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1  Other / Beginners & Help / Frustrated! Can someone honest help me purchase $1000 to BTC today? on: April 08, 2013, 07:52:44 AM
As the post says, I need help!  Been trying like crazy to buy some lately but always run into snags--try almost ten hours researching various ways.  Signed up for most major btc exchanges and there's one things (verify ID) or another that makes it difficult to purchase any only to watch the price rise like crazy.  Also, I initially got into BTC so I can give a FAT F U to our slave controllers and free the people of usury interest.  How can people here try to sell you btc charging interest above 5% of mtgox website? Why does one have to ask, why cant they just say 6.5% or higher!  Kind of misleading if you ask me a newbie. If the community makes it harder to purchase btc; it will not catch on and your btc can and will become worthless. There are many sitting in the sidelines now.  This really put a bad taste in my mouth.  Am i being unreasonable?
2  Other / Beginners & Help / Coinbase sucks! Where to buy bitcoin in Germany safely/easily? on: April 02, 2013, 05:39:42 AM
Hi all,

Just some background info.  I managed to buy only 10 bitcoins a few weeks ago on coinbase and now they keep running into daily limits and cant sell me any only to watch the price of bitcoin skyrocket.  Anyhow, what do you guys reccomend as the easiest way to buy bitcoin here near Germany/FrankFurt main HBF?  Are there any other ways to do it safely online?  I read and read and read but still cant seem to purchase any.  Im a US citizen here in Germany.  Please advise...danke shun!  

 Smiley Huh Cry Smiley

BTW:  Im price sensitive to huge fees.  Trying to purchase $1,000 at a time, danke shun in advance...
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