TECSHARE and other trolls AKA peloso and cryptohunter and altsTM are not allowed to post here!
This troll trolled exactly 2 minutes after I posted this, even I removed his first reply. why you not open topic about Vod's trust abuse? troll is your father
This is off topic reply. This is breaking rules of self moderated thread. This is not the first time moderator of reputation board doesn't give a fuck and wants to stay out of drama. This is another example, I reported post because user broke rule many times and moderator didn't do anything. I don't really care if my off topic posts gets removed, if they are off topic. They should be removed, other user's off topic posts as well. Why the hell is this board not moderated as it should be? There are more examples of topics starting about "A" and some users move it to "B", discussion continues about "B", someone report all "Bees" and all reports remain unhandled, it's not that it happened only once. Can we get dedicated moderator who will moderate reputation board?
Accounts in question: Zz, mhanbostanciThis user is trust abuser, manipulating default trust system, merit abuser, signature campaign cheater, giveaway cheater, liar, and...default trust member. Relevant posts: 3 Accounts Connected:Zz, mhanbostanci, altcoin_trader, Proof:- Zz posts the wallet address 19Aw9JN3ypHDrd9AA1LyYJjaTWHHGDhhDP on their profile page and uses it in posts here: [1 ( @yahoo62278 denys them entry (back in 2016 - and is still banning Zz in 2019)], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8], [9], [10], [11], [12], [13],
- mhanbostanci posts the wallet address 1mhandh8J4uJx18sHhgeBJWZLKxMnuqGv on their profile page and uses it in posts here: [A (as quoted by @EFS )], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7] [8]to name but a few...
- altcoin_trader posts the wallet add 1JZYPRKap4hTQm9dQQMWhWeivkSo5Y1iUT on their profile page and uses it in posts here: [A], [1 (Zz also posts)], [2], [3],
Wallet [ 77c8711960] contains just four wallet addresses: 1mhandh8J4uJx18sHhgeBJWZLKxMnuqGv 0.00022383 259 549263 19Aw9JN3ypHDrd9AA1LyYJjaTWHHGDhhDP 0. 83 467408 1GU2gN5s8ZWNjLto7JoMycMNGwpyPtzARr 0. 33 397713 1JZYPRKap4hTQm9dQQMWhWeivkSo5Y1iUT 0. 17 420332
In this thread: Yarışma: Bitcoin 2015'i Hangi Fiyattan Kapatır? [ Archive] posts # seven and eight both mhanbostanci and altcoin_trader post signed messages to compete to guess the price of BitCoin. -----BEGIN BITCOIN SIGNED MESSAGE----- 277$ -----BEGIN SIGNATURE----- 1mhandh8J4uJx18sHhgeBJWZLKxMnuqGv GyYb2nrqeRIZImovLB+Ok7HWqc/HjFGqeISmBBVQwN4iPWM0wmUSZjXpDkQsTgbYLjQTh0M8HU4np7QQjbcFVMw= -----END BITCOIN SIGNED MESSAGE----- -----BEGIN BITCOIN SIGNED MESSAGE----- 261$ -----BEGIN SIGNATURE----- 1JZYPRKap4hTQm9dQQMWhWeivkSo5Y1iUT IPlxoKqq4WXqYCuSusJgxEOB4WsD1keCkl0+xFOlDeV/bJRzzKLlnUZ6+9xvB4zf0OCoDWy7LCnMlbkx1XxmxRk= -----END BITCOIN SIGNED MESSAGE----- DanDan goes on to win the prize in the thread started by cakir... (See also this thread: mhanbostanci & altcoin_trader (Split from: Yeni Çıkan Cryptolar, Fırsatlar) ) [ Archive]
In the thread Adettendir az da olsa ilk 10 kişiye 1mbtc , totalde 10 mbtc veriyorum... [ Archive] that @designerusa starts both Zz and mhanbostanci claim just two posts apart: 19Aw9JN3ypHDrd9AA1LyYJjaTWHHGDhhDP Gönder kardeş  Teşekkürler. 1mhandh8J4uJx18sHhgeBJWZLKxMnuqGv Hayırlı olsun.
In this thread Member Üye Olmam Şerefine BTC Dağıtımı [ Dağıtım Yapıldı ] [ Archive] Zz and mhanbostanci both claim four posts apart: (as does DanDan ) 19Aw9JN3ypHDrd9AA1LyYJjaTWHHGDhhDP
Hayırlı olsun.
hayırlı uğurlu olsun  1mhandh8J4uJx18sHhgeBJWZLKxMnuqGv
In this thread Bayramınız mübarek olsun ey ahali [ Archive] both mhanbostanci and Zz claim five posts apart. Re: Bayramınız mübarek olsun ey ahali 12 September 2016, 18:24:39
Bayramınız mübarek olsun. para veren altın bulsun Smiley 1mhandh8J4uJx18sHhgeBJWZLKxMnuqGv Re: Bayramınız mübarek olsun ey ahali 12 September 2016, 18:55:30 Bayramınız mübarek olsun. 19Aw9JN3ypHDrd9AA1LyYJjaTWHHGDhhDP
21 April 2014, 08:06:52 Date Registered: Zz 06 February 2015, 18:34:52 Date Registered: mhanbostanci 04 October 2015, 23:47:05 Date Registered: altcoin_trader 11 March 2016, 07:36:12 Last Active: altcoin_trader 25 October 2019, 03:12:42 Last Active: Zz Today at 01:38:01 Last Active: mhanbostanci Related Addresses:- Zz also has the wallet address 0xe011B678b2aD9bC8C39c1e5B7A9f32CCF7A300a4 on their profile page
Miscellaneous: Multiple alts claiming from the same bounties & also from different bounties during the same time-frame. merit/giveaway/trust/default trust abuser
I also have 2 eyes bro, how did he abuse the default trust system? Seems you don't, you have loycev's trust viewer so you can check inclusions from both accounts. Here you go: For account mhanbostanci and for account ZZ Trusts these users' judgement: 1. theymos 2. TECSHARE 3. peloso 4. EFS 5. goraset 6. teramit 7. MorpheWQ 8. Lydian 9. LoyceV 10. cabsav 11. ekiller 12. onurgozupek 13. bobita 14. Vispilio 15. wolwoo 16. Blacknavy 17. AlyattesLydia 18. PHI1618 19. gospodin
Zz Trusts these users' judgement: 1. EFS 2. goraset 3. teramit 4. MorpheWQ 5. Lydian 6. cabsav 7. ekiller 8. onurgozupek 9. bobita 10. Blacknavy 11. PHI1618 12. gospodinAnd as for exclusions: mhanbostanci Distrusts these users' judgement: 1. ~Foxpup 2. ~Lauda 3. ~Timelord2067 4. ~klaaas 5. ~mindrust 6. ~owlcatz 7. ~Last of the V8s 8. ~termo$ 9. ~nullius 10. ~JollyGood 11. ~GazetaBitcoin 12. ~rehberistan
Zz Distrusts these users' judgement: 1. ~Lauda 2. ~bobmarley650 3. ~termo$ 4. ~rehberistan altcoin_trader was once my nephew's account. Zz is a student I teach Linux system administration.
And, there is niece, of course: When I banned the forum to my niece
There is probably a dog and cat as well. This user belongs nowhere near DT system.
DT1 members: theymos HostFat gmaxwell TECSHARE OgNasty CanaryInTheMine malevolent Balthazar Anduck philipma1957 babo Cyrus peloso Welsh Mitchell vizique jeremypwr by rallier dbshck hilariousandco Avirunes Lydian mindrust Buchi-88 JayJuanGee Rmcdermott927 achow101 DaveF teeGUMES nutildah sapta Royse777 LFC_Bitcoin sandy-is-fine klarki bones261 WhiteManWhite DarkStar_ asu SFR10 TryNinja eddie13 TheFuzzStone Jet Cash bL4nkcode Coin_trader Yatsan finaleshot2016 crwth Ale88 duesoldi Kryptowerk bobita nullius Vispilio imhoneer krogothmanhattan wolwoo Blacknavy xenon131 AlyattesLydia CryptopreneurBrainboss El duderino_ KTChampions Steamtyme Coin-1 bavicrypto Veleor sheenshane iasenko tvplus006 gospodin mole0815 witcher_sense cabalism13 anonymousminer Alex_Sr fillippone taikuri13 abhiseshakana madnessteat DireWolfM14 TalkStar YOSHIE zasad@ Did account peloso abuse trust? Relevant posts: ^ peloso (DT1) is adding random people to his trust list (DT2). Most of those people have left negative ratings toward Lauda and nullius. He is also adding people to boost his positive score (UserCoin, Mad_Max, aliborn, GAMORA, sashapan) users who previously have given him positive ratings. guess: Someone on DT1 is targeting Lauda. This morning, Lauda was at +33 / =6 / -4, now it's +32 / =6 / -11. shows that peloso (DT1 strength (2)) has added many users to DT2 today, and several of those have left Lauda negative feedback in the past. It could be the real target is someone else (or multiple users), but I guess Lauda is the most likely scenario. Peloso has also increased his own positive feedback by adding users who left him positive feedback to DT2 ( Trust Selfscratching). I'd say this is Trust abuse. I only now see morvillz7z beat me to it.
Topic is self moderated to remove posts from non-DT1 members. Please stay on point.