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1  Economy / Service Announcements / Thanks for all the support to the China HONGICO block chain technology team on: April 17, 2017, 07:30:31 AM
Our community chain project community site in China, WWW. HONGICO.COM received a lot of international team support, the community in China to establish more and more attention from all sides.

We have now and SUPER, KOMODO, PIVX, EXPANSE foreign partners have made good relations of cooperation, and get a lot of development, all from the Chinese community, the support of all.

Our Chinese community has a variety of activities, including knowledge quiz, press release, interactive participation and other content to attract more users to join, and I as a team of Chinese ambassadors are also committed to promoting the project in China's construction.

At the same time we also welcome a variety of high-quality project team can join our Chinese community, so that China's virtual currency users to learn more about the development of the project.

My mail:
Skype: bobodaofa
2  Economy / Services / PR team from China to find a partner on: March 08, 2017, 01:37:28 PM
We are China's well-known PR team, professional block chain promotion, publicity and marketing services。

Hope and valuable and meaningful block chain project team to develop the Chinese market, welcome the project team and we get in touch.

3  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Marketplace (Altcoins) / Need to find someone to develop a color currency!!!! on: November 24, 2016, 01:38:53 PM
Need to find someone to develop a color currency!!!!

Can develop  ..send mail to me:
Or contact my  SKYPE: BOBODAOFA

THX Smiley
4  Bitcoin / Project Development / Need to find someone to develop a color currency!!!! on: November 24, 2016, 06:57:49 AM
Need to find someone to develop a color currency COIN!

Can develop  ..send mail to me:
Or contact my  SKYPE: BOBODAOFA

5  Local / 中文 (Chinese) / 红筹区块链发布第一期ICO成绩大全榜-非常有价值的ICO参考资料 on: November 10, 2016, 03:30:00 AM
部分内容如下。有关注的可以访问红筹区块链官方站 :

ICO币名称   ICO结果   备注
Cryptodex (CDX)   第一轮失败   官网:
CealNet (CEAL)   延期举行   官网:
End Road Bullying (ERB)   怀疑是欺骗   请勿参与
NoLimitCoin (NLC)   第二轮ICO,结果未知   官网:
Postbase (POST)   烂了   
Titacoin (TTC)   失败   官网:
Hongcoin (Ħ)   失败   官网:
Digital Rupees (DRS)   结果未知   
Echo (ECHO)   失败   
Tri-Strand (TRIS)   失败   
Ride my Car (RMC)   34.26 BTC   官网:
Verium (VRM)   3,918,889.86 VRC   官网:
Elastic (XEL)   709.872 BTC   官网:
LiskDice (LID)   6.694 BTC
24,187.18 LSK   官网:
Opair (XPO)   151.32 BTC   官网:
Tao (TAO)   104,072.11 $   官网:
Lazarus (LAZ)   3.23 BTC   官网:
Jewels (JWL)   336.185 BTC   官网:
WayGuide (WAY)   25 BTC   官网:
BlockPay   第一轮: 857 BTC
3,406 ETH
16,006,016 BTS
18,082 SBD   官网:
Metaverse (ETP)   14,748,000 CNY   官网:
Antshares (ANS)   6,120.08 BTC   官网:
Flash   首轮:101.223 BTC   官网:

6  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / An Interview With Silk Network Developer Spencer Lievens on: October 11, 2016, 09:52:32 AM
Anonymous cryptocurrencies are a hot topic these days, as many are trying to lead the pack in this category. Digital currencies such as Monero, Dash, and Shadowcash have been increasingly growing in value. Now, another privacy-centric currency has entered the space: DarkSilk (DSLK). This project claims to bring more privacy to the crypto-landscape.

Also read: JP Morgan’s Ethereum-Based Quorum Gets Mixed Reception chatted with Spencer Lievens, lead developer and CTO of the Silk Network. Lievens gave us an inside glimpse at the Silk Network project and what his team hopes to accomplish. He also explains to our readers the difference between DarkSilk compared to the many competitors on the market. Additionally, Lievens details what they believe DarkSilk’s relationship with Bitcoin is and the overall mission of the Silk Network itself. 
 The Silk Network Wants Users to ‘Conduct Free Speech, and Political Activities’ (BC): Can you explain to our readers what the Silk Network is?

Silk NetworkSpencer Lievens (SL): It is likely that you have not heard of the underground team/project Silk Network, nor the ICO for DarkSilk(DSLK) which is due for release on the 5th of November. This is fully understandable as our team doesn’t consist of marketers or promoters, but simply visionaries and visionary developers.

Silk Network strives to combine the best technical innovations from modern cryptocurrencies into a coherent ecosystem, thus ensuring security, anonymity, and long-term viability. Our platform consists of DarkSilk, Silk, and Weaver; the three parts which make up the tripartite of Silk Network.

On the 23rd of December 2015, we formed Silk Network Ltd., which is a for-profit organisation driven by its members who can mold and shape Silk Network. Our business model is focused on two pillars, servicing our Weaver platform with its features and stabilising the DarkSilk currency (yes stabilising the currency is a profitable process).

While most crypto-organisations rely on outside funding, the Silk Network aims to keep control over its own business process, and through that realise its goals, to be autonomous to that end would be a great achievement.

The value of Silk Network is apparent once the team, the vision and work achieved thus far are further brought to light.

BC: Can you tell us about the core team behind the Silk Network?

SL: The Silk Network team consists of 8 protagonists including myself, all of whom are involved with cryptocurrency for not just the social change it will bring, but to proactively improve the securing of the user via trustless systems, hardened algorithms, encryption, quantum cryptography, blockchain development, and decentralisation.

BC: What is the Weaver platform?
Spencer Lievens Silk Network
Spencer Lievens, Lead Developer of the Silk Network

SL: What users will see Weaver as is a website that you log into and are presented with a dashboard. From there they can access many varied cryptographic services such as online wallets, mining services, forums, Stormnode hosting, encrypted messaging, the ability to pay Bitcoin invoices with either Silk or DarkSilk and API access to all facets of the system.

Users will have the option of three accounts tiers, Standard, Gold or Diamond. Standard accounts should be good enough for most users, but if a user wishes to have stealth addresses or algo auto-switching on the multipool, higher priority withdrawal, different payout options on the multipool or instant swap, then a paid account may be an option that will better suit them. These paid accounts can also be paid for using Silk, DarkSilk or Bitcoin and are monthly subscriptions. Users will have access via an API to every facet of Weaver such as their Dashboard, Woven, Mining and Analytics.

        Weaver is also what handles the stabilisation mechanism, however, long term we are looking to decentralise this across the DarkSilk and Silk blockchains.

BC: Can you tell our readers about Stormnodes and how it differs from Dash’s Masternodes?

SL: Primarily for end-users the use of the Stormnode network will come in the process of mixing their coins for Sandstorm and the signing of their InstantX transactions. For the user wanting to invest in DarkSilk and in turn Silk Network, then the Stormnode is an excellent option.

The Stormnodes collateral cost is 1000DSLK, which is locked whilst the Stormnode is running. During its operation users receive rewards of 0.382DSLK per block, and this offers a great return on investment. Unlike Dash’ Masternodes the reward to Stormnode owners is not deducted from the Proof-of-Work reward.

Another benefit of the Stormnode network is the budgeting system; proposals can be made by any user on the network which is then voted upon by the Stormnode owners/operators. Voting power is given to those who have invested directly into a Stormnode and are actively increasing the anonymity of the userbase, processing quorums and supporting the network.

Silk Network will be directly utilising the Stormnode proposal platform to allow the community to vote on the direction of not just DarkSilk, Silk or Weaver, but the whole Silk Network.

For the network, another benefit of the Stormnode network is the use of them as a second tier of security. A Stormnode can confirm other tasks on the network, completely independent of the network itself, which allows for further applications to be developed by other developers and assigned to them. An example of one of these tasks or quorums is InstantX. A quorum we are looking to enable via the Stormnode network is a decentralised exchange which has been worked upon by Silk Network and Johnathan Turrall of MetaLair.

The Stormnode network within DarkSilk really does add an amazing factor to the Silk Network as a whole and its evolution.

BC: What is Sandstorm?

SL: PrivateSend in Dash is an improved and extended version of CoinJoin which has been rebranded in DarkSilk(DSLK) to Sandstorm. This allows users to attain fungibility by being able to anonymise their DarkSilk using the Stormnode network. The amount of rounds the coins are anonymised and the amount of coin anonymised, are both selectable. This gives the user the option to further increase their anonymity.

Silk Network

BC: How does DarkSilk (DSLK) differ from other privacy-centric cryptocurrencies such as Dash, Monero, and ShadowCash? Do you believe your project is a strong competitor against these other privacy-centric cryptocurrencies? 

SL: Evan Duffield from Dash has been supportive and has said that he is happy to see a team take the work they are doing as seriously as we do and Ryno Mathee (Rynomster) from ShadowCash has contributed some work to the DarkSilk codebase as well. Monero, however, I have had no dealings with at all and can see their value as being based off of the precursor of, and it being accepted as a payment option on AlphaBay. However, the technology called OpenAlias which they use to create human readable addresses interests me.

Both Dash and ShadowCash offer an excellent level of privacy. However, price stability isn’t something that either coin can offer, and DarkSilk combines the privacy functionality of both Dash and ShadowCash. I personally believe that we will be a strong competitor in time, in terms of userbase, codebase, transactions, stormnode network size, full nodes on the network and services available to the public.

BC: Why is Silk Network holding an ICO?

SL: Silk Network has worked tirelessly for two years on the project. With the ICO, Silk Network is able to introduce DarkSilk(DSLK) to the world, receive some well-earned development funds for future development and allow for initial DarkSilk(DSLK) distribution.

BC: Why is privacy and anonymity important to your team and development?

SL: Privacy limits the overall power of governments and corporation over individuals and builds trust and respect between the users and Silk Network. Anonymity allows users to conduct freedom of speech, social and political activities. These values are really deeply rooted in the team’s personal values as individuals.

BC: Can you explain how DarkSilk (DSLK) will offer instantaneous transactions?

SL: The Stormnodes on the DarkSilk network carry out tasks such as Sandstorm, voting, budgeting and also InstantX transactions, these are what are known as quorums and require consensus between the Stormnodes.

When selecting to send an InstantX transaction, the amount the user wishes to send is pre-confirmed by the Stormnodes network which then locks the transaction, the Stormnodes reach consensus, then the transaction is sent. This process takes around ~5 seconds, and the receiving party gets a fully confirmed transaction signed with 10 confirmations.

BC: Does your team consider itself a competitor to Bitcoin or more of a complimentary cryptocurrency?

SL: Silk Network and the stability mechanism is dependent upon three units of account, DarkSilk, Silk and there needs to be a third medium to store value. Naturally, this is Bitcoin. If the hegemony in cryptocurrencies changes then the third pillar is up for debate. As it stands, we will be using Bitcoin as the third pillar.

BC: You have a decentralized marketplace on your roadmap can you tell our readers about this?

SL: We want to provide consumers with a way to transact in privacy and take it back to the time when looking over another’s shoulder into their wallet was deemed impolite. Nowadays you are shunned if you don’t show the contents of your wallet, no citizen should have something to hide is the new mantra.

For businesses this is different, they do need to be transparent, and they also need to be responsible for the services they provide or sell. Businesses and consumers should be treated differently, and it is this distinction that the Silk Network will be different from darknet markets. As long as the market is guaranteed that the products are legit, then the consumer can have their privacy.

        Before the digital era, and even today, the buyer enters the marketplace, trade with the seller for cash, takes their goods with no record of the purchase needed and no names exchanged or any data recorded apart from the knowledge that the seller was credited and the buyer was debited, with this knowledge only shared by the parties involved in the trade. We want to bring this kind of anonymity into the digital world.

BC: Would your team be open to Darknet Markets accepting DarkSilk (DSLK) like they do with Monero? Or would your team be against this type of move?

SL: With DarkSilk being open  source there is nothing we could do to prevent it from happening nor would we want to prevent the use of the currency DarkSilk(DSLK) on DNM’s. Having a decentralised marketplace within DarkSilk, however, means that we would prefer to see traffic hitting our network than any other marketplace, including DNM’s.

BC: What’s the overall mission of the Silk Network?

SL: To present the world with a real usable currency that carries the same fundamental principles as traditional cash. Besides a stable value or adequate liquidity, anonymity also plays a key role. Beyond these, Silk Network will continue to develop features that will carry the platform far into the 21st century.

Thank you for speaking with us about the Silk Network, Spencer.

What do you think about the Silk Network? Let us know in the comments below.

Images via Shutterstock, Silk Network.

Silk webpage
DarkSilk webpage
7  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Service Announcements (Altcoins) / [ann]One for the Chinese market the ico site navigation, and very helpful on: October 07, 2016, 03:05:28 PM
Recommend to everyone a ICO navigation site for the Chinese market  Wink Wink


If the team wants to set up community in China, to do a project column can contact them
8  Local / 中文 (Chinese) / 最具有潜力ICO发币的导航站---#####红筹ICO导航 on: October 04, 2016, 07:12:41 AM



9  Local / 中文 (Chinese) / 基于DECENT去中心化网络的博客长什么样? on: September 27, 2016, 04:19:34 AM







10  Local / 山寨币 / DECENT:如何得到谷歌关注的? on: September 23, 2016, 08:51:05 AM

DECENT,是一个公平、去中心化的内容分发平台,最近得到了谷歌广告补助金(Google Ad Grants)的支持。这是一个帮助非营利组织通过得到免费广告空间获得曝光性和可视性,以此来传播他们的思想、让他们的项目拥有更多的受众。DECENT在TechSoup组织(一家致力于支持非营利组织的国际集团)的帮助下,应用并满足了谷歌广告补助的要求。
第一天,用户能够在首发的10,000,000枚DCT里边得到50%的奖励。之后,无论买了多少DCT,都将在软件销售的一周之内得到10%的奖励。70%的DCT会预挖好,并且大部分会在众筹其间售出。10%用于DECENT建设,2%作为投资基金,1,000,000 DCT作为奖金,3,000,000 DCT用于市场。
DECENT ICO将在官方网站sale.decent.ch上进行,希望参与众筹的朋友需要拥有比特币和或其他加密货币。众筹时间开始于北京时间9月11日晚上9点整。
11  Local / 山寨币 / 区块链在教育领域的应用 on: September 20, 2016, 08:34:09 AM

在这里所要谈到的问题区分三个大块,1.中小学教育中的问题2高等教育中的问题 3.学术领域的问题。以下分别就三个方面进行阐述。
去中心化,开放性,信息不可篡改性,时间戳,匿名性都是有效解决以上问题的方法和区块链特性。在这里要说明的一个概念就是”去中心化“ ,一个事物的产生有三个阶段”起始“---”生成过程“-----”结果“,区块链所谓的去中心化实际上就是一个生成过程的去中心化,而在起始结果两个点并不是所谓的去中心化结果。


关于这个话题还可以延展出许多方面的应用,笔者SOOPNON就是在此抛砖引玉的来说说,其他笔者还有许多相关的商业计划及应用方案,也欢迎和币圈的朋友探讨,有兴趣可以给我发邮件 或者加我微信VIKKYOU  。
12  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Looking for good quality blockchain project China regional cooperation on: September 19, 2016, 03:11:56 AM
If your team has a good application blockchain project, or have a good virtual currency project, welcome to cooperate with us in

China !

Our team: Since the study began in 2012 block chain technology and the development of the virtual currency, has been engaged in

project marketing field .

Results in a few years time to promote the multiple projects work of community construction in China, and marketing.

Community building work of the project such as such as XRP LISK, DECENT to ICO recent work in China.

Has a wealth of experience in this respect, also hope to have a good project can better development in China

You can contact us    Telegram :@soopnon  Twitter:@soopnons

Hope to be able to communicate with high-quality project team is great
13  Local / 山寨币 / DECENT ICO 单日获3,896BTC, 资金将进行托管 on: September 12, 2016, 08:18:32 AM
DECENT区块链网络的ICO已于北京时间9月11日晚上21:00开启,截至发稿时,DECENT的ICO比特币地址(33WDB3nsVHH5qafCAriPb8Jmb1e3ptsY4h)已收到了3,896 BTC,折合人民币近1500万元。
每一位参与DECENT ICO(,并加入DECENT区块链媒体的朋友,为让大家对我们确保资产安全的能力具有信心,我们找到了一个优质的解决方案。所有的资金将直接进入Coinbase多重签名(2/3)资金保险库(。同时,取出资金需要由3人中的2人同意签名。
“DECENT 已与两位著名的专业人士合作,他们能代表DECENT的资金保障。对存放在Coinbase保险库中的资金,每人将会持有一把多重签名的私钥。这里务必要澄清,他们都是独立的托管合作方,他们所在的公司并不参与其中。”
• Tibor Tarábek 微软斯洛伐克公司创始人

• Alexander Vasylchenko, Grid Singularity的CTO,前Mycelium (Confirmation) CTO

据悉,在DECENT开发初期,建立起信任是该团队考虑的重点,王晓敏说,她相信Tibor Tarábek与Alexander Vasylchenko两人将为参与者们建立稳定的信任基础。
“我们已渡过了重重困难来到今天,感谢一路以来所有提出宝贵意见和建议的朋友。我们也获得了来自世界各地的机构、媒体与参与者们的支持。 ”

14  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Marketplace (Altcoins) / Virtual currency Chinese market cooperation on: April 15, 2016, 02:53:42 AM
We have an excellent team in Chinese

Can China virtual currency market platform!

Promotion of virtual currency!Quickly spread to more areas of China

If you need to open up the Chinese market, WE can work together.

contact us:

skype: bobodaofa

15  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Marketplace (Altcoins) / China market seeking partners on: February 29, 2016, 09:37:37 AM
We have an excellent team in Chinese
Can China virtual currency market platform!
Promotion of virtual currency!
 want to find a POS model of virtual currency development cooperation, welcomed the

intention to contact me!Existing currency and new development can be
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