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Generally, for those who have received parcels and packages through air mail, how long did it take for it to arrive and clear customs to your home?
Whoo! I got a 1W 445 NM BLUE Burning laser for 0.2 bitcoin!
He gifted me a game for .03198 bitcoin which was later revoked. And hasn't replied me yet. This is to also prevent any sort of scam which might actually take place.
Hi guys, this is meant to be a discussion. What cool stuff can I buy with around 180 usd? They must all be legal, not weapons or drugs, etc
Hey guys, what can I get for all of my ~0.4 bitcoin? If possible, I would like to make more BTC for it, but if it is not possible, something cool like lasers or silver come to mind. So what can I buy with 0.4 BTC?
How can I turn that into around 0.001 bitcoin?
Well since no one bothered to reply in the Gambling Section, I figured I'll lock the topic and place it here instead.
Use! It's an online bittorrent client that will download your files You can also try, both work fine and free.
They seem quite dubious..
Register and roll on the sub forum! Once you get a score of 112, you get a prize of 0.03 btc!
Hello, I am looking for someone to help troubleshoot my computer and start mining for vanity addresses. I would pay a small amount for any of you willing to webchat with me to solve my problems. Please PM me today if you're interested! Thanks!
Hey, please send me a pm or post here. price is negotiable. Thanks!
Thread deleted due to threats received through PM's
9D7B9C093CAA49FBF78A7FF82D7B6C82 Hummel_123
Hey guys, nothing special here. I am here to loan some bitcoin to all users, and to make a small profit. I have around 0.1 btc available for loan, and more so when my signature payment from RitzGrandCasino arrives.
*************************************************RULES******************************************************** 1a. Unless you have DefaultTrust or is a member with more than 200 activity, I would request you to place collateral. 1) Popular Altcoins with at least 2 major exchanges 2) GH/S 3) PayPal 4) If you have any other things worth of value, you can post here and/or PM me. Edit: 1b. Newbies and Jr. Members, I request you place 100% and 95% collateral respectively. The rest of the members please place 85% collateral. 2. Please do have the courtesy of returning the loan itself. I don't care what you are gonna do with the loan, just get the bitcoin to me by the deadline. 3. The loan would be anywhere between 0.01 to 0.03 BTC. 4. The deadline of the loan is negotiable up to a month (should be lesser since it is such a small loan) 5. The interest is accumulated at a rate of 0.0008 BTC per day. 6. I can reject anyone if I don't feel that they are trustworthy. 7. When posting here, make sure that the post is as follows: [ X BTC to X address for X number of days. Collateral is X. ] 8. I'll try to reply to you as soon as possible. 9. If there are anyone with negative trust, you can try, but you might take this opportunity to gain trust, so I'll expect you to inform me of your intended purpose for this loan and back your claim with evidence. 10. Because of Clause 9, Vod, Tomatocage, and other power members of the Lending forum please forgive me if I enable any scammers. I am not afraid of negative trust and will take responsibility of my actions. ***************************************************End-of-Rules*************************************************
Space for Active Loans Space for Closed / Successful Loans
Hey guys, I'm interested in buying Gh/s from you guys to do some giveaways and such. i have 25000 doge or the equivalent in BTC . I am looking to buy 2.5 gh/s if anyone is kind enough! I am open to further negotiation though. Thanks!
I have some mousehunt superbrie in case anyone wants to buy some. (stupid game, I know, but I don't play it anymore, so why not pass it to someone else?)