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1  Economy / Speculation / PSA: Bears & Bulls on: December 13, 2013, 11:03:33 AM
1] PSA: Public Service Announcement: a general message for the public
2] Bull: A person or entity that is buying an asset or contract
3] Bear: A person or entity that has temporarily sold with the intention of buying back said assets or contracts at a lower price.
4] Exiting a market: A person or entity that sells all of their assets or contracts without the intention of re-entering that market.

People who have never held BTC are not bears. They are just intensely regretful. People who have held BTC in the past, and then exited the market are not bears. They are just unfortunate.

Bears sell their BTC because they would like more BTC in the future. They are to be respected. Bulls make money. Bears make money. Pigs get slaughtered.

Stop calling yourselves bears when you are, in fact, a pig.

That's all

2  Economy / Securities / Satoshi Dice Summary on: July 18, 2013, 02:40:22 AM
Mods please sticky! For all those logging on confused, who want a quick summary.

Link to original post

Dear Asset Holders,

I have some very important news to share with you. Some of you will be pleased, and some upset, but I believe this to be a solid, desirable, and fair outcome for those who have put their trust in S.DICE.

SatoshiDice is being sold, in full, to a new company that will take over all ownership, operations, and management.  The total sale price is 126,315 BTC, or 0.00126315 BTC per share.

According to the MPEX Agreement, MPEX holders are entitled to receive 0.00126315 BTC per share, alongside other private owners. However, for the good of the MPEX holders and for the sake of the general Bitcoin community, which the site always has intended to support and nurture, SatoshiDice has arranged to pay MPEX holders an additional .00223685 BTC per share bringing the total to 0.0035 BTC per share.

This is a 277% premium over the sale price and a roughly 175% premium over the current market price of S.DICE shares on MPEX. It is also roughly equivalent to the average price of S.DICE shares at IPO (though BTC was $12 back then, and over $90 today).

Note that the MPEX order book for S.DICE was cancelled just prior to this announcement in order to prevent anyone from taking advantage of standing orders.

While I know some S.DICE owners intended to hold for a long time, and will thus be dismayed by the buyout, it is my sincere hope that this compensation level will be amenable. It is substantially higher than the contract mandates, and it is almost 3x higher than all private owners are being paid. It has not been easy to negotiate to this level, but I believe it is the right thing to do.

Further, there will be an additional small amount added to compensate for the previously deducted costs of the new website development, as it did not feel right for S.DICE holders to have paid for development of a site they won’t have a stake in after the buyout.

This letter is being posted roughly 24 hours prior to the payout, at which point MPEX holders will receive .0035 BTC per share plus the small additional amounts mentioned above. MPEX will then de-list the asset and the S.DICE MPEX Agreement will be satisfied. The payout will occur in roughly 20 increments over a period of several hours and will arrive in S.DICE holders’ accounts (in the same manner as dividends). All passthrough operators are responsible for their own assets and customers, obviously.

As per the S.DICE agreement, asset owners do not have voting rights to effect operational changes, nor any rights to negotiate nor block a full buyout of the company.  Nevertheless, SatoshiDice has kept the interests of the asset holders in mind throughout this negotiation process, and has intended to treat these holders fairly, above and beyond contractual obligations.

I highly value and respect the trust you have placed in me, and I hope this outcome reciprocates that respect.

Kind regards,
-Erik Voorhees
3  Other / Off-topic / Testing thread, please ignore on: May 01, 2013, 09:36:09 AM
Sorry if this clutters up the board or seems like spam but I need a thread for testing posting/notifications
4  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Myths and mis-understandings about "decentralized exchanges" on: April 12, 2013, 04:10:44 AM
- Ripple won't magically fix everything; Ripple is a payment network and not a Bitcoin trading client. Ripple is more like a platform. It's a part of the solution but not the solution itself. It's like you are bleeding and want a bandage, and I hand you scissors then ask why you are not fixed yet.

- Bitcoin OTC isn't an answer to anything, you have no fiat balance. The fiat balance is the entire point.

- DOS attack prevention and decentralization are related but aren't the same things. A decentralized exchange with a single front end is still vulnerable to DOS attack.

- If you access something through a domain name then it is vulnerable to DOS attack and therefore is not a solution.

- People vastly underestimate the scale of a viable solution. Somebodies shitty open source project that they started yesterday is not a viable answer to the Mt Gox problem. It would, in my opinion, take a team of 4+ people and around a year to create a proper decentralized trading client on top of Ripple.

5  Bitcoin / Hardware / GX Mining scam? on: April 08, 2013, 12:28:04 AM
Spotted this one of the BFL threads but I reckon it needs its own discussion.

Did BFL start a new company?

GX Mining LTD

Product Image

Obvious scam, right?. They claim to have 500  units "in stock and ready to ship".

Web design is copied from BFL
6  Other / Meta / Bitcoin Talk Mobile Version on: April 03, 2013, 10:12:59 AM
Hey everyone,

I created a mobile and tablet friendly version of the Bitcoin Talk Forums

Link: or

Tips: 17SbWcyRoZd7u1tZeJtjzm834a3gAHdf2A

My aim is to make browsing the forums on a mobile or tablet much easier than it is now. It works by screen-scraping data from the forums, and has the blessing of theymos (the forum administrator).

The working name is "Bitcoin Talk Mobile" and I'm still actively developing it, so please if you have any feedback or a feature request just give me a shout out in this thread here!

- Logik
7  Other / Meta / Unofficial Bitcoin Talk Forums API on: March 17, 2013, 10:35:17 AM

It was a long weekend last week here in Australia, and I was too broke from buying Bitcoins to go out, so I embarked on a project to create an unofficial REST API.

I will give a short description of the API, then there are some links you can visit which show the API in action.

The API is JSON only, and currently lets you list categories, boards, topics, and posts. Future work may include adding user profiles also. The API only lets you read from Bitcoin Talk; there is currently no way to post, edit posts and so on. The API is hosted on Google App Engine (GAE). NB: Occasionally an HTTP request to GAE apps will take a long time to respond if it has to spin up a new instance.

If you browse the API you may discover boards and topics which don't appear to have any content - that's due to my 'lazy scraping' pattern detailed below.

A small note about viewing the API from your web browser: I'm using a little trick I learned from some of my old colleagues while developing APIs - the API checks the "Accept" header to detect if you are requesting the content from your browser, or from JavaScript. If you are in your browser then the API returns pretty printed HTML and turns relevant properties into links, so you can follow them. If you request from JavaScript then non pretty printed, non-linked JSON objects are returned. This lets you browse the API easily without a REST client.
The API works by using a screen scraper on the WAP version of the forums, as suggested by theymos in this post. The screen scraper is in its own project, separate from the API itself.

The overall design is to avoid scraping old topics, and instead focus on the newest content. The scraper can’t download the entire forum at once, so it uses a ‘lazy download’ or ‘lazy refresh’ approach to scraping content - if a topic or board is requested and it was scraped less than a certain amount of time ago*, then a task will be added to a task queue for the topic to be re-scraped. That means if nobody is using the API then no tasks go in the queue, and if lots of people are using the API then lots of tasks go in the queue. The task queue will then eventually be filled up by many requests to scrape many boards and topics, and I can adjust the rate of the execution of these tasks based on how much theymos yells at me Tongue. If an extremely large topic is encountered (like the Wall Observer thread in Speculation) then the first two pages and the last two pages will be downloaded only, to avoid generating too many requests.

* Current ‘freshness’ of boards is 5 minutes and freshness of topics is 1 minute. If you’re making a client then I recommend simply hard-coding the list of categories and topics since it’s not likely to change that much.


  • Fixed number of posts in a page (20, same as these forums)
  • Currently JSON only
  • There isn't any time/date information on posts - that's because I'm using the WAP version of the forums and the date isn't displayed.
  • Similar to the point above, the formatting for the BBCode (quote) feature is lost and it just comes out as plain text like 'Quote: ... <br/></br>

Code is open source at GitHub (Java): BitcoinTalkScraper and BitcoinTalkAPI

Stay tuned this week for news on my unofficial Bitcointalk mobile/tablet forum client.

I am doing this totally for the love of Bitcoin and these forums, and everything is free, but if you are feeling really generous then please tip me at 17SbWcyRoZd7u1tZeJtjzm834a3gAHdf2A. Thanks!
8  Bitcoin / Press / 2013-03-12 ZeroHedge: Bitcoin 'Glitch' Sparks 23% Flash Crash on: March 13, 2013, 03:38:36 AM

As usual, full of ignorant and techno-phobic comments, collated here for your convenience Tongue

Yes, the concept is great but why should I trust anything about a virtual currency?

Bitcoin, Shitcoin, if it ain't gold or silver and you ain't holding it in your hand, it is fiat

Nothing digital is safe. Nothing digital is secure. Nothing digital is private.

I personally feel that the government is using Bitcoin as a way to get people to accept the idea of a digital currency. If Bitcoin ever becomes popular, the government will make it illegal and replace it with their own digital currency. Or maybe the government will force Bitcoin to give them the ability to track every Bitcoin transaction, control the number of Bitcoins, etc.
9  Bitcoin / Hardware / BitBet "BFL Will Deliver" bet resolving soon, how did you bet? on: February 28, 2013, 02:43:54 AM
BFL will deliver ASIC devices before March 1st

How much did you bet, and what will you do with your winnings?  Cool
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