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1  Economy / Auctions / Topic: [WTS] 2 Bitburner XX Orders - 80 chips ea. (Zefir Batch 2 & 6) on: August 30, 2013, 09:03:28 AM
2  Economy / Computer hardware / [CLOSED] 2 Bitburner XX Orders - 80 chips ea. (Zefir Batch 2 & 6) From Hamburg on: August 30, 2013, 08:30:58 AM
This sale is closed.

Edit: #1 has been sold.   #2 still available requested refund.

I'm selling two one order that I have placed with
Burnin's Avalon open source project:

REF    DATE                DESCRIPTION
#1     July 25, 2013   4 x Complete BitBurner Module with attached heat-sink
                             CAN-bus cable, Express Shipping
                             Chips per board: 20
                             Chip provider: Zefir, Batch: 2
                             Bitcointalk username: niner
                             Zefir shipped to Burnin on 24-Aug

#2    July 26, 2013    4 x Complete BitBurner XX with attached heat-sink,
                             CAN-bus cable, Express Shipping
                             Chips per board: 20
                             Chip provider: Zefir, Batch: 6  without chips
                             Bitcointalk username: niner
                             Zefir Chips allocated to Burnin not yet received by Zefir

Mounting bolts
Cooling fan & mounting brackets (one for every 2nd board)
Express Shipping to you from Burnin (Hamburg, Germany)

Average assembly time is 5 to 10 working days.

Not Included:
Power Supply
Raspberry Pi

A more complete description of the products -->

Each board can run overclocked at 8 GH/s (430MHz, 1.3V) so 4 boards = 32 GH/s (approx)

I can prove that I control the chips for these orders as follows:
niner; 80; 6.88; 16Mszwah7Czzgs1ULEuj5ZUfWvkYbMgZG6  (Zefir batch 2)
niner; 80; 6.88; 1PNiMq57vqiatLpGQSgGjKUMgec2NTCHiC  (Zefir batch 6)

Orders are already fully paid.
My cost was 8.71 to Burnin + (6.88 + 0.30) to Zefir = 15.89 BTC for each order.
(0.3 is was for shipping/customs/handling)

#1 has an imminent delivery date whereas #2 is less certain since Batch 6 chips
have not yet shipped.

I'm accepting bitcoin only as payment.  I will agree to use escrow for 100% of the sale
amount if necessary.

The devices are well-suited for experienced miners not for mining newbies.

I will not accept returns for the items, Burnin supplies the warranty.

Interested parties please bid on #1 or #2 or both but state your
bid separately for each order.

Suggested opening bid: 15.89 8.71 BTC per order. (now that it is without chips)

Titillating Hardware Porn:
(courtesy Maxmint)   Note: Items for sale are only half as tall but are quieter of course  Grin

This is not a public auction.  PM offers to me directly.
3  Economy / Gambling / Bookmaker quoted odds for Bitcoin $500 in 2013 on: March 30, 2013, 09:57:26 AM
Irish bookmaker Paddy Power (
currently has the following bet on its website.

Bitcoin value at end of 2013
Singles Only. Applies to value at 6pm 31st Dec 2013. According to
All in whether Bitcoin exists or not on the date.

$100 or below    4/5
$101 to $500    11/8
Over $500    5/1

This was mentioned on Bitstamp but with a broken link.

What do bears think of these odds?

Edit:  You can't sign up there from an American IP address. Also, I don't see anything about them accepting bitcoin.
4  Other / Beginners & Help / Amazon Gift Cards -- Is there a trusted broker ? on: February 22, 2013, 08:33:21 AM
Is there a trusted site or user of this forum who will buy amazon gift cards and pay face-value converted to bitcoin?
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