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1  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / buying experience & Review. Off to a good start! on: June 05, 2014, 03:49:38 AM
So  popped up in my e-mail this morning. I'm currently sitting on a mid-sized Alpha pre-order and needed something to boost the farm while waiting for their US payment processor to become a reality.

I've been getting some emails from X-Hash for a few weeks now but haven't paid them much attention as I was content to source from US distributors, but 11MH for $1360 was a little too hard to pass up. Considering that Gridseed Blades were more than twice the price a few weeks ago, this was a bit of a no-brainer.

I will admit, I kind of borked my order at first. I ended up ordering two lone blades instead of the bundle with accessories but had already sent my BTC. I contacted X-Hash expecting to be SOL but instead was met with an almost instant reply (It was 7:45AM in Hong-Kong!)

In the midst of replying to the email I received a Skype from Sylvia at X-Hash explaining exactly how I could upgrade my order all the while assuring me that it would not effect my shipping time.

TLDR: Super impressed with customer service. Will update you guys with shipping times and an un-boxing as things progress.

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