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You guys partied too soon. Only when Bitstamp hits $1000 is it time to celebrate.
The proof was again given today when gox went to $1070 and bitstamp said, nope, too many coins!, after which gox retraced back below $1000.
The bitcoin millionaires want some actual fiat for their coins, no gox promises!
Are there withdrawal problems at bitstamp now also? Anyone having them?
Or are there problems to send fiat to btc-e now?
Or are the withdrawal problems of gox solved? Anyone can confirm?
Or is there just a flood of fiat to bitstamp?
 rhetorical question, but you may vote for confirmation  Just taking the first 10 topics: Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion Major flaw of Bitcoin found 200 USD, the new support? Bitpay just processed its first 1,000,000 USD order, Dump incoming? BTCChina overtook Mtgox as the leader in volume BTC at $205? Should I buy into a rally? Parity watch -> El Salvador What will be the high (USD) from now until the end of the year? Zerohedge story on EBay and Bitcoin Professional Traders - Do you find speculating easier in cryptocurrencies? Gold collapsing. Bitcoin UP. My opinion, it feels like April again, price going up every single day by $10. But I think the difference with april is it's 6 months further now, a lot more users now, we are also used to $200 and from the topics quoted there is more concern than euphoria. My guess is we will go a lot higher to $300/$400, crash back to $200 by the end of the year. Fact: it certainly is not 2011! Bitcoin is acting strong! Litecoin feels more like 2011.
People defend for Zeng because of two things: 1) The so called 'fraud' was supported by the government then, and he was caught after the government leader was changed and his assert was grabbed by the government without giving a chance for him to pay back the investors. 2) Just after the death penalty was approved, the execution was done quickly before notifying his family. They are not saying Zeng is innocent and the death penalty is completely unfair.
There're also two things to clarify: 1) He indeed caused people to lose billions of CNY, and was not innocent at all. 2) His death penalty was debated for years online and finally approved by the Supreme Court, and his daughter knew that before he was executed. She just did not get notified the exact day of the execution and did not get her chance to see his father for the last chance. It was not a secret execution imagined by many westerners.
Let's come back to the topic. If BTCChina suddenly disappears with billions of CNY from the traders, then yes, they deserve death penalty. If they allow people to launder millions of illegal income or help people to transfer millions of CNY to overseas (to avoid this, BTCChina has daily BTC withdraw limit of 10BTC for unverified users), they maybe jailed for many years. But if they are forced to close by the government just because BTC trading is not supported, they will at most be charged on taxing and license issues.
Are you fucking serious? Nuancing a man being killed for losing investor money  You disgust me 'BitThink'. Fuck off!!!
I've been repeatedly spending part of my fiat profit to buy more and more btc. I even don't have plans to sell at all. I believe soon there will have no need in exchanging btc to fiat as everybody will be able pay for anything with bitcoin.
The most of btc I spent this year were wage payments to some of my contractors abroad.
I think your 'soon' is incorrect. Unless you mean decades with soon? Also, if I remember correctly, you had almost all your capital on a saving account while banks collapsing had been news for years. And then you blame your loss on others. What makes you so confident that your investment skills have dramatically improved? Now you already can pay in btc (indirectly) for goods on amazon and many retail stores in the US. You also can buy air tickets and book hotels and cruises with btc. Soon you will be able to buy cars and homes directly from dealers. What's more? About my lost capital. It was not investment, but operating money of my business and it's not my fault that EU decided to rob my bank. In contrary, the most of my investments are now safe and gained in price (except gold). The most gains I got in 2012-2013 were from bitcoin and it really saved my business from collapse. Operating money of almost 1 million euro? You needed all that in the account to make payments? From where I sit the only one robbing was the government in order to give you a €100.000 bailout. Robbing is taking something from someone else without his consent. A bank making poor investment decisions and losing the savers money is not a robbery. It's an investment gone soar and you gave your consent for them to invest your money in return for an interest, with the risk of losing that money. However, the european citizens did not give their consent for the european commission to print money and levy taxes, so they are stealing, not from your bank account, but from all citizens, you actually got part of their loot. Or do I miss something crucial here? There was a pizza bought in 2010 or 2011 with btc, yet it will take likely a decade before you can buy pizza with btc near you, at best I think. I base this on the growth rate of the amount of transactions.
In statistics of user you see that the forum remembers how many polls you participated in.
But can the admin or anyone else (hacker) see what option a certain user voted?
Since the low of $65 3 months back the price has been going up strongly while forum activity has been going down. I'm wondering whether it's been the bitcoin community here that has been buying or someone else? The poll can bring clarity on that.
Do bitcoiners frequenting the speculation forum have a life? 
1. The goal is to make bitcoin a more stable currency so that people are willing to quote prices more and more in bitcoin. Obviously it will take many years but those that sell on highs and buy on lows are the only ones creating stability. The permabulls don't add anything of value to the stability of the price and the emotional buyers do exactly the inverse. With the current price at $130 the emotional buyers (and permabulls to a lesser extent) have again lifted the price way above the long term exponential growth rate, time to give them a beating again and flush them out. 2. so I can buy cheap coins  (hey, I walk the talk and did my part of the selling already but I'll admit I'm getting nervous this price ain't collapsing as I expected. Hence my outcry to you dear whale  )
This interview is full of socialist talk by George Soros but would he be talking about bitcoin here?: I'm sorry, he's probably not meaning bitcoin but some political donation system.
I just realized that bitcoin seems to have failed so far to get any traction in the online porn world.
For example uses 'tokens' to tip the ladies. I read this costs the ladies something like 30% commission. Private sessions on skype are common, ladies trying to circumvent that commission too, yet bitcoin seems to be barely used.
This worries me. If anything bitcoin should succeed there, right? Is this proof that bitcoin is failing or am I being too impatient? Is there proof that bitcoin is being adopted in the online porn world with some success, even minor?
Too many people here make bad calls, do not own up to them, and repeat. Following them is dangerous to your financial health. Hence why I'm starting a list with forum members that stand out negatively as well as positively for me. For bad calls they get a minus, for good calls a plus. I quote the call below for reference and say what the price did afterwards. If you want someone to be added to the list, simply quote the call from this person in a new post below, and say what the price did afterwards to prove that it was a good or bad call. Rampion: -1, +1, -1, thezerg: +1, -1, cypherdoc: +1, -1, +1, -1doobadoo: +1rpietila: +1, -1, +1SlipperySlope: +1Loozik: +1Odalv: +1Blitz: -1molecular: +1BrightAnarchist: -1, +1, +1, -1masterluc (used to be Lucif): +1adamstgBit: +1Vycid: +1
New update from gox In short, they still haven't found a new banking partner and now deposits also take minimum 10 days. Glad I'm out of there. --- Deposits and Withdrawal Update Finally, The issues with deposits and withdrawals from Mt. Gox are being relieved, but still not at the rate we want. For example it currently takes up to 10 days to process a deposit because our bank, upon receiving deposits, notifies us of the deposit but holds them for 7~10 days before transferring them to our account. This has always been the case, and we were still crediting customer accounts before receiving the funds ourselves, but some cases in which the bank subsequently rejected the deposits meant that we incurred significant losses. The risk is now too high for us to credit accounts prematurely. We are in the process of forming relationships with new partners, banks, and taking other steps -- hopefully we will not only be back where we were before we encountered these issues , but much further ahead.
Someone said 10 million people used bitcoins, that sounded plausible until I realized that's 0.14% of the global population, which seems way too many, and a valuation of bitcoin at $1 billion way too low for such a coverage. Upon researching I discovered ' Number of unique Bitcoin Addresses Used' on blockchain charts. Seems like a plausible representation of how many people own bitcoins. Many have more than one address they use but that graph is likely not showing unused addresses that do represent people with bitcoins. So it's at 60k, it was at 30k in 2012 before the bubble. And at 10k after the 2011 bubble. That seems believable, around 60k people own bitcoins. Would you agree? Or do you think it's more or less?
Do we ever say to someone who wants to start a business 'don't invest what you can't afford to lose'? No. Why? Because, apart from the wage slaves, we all know that 1 successful business is all it takes to be set for life. 'Go for it' is our message, apply all your energy, time and capital to it. If it does not work out, well you can try again later in something else. You'll learn and will nail it sooner or later. So why does this not apply to investing? I'm not talking about those that already have considerable capital. Ofcourse it's not wise then to invest it all in your startup, and equally unwise to invest it all in one investment. But if you don't have a lot of savings/capital it makes sense to go all-into bitcoin. Just like it makes sense to deploy all your capital to a startup. So to the not well off yet & brave, I say: go all in. If bitcoin works out it will hundredfold from the current $100 to $10,000 in +/- 5 years. If you succeed in deploying $10k, that's $1 million you've made. Once u have a few 100k you can start to apply proper risk management and diversify but until then you will need to concentrate in order to make it. This is not investment advice, just an opinion. An opinion very different from my original one.
(Please be strict about the definition of bitcoins. These are not stock investments in bitcoin companies, these are not bitcoins that you lend out to others to be used for enterprise, these are not altcoins, because these investments can all fail even though bitcoin succeeds and goes up in value. Only bitcoins in your own possession, or bitcoins stored in trustworthy online wallets/exchange, where the bitcoins are not used for anything else, are to be included.)
(Your capital is defined as all the assets/investments you own, your real estate included. Your debts do not matter as this is not a question about your net worth but about your risk management of the capital under your control.)
I'm asking the question as this is crucial information when you are doing proper risk management.
What if bitcoin goes down from here and ends up totally failing?
How much percent of your capital will you lose?
Can this be neutralized by other investments that might go up in the meantime?
What if bitcoins go to new highs from here never to go back to $100?
Do you have enough invested in bitcoins so that you will profit from this the amount you would want?
Litecoin price has kept up better than bitcoin, however, I think chances are high that it will drop a lot more than bitcoin once bitcoin is bottoming out, just like it skyrocketed much more than bitcoin when bitcoin was topping out. On top of that I think Litecoin has a higher chance to die and never come back as the arguments for it's existence can be debunked with strong counterarguments (in contrast to bitcoin).
I might be wrong and anyone that is able to help me see this I would be very grateful for as in such case Litecoin will present a much larger opportunity than bitcoin if the holders start to question it's survivability and sell it to depressed levels comparable to bitcoin in 2011.
edit: Maybe this thread should be moved to altcoins, not sure. I'll leave it to the moderator's discretion.
Is it just me projecting or do you also notice a big shift here? Only several weeks ago half of the forum was still openly bullish. Now I can barely find a bullish post. Sure the winkle ETF many like, but very few seem to think this will push up the price in the short term. Compare that to the chinese bitcoin documentary that was used by most that 'price will go up up up'.
I'm bearish myself but seeing so many agree I think chances become higher that it will actually go up the coming weeks.
I find it a problem what will happen to my bitcoins if I die suddenly. I like my bitcoins to go to someone, but I don't like to give that someone today already access to my bitcoins, and actually I don't want that person to even know it would go to them. What I would need is someone trustworthy to execute this transfer when I am dead. Problem is, who to trust?
I am looking to setup a company offering this service. The company would build it's trustworthiness by working with reputable people from the community where each would have to give his approval for every inheritance transfer executed.
I am thinking it should work like this to be able to execute the idea. The company should receive the private keys to the accounts that you want to be liquidated after you die. The client should also give directions. 'If I don't sign into the account once a year, execute transfer' or 'If you receive my certificate of death from this person, execute transfer' The client should also give the beneficiary his details, either their public key, or name/address. The company will then make sure this person receives and is able to use the bitcoins.
There should also be a verification system that all contracts have proven to be executed. Maybe by making obligatory the use of bitcoin addresses, publishing parts of the contract publicly, such as public key of beneficiary, so that later anyone can check if the contract has been executed and beneficiary received the funds.
What do you guys think of this idea?
(Also I'm thinking this company could offer 'backup services', since it is based on trust, you can send your backup copy, encrypted or not, to this company for safekeeping. If you ever lose it, you can contact company and get your backup.)
I think the rates of this service should be relatively high since good reputations of company partners cost money and it's a unique, very important, service. I am thinking of charging 5% for inheritance transfers, and 1% for backup release.
I think sdice will prove to be a better investment than bitcoins the coming half year, but I'm wondering how many people agree, disagree, are not sure, or don't care.
Current price of bitcoin: $108 Current price of Satoshi Dice: 0.0022 BTC per share ( x 100 million shares = 220,000 btc market cap)