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Hi everyone, I'm a space travel enthusiast and to express this I wrote a song about Mars! It's all about our soon-to-be voyage to the red planet. Here it is: feedback would be very welcome 
If a Universe can come into existence randomly, then the chances of us being in the first Universe are incredibly slim, in fact there would be infinite universes if they can be born randomly. Therefore, if they can come into existence randomly,life and intelligence would have evolved before in a previous Universe. That intelligence may have developed the ability to create Universes, in which case we could either be living in another random Universe, or one created by an intelligence that evolved in a previous random Universe. I made a video talking about this:
A safe place to store and trade with BTC is in bitBTC, which earns interest. You can use as an instant bridge. Keeping it on the BitShares decentralised exchange as bitBTC is the future. People can trade bitBTC against bitUSD without the hacking risk that comes with centralised services while getting exposure to the same market. I hope these bter thieves are caught and the money returned. Theft sucks. Nothing is safter than a cold wallet or hardware wallet for storing BTC and a personal full bitcoin wallet with multisig is probably be more secure than bitBTC. But you can't trade BTC against USD or anything at all from the relative safety of a personal bitcoin wallet (yet), but you trade against the USD with bitBTC, because the exchange is in the wallet. bitBTC can be traded against bitUSD, bitGOLD, bitSILVER, etc. So for people who want to get exposure to the BTC/USD market, the bitBTC/bitUSD market is the most secure way to trade. What is everyone waiting for? The solution to all these horrible bitcoin heists exists! Lets use it! If you change your mind you can always trade the bitBTC back to bitcoin by going bitBTC-BTS-BTC. 
A safe place to store and trade with BTC is in bitBTC, which earns interest. You can use as an instant bridge. Keeping it on the bitshares decentralised exchange as bitBTC is the future. People can trade bitBTC against bitUSD without the hacking risk that comes with centralised services while getting exposure to the same market. I hope these bter thieves are caught and the money returned. Theft sucks. Nothing is safter than a cold wallet or hardware wallet for storing BTC and a personal full bitcoin wallet with multisig would probably be more secure than bitBTC. But you can't trade BTC against USD or anything at all from the relative safety of a personal bitcoin wallet (yet), but you trade against the USD with bitBTC, because the exchange is in the wallet. bitBTC can be traded against bitUSD, bitGOLD, bitSILVER, etc. So for people who want to get exposure to the BTC/USD market, the bitBTC/bitUSD market is the most secure way to trade. What is everyone waiting for? The solution to all these horrible bitcoin heists exists! Lets use it! If you change your mind you can always trade the bitBTC back to bitcoin by going bitBTC-BTS-BTC. 
Silver is at a 5 year low. Is it a good time to buy?   You can speculate on the price of silver and stay within the cryptosphere with bitSILVER. You can easily move your bitcoins into bitSILVER by going BTC-BTS-bitSILVER. Holders of bitSILVER currently earn 1.82% yield. bitSILVER is a safe haven for crypto enthusiasts during these turbulent times. What do you think about silver at these prices?
December 12, 7:16 AM BTC38 enables bitCNY deposit - bitCNY now backed by BTC38!When you deposit bitcny to us, you'll get CNY in your balance. 1000bitcny = 1005 cny At the start time. each user can only deposit less than 5,000bitcny. total limit is 100,000bitcny at one day. 10, 3:09 AM Community Marketing Newsletter
hpenvy: This was a big week for everyone involved in marketing. Take a few minutes and catch-up with all the different projects on NullStreet. 7, 8:43 AM Benefits of Becoming a BitShares Gateway:
Dan Larimer: "After a discussion with coinbase they asked me to produce a document describing how a gateway works and what benefits there would be for them so they could share it internally." 5, 5:02 PM Voting demo for California has no opponent anymore.
Since the other opponents are gone because they don't want to be open source, so Bitshares team is the only player in town. How can you lose when you're the only player? http://Bitsharestalk.org
Hi, I have an armoury paper wallet with a root key and a secure print code. I need to import it into multibit. I managed to do it once before about a year ago so I know it is possible, I was using these instructions: I can't get it to work this time, there was something else I had to do last time that isn't in the instructions (because the instructions explain how to import a private key rather than a root key). I did something to 'convert' the root key into the private key but I can't remember how I did it. I've had others on the forum tell me to download offline armoury and do it there, but I am running Macos 10.6.8 and armoury only seems to be available for 10.7 or later. Please can someone help? I don't have access to armoury where I originally made the backup.
The Curecoin community has raised a bounty of 300CURE (and counting!) for a new logo and coin image design. That's approximately $250 (0.5btc) at current exchanges rates (0.0016CURE on bittrex). This is a call for design entries. You can post your entries here in this thread and receive feedback. Both 2D and 3D renders are welcome. The winnings may be split, with 50 of the Cure going to the entry in 2nd place if there is a second very strong entry we wish to use. Here is the Curecoin thread showing the bounty pledges. Feel free to post your entires there too if you like. A few ideas from me (not requirements at all, just suggestions): - Something cutting edge, yet cuddly and symbolic of healing. - Gold or silver to represent value. Maybe pink as it's used in cancer fundraising campaigns. - Appears solid and tangible/weighty, not like a tiddlywink or a game currency. - Perhaps if it was made slightly spherical, but still with flat faces on each side (spherical between the faces) to make it look 'generously plump', would be a unique look. - Has a symbol of healing or medicine, such as the DNA double helix or the symbol use on the current coin design. I'd advise finding out about Curecoin before starting a design from the main Curecoin thread, you can also see the current coin image there. Curecoin community will decide on the winner by a discussion on IRC. Good luck and I look forward to viewing the entries!  Update The bounty is now reached 300CURE! Deadline for entries is saturday 31st of May at 8pm GMT
I have been keeping a stash of bitcoins in multibit with a very strong password and it's worked fine for the last year but today when I opened Multibit my wallets where gone and the balance was 0. I've tried following the troubleshooting advice but I've been unsuccessful.
I followed these instructions"
"Where MultiBit stores your data MultiBit stores user specific data such as logs and the default multibit.wallet in a "user data directory". This directory can be worked out as follows: Check the the very top of the "Messages" tab for a message like "The user data directory is '/Users/jim/Library/Application Support/MultiBit'" Navigate to the MultiBit installation directory and check for a file called "". This file is not there. These are the only files I can find there
authors.txt COPYING multibit-exe.jar multibit.checkpoints readme.txt release_notes.txt
I then attempted the technical approach but failed to find anything.
I used these commands in Terminal:
defaults write AppleShowAllFiles TRUE killall Finder
hidden files did appear but nothing containing "multibit" or "wallet"
I tried hitting hitting Command+Shift+Period but nothing happened.
I tried using Terminal using "ls -a" command and various filed appeared but nothing containing "multibit" or "wallet".
I have an external HD which I used to make backups, or so I thought, I just plug it in and let time machine do its thing every so often, but if I try the same process on there nothing comes up either. The Multibit icon is there in the backed up applications folder but if I open it it's empty too and none of the searches reveal anything.
Please help!
Issue solved!
Please delete this thread
What if, when you mine a block, as well as receiving coins you also receive a code that can be used to unlock something/gain access to something.
Maybe the codes could be sold and traded like the coins.
Maybe the codes could be used to create a decentralised hash power for rent network, allowing people who don't have mining rigs (such as myself) to easily rent hashing power from the network, providing the miners with another way to earn from their rigs. Each rig mining this alt coin could generate a fresh code every 24 hours. Old codes expire automatically. If you sell or give your code to someome else it would allow them to 'take over' your mining rig for 24 hours, allowing them to point it at a coin of their choosing. OR maybe the miner should be able to choose how long their code is valid for, then it could be sold down the line to multiple people.
Or maybe many other things could be done with these codes?
Maybe this is a bad idea I don't know.
Anyone have any relevant thoughts?
For trusting me, see my reputation thread: me or reply to this thread with your Nxt address and how many Nxt you want. I'll provide you with a bitcoin address. As soon as I see your BTC I'll send the Nxt. 
Nxt, the descendant of Bitcoin has launched! If you invested in Nxt during the fundraising stage it's time for you to claim your Nxt! The original thread: to claim your coins1. Go to Press yellow lock icon in top left corner 3. Enter any secret phrase. This is a new phrase, not the same as you used initially when investin. Don't forget it, otherwise you won't be able to get your coins!4. Press "Unlock account" button 5. Copy a green number in top left corner. This is ur "account" value6. Send 0.0001 BTC to 1BCN1ugdKdWd9pQ8Am9hMhtHZfmbXzxE8a from the same address that bitcoins where transfered from. Attach your Nxt account id as a public note. 7. BCnxt will send your coins to your account. Investors have until Jan 3rd to claim your coins, but Nxt has launched today so its best to claim them right away. Most have already been claimed (by a different method that didn't require sending anything to BCnext) this thread is just here to alert the handful of investors who missed the launch and still haven't claimed their coins.
Hi all, 2 bitcoin related domains for sale: and Here's a screenshot from my domain name registra proving my ownership of these domains: BTC BIN for either domain. 0.1 BIN for both domains. The BINs are very low so I'm not bothering accepting any lower offers. Hoping we can do this without escrow, I have a localbitcoins account with a bunch of trades I can prove ownership of to prove my trustworthiness. 