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1  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Tokens (Altcoins) / 🚀🌟VNX: decentralized marketplace for VC investors🌟🚀 on: May 12, 2018, 10:46:26 AM

Bridging the gap between venture capital and crypto industries

VNX is developing
the world's first decentralized marketplace and trading platform,
where investors can buy and sell tokenized investment portfolios
of venture capital funds and accelerators

| Building the world’s first regulated security token marketplace |
| Unlocking liquidity in the $ 1th global venture capital industry |
| Providing access to venture capital to “Main Street” investors |
| Leveraging Luxembourg as Europe’s leading financial hub |
| Providing a new way for funds to raise capital |

Venture capital
is major driver of innovation and generates attractive returns, yet not accessible to “Main Street” investors

By creating a regulated marketplace we are unlocking venture capital for millions of “ordinary” investors

Venture capitalists will be able to convert their existing investment portfolios into liquid digital assets

By listing a VC portfolio on VNX,
liquidity will be unlocked and new sources of capital leveraged

We’ve developed a fully functional prototype
that lays the groundwork for a robust and regulatory compliant platform

Our aim
is to become the main platform for tokenised investment funds by 2022

| July 2018 - Application for license |
| 2019 - Launch of the platform |
| 2020 - Geographical expansion |
| 2021 - Opening the platform to other investment classes |

2  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / [ANN][TOKENSALE] - VHCoin and VSPARK - Cheaper Solution for Global Remittance on: April 23, 2018, 12:05:58 PM


The Launching of VHCeX is scheduled on 20th May, 2018, 1.00 pm - 5.00
Address: Level 2, Orchid Grand  Ballroom, Parkroyal Hotel,  Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Token offering  has begun and will last till May 2018, 20th,  with the price for 1 VHCoin USD 4,88 .
Total number of token released: 75 000 000.

Fund allocation:

To see information about all transactions and sold token, please, create an account on the website:

VSPARK is an innovative modern remittance service that utilizes blockchain and fintech to
revolutionized traditional money transfer method. By combining the power of fintech and
cryptocurrency, this modern money transaction method would drastically reduce the cost of
performing money remittance.

For more details, please, meet out White Paper:

3  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Tokens (Altcoins) / 🌟🌟🚀[ANN][TOKENSALE]🚀 TRADINGENE - ALGORITHMS MARKETPLACE on: December 06, 2017, 01:23:50 PM


Token offering is planned for May 2018 with a hard cap of $12MM.

Tradingene is a blockchain-based auction platform that makes possible the creation and use of algorithms to trade in cryptocurrency and the most popular financial instruments. Tradingene brings to the marker some amazing innovations, including an accessible, technologically advanced, easy-to use web platform for creating and testing algorithms; online courses for algorithm creators; competitive auctions for algorithms; and a blockchain-based system to record auction results and conclude smart contracts between algorithm creators and investors.These innovations solve tge vast majority of market problems.

Tradingene will make algorithmic trading accessible, transparent and equitable. Tradingene provides investors access to high-quality trading algorithms and provides algorithm creators with access to investors at fair prices. Tradingene expects to popularize trading algorithms as an investment product. Tradingene has already created a platform for evaluating and testing algorithms and a database of algortihms and creators.

A token offering is planned for May 2018 with a hard cap of $12MM. For more detailed information and to propose customized terms for early investors, please contact us at

Tradingene Tradingene’s mission is to unite algorithm creators and investors on our proprietary marketplace. The marketplace will allow investors to invest using trading algorithms, and algorithm creators will be able to test their strategies and to raise capital. Thus, Tradingene will reduce transaction costs, ensure more efficient deployment and use of capital, and promote trading algorithms as an investment product.

Business model

The business model: the platform provides algorithm creators with an opportunity to develop and test their strategies using an AI-based, user-friendly interface. Once developed and tested, approved algorithms will be put up for an auction where investors choose the most appropriate algorithm (or portfolio of algorithms) based on their risk-return profile. All investor trades are generated by algorithms and made on investors’ brokerage or exchange accounts. Investors will pay a success fee to the algorithm creator and platform if positive returns are generated.
Tradingene will generate income in success fees from profitable algorithms, from auction participation fees, and from subscription charges for advanced modeling packages provided to creators. We will also sell analysis and market reviews to investors.

The business model fits into the current trend of economic Uberisation. The marketplace of trading algorithms will connect key market participants in algorithmic trading – algorithm creators and investors – eliminating processes and intermediaries that do not add value to the product.

Road map

Based on our market analysis and Tradingene’s unique product, we believe our project will succeed.

4  Local / Альтернативные криптовалюты / 🌟🌟🚀[ANN][TOKENSALE]🚀TRADINGENE - МАРКЕТПЛЕЙС АЛГОРИТМОВ on: December 06, 2017, 01:05:08 PM

первый маркетплейс торговых алгоритмов для криптотрейдеров
на технологии блокчейн

Tradingene – платформа, нацеленная на объединение торговых бирж, создателей алгоритмов и подписчиков для снижения транзакционных издержек, эффективного распределения капитала и популяризации такого инвестиционного инструмента, как торговый алгоритм.

Платформа предоставляет создателям алгоритмов возможность создать и протестировать свои алгоритмические торговые системы в удобном веб-интерфейсе. Разработанные создателями и проверенные платформой алгоритмы выставляются на аукцион, где подписчики выбирают наиболее подходящий им алгоритм или портфель алгоритмов. При этом все сделки осуществляются на их собственном счете. В случае получения дохода, подписчик платит комиссию создателю алгоритма и платформе.

Tradingene ставит своей целью создание наиболее прозрачной и демократичной платформы для создания алгоритмических систем и привлечения капитала. Уже сегодня Tradingene – это готовая тестовая среда, где создатели могут опробовать и протестировать свои стратегии. За 3 года мы привлекли более 300 создателей, разработавших более 2000 алгоритмов.

Схема работы – источники доходов

Так же мы разработали ряд нововведений, которые, по нашему мнению, решат ключевые проблемы на рынке алгоритмической торговли:

Решение No1. Tradingene предоставляет доступ к полноценной
среде для создания торговой стратегии с возможность
привлечения капитала бесплатно в функционале, достаточном
для создания эффективных стратегий.

Решение No2. На нашей платформе прозрачность достигается
благодаря механизмам аукциона (гарантирует наилучшие
условия создателю) и смарт-контрактов (гарантирует выполнение
договоренностей между создателем и подписчиком).

Решение No3. Создатели алгоритмов получают прибыль в виде
процента отчислений от доходности алгоритма (success fee),
определенном на аукционе.

Решение No4. Правильная мотивационная схема сократит
количество «мусора» на платформе. Помимо этого, все
алгоритмы будут дополнительно оцениваться на основе данных
вне тестовой выборки (out-of-sample testing).

Решение No5. Tradingene предлагает только алгоритмическую
торговлю. Через нашу платформу просто невозможно отправлять
ручные торговые сигналы.



5  Economy / Service Discussion / What are the best places to buy S9 and I3+ with long-distance shipping option? on: November 10, 2017, 02:38:33 PM
I decided to set up a small-scale farm in my dorm, so I'm wondering if you could give me advice on where to come by these and obtain them in Russia
6  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Tokens (Altcoins) / [ANN][TOKENSALE][12|09] ••• Anryze: Distributed Speech Recognition Platform ••• on: June 15, 2017, 09:49:32 PM




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7  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / [Deleted] What will be next Etherium smart contract project? on: July 30, 2016, 09:41:04 PM
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