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1  Economy / Services / 🔥🔥🔥✅🚀 Bounty Campaign Management Service 🔥🔥🔥 (For Hire)(Experience 3 Yr. on: April 05, 2019, 07:25:07 AM

Pm on:

2  Economy / Services / ✅✅🚀 Bounty Campaign Management Service 🔥🔥🔥 (For Hire)(40+Bounties done✅) on: March 31, 2019, 09:41:47 AM
3  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Bounties (Altcoins) / 🔥🔥[ BOUNTY] ARTCOIN ICO PHASE 2 - Biggest BOUNTY UPTO $2.5Million to Share🔥🔥 on: March 06, 2019, 07:32:08 PM

Follow Us


Artcoin phase 2

Total Token allocated for this bounty will be 25,000,000 of ART, and each Token worth 0.10 $ This means the total value of the Bounty Pool is $2,500,000(2.5 Million USD).

1 ARS= 0.10$
On Pre-sale 1 ARS=0.01$


The funds will be split into different campaigns in such a format:

Twitter Campaign: 20%
Facebook Campaign: 20%
Telegram Campaign: 10%
Signature Campaign: 15%
Blog/Video Campaign:15%
Translation Campaign:20%

Account must be at least 3 months old.
Must follow this page: -
Must have at least 200 followers.
Minimum of 5 retweets must be done weekly to be eligible for payment & retweets should be spread over a week, not in one day.
Not posting any week's retweets will mean no token will be given.

You must tweet at least 1 of your original tweet about ART and use hash tags #ico #ARTCOIN #ARTico

200-500 Followers : 600 tokens per week
501-1500 Followers : 1400 tokens per week
1501-3000 Followers : 2000 tokens per week
3001-5000 Followers : 2400 tokens per week
5001 and above Followers : 3200 tokens per week

Format to post your work
Week #1



Account must be at least 3 months old.
Must follow this page: -
Must have at least 300 Followers/Friends.
You have to like and share at least 5 posts per week from our official facebook page and should be done over a week not in one day.

300-600 Followers/Friends  : 600 tokens per week
601-1500 Followers/Friends  : 1400 tokens per week
1501-4000 Followers/Friends  : 2000 tokens per week
4001+ and above Followers/Friends  : 2400 tokens per week

Format to post your work
Week #1

Shares + Likes

Telegram Join link :-
No spam or foul language against other members or about the project.
Try to be active and ask questions about the project.
Stay until the end of the ICO.
Discussion about the bounty is strictly prohibited.
For every week, just post your telegram username on the thread in below format

Joining 1200 tokens per week

Format to post your work
Week 1

•   Only active BitcoinTalk users will be able to participate. This being said, you will need to have a minimum of 40 BitcoinTalk posts already.
•   During this Campaign you will need to post at least 10 times a week. These posts need to be positive.
•   Only high quality, on-topic and constructive posts will be counted. Posts must be at least a 100 Character Long.
•   Stakes will be provided per week, if you keep the avatar and the signature. You will receive bonuses for constructive posts
•   Do not remove the signature or avatar in the middle of the Campaign, you will be disqualified if found to be guilty of this. When the campaign finishes keep your signature until your final post count is published, allow time for this to be counted.
•   Full Member and up will receive a 10% bonus for using the provided avatar

Junior:             4000 Token per week + 10 Token for Avatar per week
Members :          6000 Token per week + 10 Token for Avatar per week
Full Members :     8000 Token per week + 10 Token for Avatar per week
Senior Members : 12000 Token per week + 10 Token for Avatar per week
Legendary/Hero:  20000 Token per week + 10 Token for Avatar per week

How to Apply :-

Spreadsheet Link (Signature) :-

Signature Avatar

Signature Designs
[center][url=][b]☉☉☉ ARTCOIN.AI ☉☉☉

[center][url=][b]☉☉☉ ARTCOIN.AI ☉☉☉ ▐| BLOCKCHAIN ART GALLERY SYSTEM |▌[/url]
[i][b]◐ o ◑ Blockchain Can Bring The Fine Art Investment World Together ◐ o ◑[/i]
[b]┣▇  [url=]MEDIUM[/url]  ┣▇  [url=]FACEBOOK[/url]   ┣▇  [url=]TWITTER[/url]   ┣▇  [url=]LINKEDIN[/url]   ┣▇  [url=]PINTEREST[/url]   ┣▇  [url=]INSTAGRAM[/url][/center]

[center][url=][b][color=#ccbb44]☉☉☉ ARTCOIN.AI ☉☉☉ ▐| BLOCKCHAIN ART GALLERY SYSTEM |▌[/url]
[color=#ddbb22][i][b]◐ o ◑ Blockchain Can Bring The Fine Art Investment World Together ◐ o ◑[/i]
[b][color=#aa9944]┣▇  [url=][color=#ddbb11]MEDIUM[/url]  ┣▇  [url=][color=#ddbb11]FACEBOOK[/url]   ┣▇  [url=][color=#ddbb11]TWITTER[/url]   ┣▇  [url=][color=#ddbb11]LINKEDIN[/url]   ┣▇  [url=][color=#ddbb11]PINTEREST[/url]   ┣▇  [url=][color=#ddbb11]INSTAGRAM[/url][/center]

      ████      █████████▄ ▀██████████▀  ▄████████▄       ▄█████████▄     ████ ████       ███            
     ██████     ███    ▀███▄   ████    ▄████▀  ▀█████   ▄████▀   ▀████▄   ████ █████      ███            
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      ████      █████████▄ ▀██████████▀  ▄████████▄       ▄█████████▄     ████ ████       ███            
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   ████  ████   ███    ▄███▀   ████  ████             ████           ████ ████ ███ ▀███   ███            
  ▄███    ███▄  █████████▀     ████  ████             ████  ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀  ████ ████ ███   ███▄ ███            ▀
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Write a good article, review, or blog post about ART Project in your words; Post it on reputable sites or platforms.  You can also post it on your own website if it has great traffic and related audience.

Blog/Article/Reviews writing instructions:
The article/review/blog post must have at least 700 words.
Your text must be original. Copy and stealing other contents bring to disqualification
The audience for the posted article must by crypto related or match a use for ART or promote the TOKEN SALE to a suitable audience.
The website must have a genuine audience. New websites will not be accepted.
Medium, Steemit and other Free Blogs are allowed. but one person can only write 1 Article (you choose which one you use) or articles allowed in premium blogs and websites with .com, .net. .org etc domains and Well SEO.
Article/review/blog post must contain at least 1 link to the 4-ART Token Sale Website: (use this Tracking link only) and One link to Link to one of the Social Media Pages.

Video instructions:

Describe ART and it's features
Video must be in the good resolution
Video must be minimum of 2 minutes.
You can upload them to Youtube, Dailymotion or others.
You will receive rewards based on the quality and the audience of Video.
Additionally, if you decide to make a video, at least 1 link to the ART Token Sale Website: (use this Tracking link only) and One link to Link to one of the Social Media Pages included in the description

Normal quality & audience: 4000 Tokens
Medium quality & audience: 12000 Tokens
High quality & audience: 20000 Tokens

How to Apply :-

Spreadsheet Link (Youtube/Blog) :-

Founder and campaign managers are entitled, change rules, add rules, reject you from campaign.


#WEEK 8 : 25 APRIL TO 02 MAY

*** We have launched Bounty & Airdrops Channel in Which you can participate & make money out of the thin air
Airdrops & Bounties

*** Any bounty related issue or question you can ask me here or post your issue here so i can solve it
Bounty Support Group

4  Economy / Services / FOR HIRE- Social Media Marketing & Optimisation Services(4 Million) 🔥 30% OFF on: February 07, 2019, 09:49:19 AM

Previous work
These are organic reach, not paid

Note: Paid ads can also be run if required
5  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Service Announcements (Altcoins) / [ANN]SMM - Social Media Marketing & Optimisation Servics(4 Million) 🔥 30% OFF on: January 22, 2019, 09:39:58 AM

Previous work
These are organic reach, not paid

Note: Paid ads can also be run if required
6  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Bounties (Altcoins) / [BOUNTY Thread]-DenCity (Upto 1100K$ To Share)-Biggest ICO Ever on: December 17, 2017, 07:26:53 PM
[BOUNTY Thread]-DenCity (Upto 1100K$ To Share)-Biggest ICO Ever
We are happy to announce you the official Dencity bounty program details.
we invite you to participate in the our bounty campaign and help Dencity project to build the wide and strong community.
For any bounty related queries please email:
[ ANN ]:   
If you have any questions regarding the translation/community management campaign, please, use the Dencity telegram for the communication. It will be the fastest way to communicate. Token price=0.034$
Dencity telegram invite link

Bounty campaign token allocation:

  Facebook bounty: 7% (2100000 tokens)
  Twitter bounty: 7% (2100000 tokens)
  Telegram bounty: 2% (600000 Tokens)
  Reddit bounty: 7% (2100000 tokens)
  Youtube bounty: 10% (3000000 Tokens)
  Translation & community management campaign bounty: 10% (3000000 Tokens)
  Signature and avatar campaign bounty: 15% (4500000 tokens)
  Blog bounty: 25% (7500000 Tokens)
  PR bounty: 10% (3000000 Tokens)
  Creative Campaign bounty: 7% (2100000 tokens)

Total amount of DenCity tokens reserved for FACEBOOK bounty campaign:
2100000(worth 71,400$)
How to Participate:
1. Follow and like the official DenCity Facebook page:   
 2. Use the Dencity Facebook bounty campaign signup form to participate:

Spreadsheet Link
 3. Post or Repost DenCity app content on your Facebook profile / Page /  Group
Facebook bounty campaign rules:
Update:It is mandatory to fill the signup form. All those who have already filled this form but are unable to locate their entry, kindly fill the signup form again
– Only one Facebook account per person is allowed.
– Bitcointalk accounts with negative trust are not eligible.
– Your Facebook account must have at least 200 real followers .
– Your Facebook account needs to have at least 85% real followers.
– You have to like and repost at least 7 posts from our Facebook account:
– You have to make 3 Facebook posts about DenCity, include hashtag  #Dencity. Only 1 post per day will count.
-Post must remain until the crowdsale closes.

Rules for Group owners / Page owners:
- Group should have minimum 2000 members
-Members should be crypto based
-Once approved then only you can post
Distribution of Stakes on Like & Share:

200+ Friends / Followers:2stakes
500+ Friends / Followers:4stakes
1000+ Friends / Followers:10stakes
2000+ Friends / Followers:20stakes
5000+ Friends / Followers:30stakes

Distribution of Stakes on Post:
200+ Friends / Followers:2stakes
500+ Friends / Followers:4stakes
1000+ Friends / Followers:10stakes
2000+ Friends / Followers:20stakes
5000+ Friends / Followers:30stakes
For Liking our facebook account:1stake

– Posts must be in English. You have to submit your week work (post/repost)  in this form Before every saturday -
Work Spreadsheet Link

Facebook bounty tokens will be distributed proportionally among the DenCity Facebook bounty campaign program participants according to the amount of received stakes.

Total amount of DenCity tokens reserved for twitter bounty campaign:
2100000(worth 71,400$)        
How to Participate:
1. Follow the official DenCity account on twitter:
2. Use the DenCity twitter bounty campaign signup form to participate:

Spreadsheet Link
3.Tweet / Retweet content about @DenCity including the following #Dencity #ICO #ethereum #Blockchain.
Twitter bounty campaign rules:
Update:It is mandatory to fill the signup form.All those who have already filled the form but are unable to locate their entry, fill the signup form again & those who have participated on this thread should proceed according to thread rules
– Only One Twitter account per person is allowed.
– Your Twitter account needs to have at least 85% real followers.
- We will check twitter followers from
– You have to Tweet / Retweet at least 5 tweets from our Twitter account: @dencity_life
-  Tweet or retweet must remain until the crowdsale closes.
-  Multiple accounts are not allowed. Those found using such multi accounts will be disqualified and blacklisted from any and all future campaigns

– Tweets / Retweets must be in English. You have to submit your week,s work (Tweets / Retweets) in this form Before every saturday

Distribution of Stakes on Every tweet:

100+  Followers:2stakes
250+  Followers:5stakes
650+ Followers:10stakes
1000+ Followers:20stakes
5000+ Followers:30stakes
15000+ Followers:60stakes

Distribution of Stakes on Every Retweet:

100+  Followers:1stakes
250+  Followers:3stakes
650+ Followers:5stakes
1000+ Followers:10stakes
5000+ Followers:15stakes
15000+ Followers:30stakes

*For following our twitter account:               2    Stakes

Twitter bounty tokens will be distributed proportionally among the DenCity twitter bounty campaign program participants according to the amount of received stakes.

Total amount of DenCity tokens reserved for Telegram bounty campaign:
How to participate:

Update:Telegram campaign has been moved here
Anyone who have participated earlier mail on with respective proof
2 Stakes /User

Total amount of DenCity tokens reserved for Reddit bounty campaign:
2100000(worth 71,400$)
How to participate:
1. Follow the official subreddit:
2. Use the DenCity Reddit bounty campaign signup form to participate:

3. Post and/or comment about DenCity on Reddit

Reddit bounty campaign rules:
Only one Reddit account per person is allowed.
Posts regarding DenCity or featuring DenCity
Your account must have at least 100 posts- and 20 comment- karma
Your account must be at least a month old
For a post to be counted, it needs to be posted in one of the following subreddits, or cryptocurrency related subreddits: r/bitcoin, r/ethereum, r/ethtrader, r/icocrypto, r/cryptocurrency
Posts and Comments with negative Karma will not be accepted. Any kind of spam will not be rewarded either
 You have to submit your post and comment in this form every week

Distribution of Stakes on Reddit post:

10+ Upvote:5stakes
20+  Upvote:10stakes
50+ Upvote:20stakes
100+ Upvote:50stakes
300+ Upvote:100stakes

Distribution of stakes on Reddit comments:
10+ Upvote:2stakes
20+  Upvote:5stakes
50+ Upvote:10stakes
100+ Upvote:25stakes
300+ Upvote:50stakes
*For following our subreddit account additional 2 stakes will be provided

Total amount of DenCity tokens reserved for Youtube bounty campaign:
3000000(worth 1,02,000$)
How to Participate:
Update:Youtube campaign has been moved here
Anyone who have participated earlier mail on with respective proof

*For creation of videos there will be additional 10 stakes

1k-2k views:10stakes

Total amount of DenCity tokens allocated for translation bounties
3000000(worth 1,02,000$)
DenCity ANN thread:
Website link:
Whitepaper link:
How to participate in DenCity Translate & Moderation bounty campaign:
1. Use the DenCity bounty campaign signup form to participate:

Spreadsheet Link

2. Send your previous work experience & we will contact you

Approval Process:
Make sure to send the links to your previous work!
We'll review your request, and if your previous experience looks interesting - we'll contact you and discuss the details. Send your relevant experience at above form
The translations \ local community management reservations will be announced below in this post.
Translation campaign rules:
Using Google Translate and other online translators is not allowed. Participants using Google Translate will be immediately disqualified.
Only one translation is allowed per participant. Applications for the translations to multiple languages will not be accepted.
A single post dead thread is useless for the Project and will not be accepted. We expect from the ANN translators to take the responsibility to moderate their threads by keeping them active with translated official announcements, news and updates regularly. If a translator just posts the thread and leaves it dead, with no updates, he/she will be disqualified. There are additional Rewards for active Moderation. So it is paid work.
- DenCity ICO ANN thread opening post translation: 50 stakes
- Activity in the local ANN thread: 2 stakes per 1 post (yours) in your ANN thread
- Translation of the DenCity Whitepaper to your language: 200 stakes
- Translation of the DenCity website to your language: 100 stakes

Translation and community management bounty tokens will be distributed proportionally among the participants according to the amount of received stakes.

Total amount of DenCity tokens reserved for signature bounty campaign:
4500000(worth 1,53,000$)
(Closed )
Update:Signature campaign has been moved here
Anyone who have participated earlier mail on with respective proof

Total amount of DenCity tokens reserved for blog bounty campaign:
How to participate:
Update:Blog campaign has been moved here
Anyone who have participated earlier mail on with respective proof
Blog bounty campaign rules:
Blog bounty will be distributed between the creators of the posts, reviews and press releases about DenCity project.
Anyone can participate - just create a 400+ words long text about DenCity and publish it on your website. The better is your text - the more stakes you will receive.
All the texts must be published online and accessible by everyone.
Your text must be original.
We don’t allow websites with no audience or new websites; the website where you choose to publish your text, must be at least 2 months old, and must have the user activity.
Your text should have 400 words or more..
Your post must include at least 2 links: to website, DenCity ICO ANN thread, other DenCity social media or to the other articles about the project.
Make sure you have the full understanding of the DenCity platform - the project is very complicated from technological point of view. Read the DenCity project Whitepaper and Business Overview document first - you can find them on our website
Tags & Topic For Article Publication should be Related to Crypto/ICO/Blockchain
Approval rights are reserved with Dencity team
We will judge posts on the basis of followers,quality of the post ,platform,profile reputation
Preferable Platform will be medium and steemit
Some ideas for the posts:
Explain the DenCity architecture. Why it's so cool? What are the benefits for the miners? What are the benefits for computing power buyers?
How will miners interact with hubs and computing power buyers?
What are the benefits of DenCity in comparison with competing projects?
When will DenCity ICO start and why should one participate?
Any good texts regarding DenCity project
Just make sure that your text is technically correct, and doesn't have typos and errors.


We will give out 10, 20, or 30  stakes depending on the quality of the blog post.
All stake will be given out at the end of the ico campaign.
Average  :   10
Best       :    20
Excellent:    30

Total amount of DenCity tokens reserved for PR bounty campaign:
How to participate:
1. Use the DeCity PR bounty campaign signup form to participate:
PR bounty campaign rules:
Articles should be In Favor Of DenCity
Unique Article (Same article Should Not be Published Before on that particular Website)
Article should be meaningful and concise
Your text must be 400 words or more..
Your post must include at least 2 links: to website, DenCity ICO ANN thread, other DenCity social media or to the other articles about the project.
Tags & Topic For Article Publication should be Related to Crypto/ICO/Blockchain
Approval rights should be reserved with DenCity team
We will judge posts on the basis of quality of posts,Reputation of platform
All the texts must be published online and accessible by everyone.
Crypto websites are listed here

Listed Crypto Website:500stakes
Listed Main Stream Publication:400stakes

Any Other  (Block-Chain/Crypto News website):
Other 1M+(as per similar web):300stakes
Other 750k-1M(as per similar web):250stakes
Other 500K-750K(as per similar web):200stakes
Other 100K-50K(as per similar web):150stakes
Other 50k-10k(as per similar web):100stakes

Any Other  (Main-Stream Publication/General News Website):
Other 5M+(as per similar web):250stakes
Other 1M-5M(as per similar web):175stakes
Other 500K-1M(as per similar web):100stakes
Other 100K-500K(as per similar web):75stakes
Other 50k-100k(as per similar web):50stakes

Total amount of DenCity tokens reserved for creative bounty campaign:
How to participate:
Create a video for us we will post on our official channel & give stakes according to that
Anything creative which you can create or write a article for us & send us we will post on our official blog & distribute stake accordingly


The following instructions are relevant to all tasks!

To participate in the bounty program, you will first need to complete the registration process. After completing the required form, please await for approval to participate in the relevant campaign. Once approval is granted, please submit evidence that you have completed the task. We will assess the evidence to see if it complies with the bounty rules and requirements of the specific campaign.


• Bounty rewards will be distributed one week after the conclusion of the crowdsale and sent to the ethereum address submitted during the registration process. We will only distribute your reward to if you are using a wallet to which you hold the private keys and is not part of an exchange account.

• DenCity will use your email address to verify your identity. All communications regarding a specific bounty campaign will be performed directly to and from your email address. Any communications received from an email address different to the one listed during the registration process will be ignored.
• The Initial registration to our bounty program is done using the forms connected to the relevant bounty campaign displayed below. however, all further correspondence will be done directly by our bounty coordinators, and by email.

• Please make sure you are using a valid email address that is connected to an email inbox that you visit frequently.

• Submit your work every saturday(we are counting work on every sunday)so make sure to post your work on work form every saturday

Join our DenCity community and help us bridge the gap between the mass market and the blockchain economy
7  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Service Announcements (Altcoins) / [ANN][ICO] Dencity-Where you choose your meta life on: November 30, 2017, 11:42:33 AM

A Blockchain and AI-powered metaverse that provides a completely immersive experience to escape the bitter state that we are living in today and move out to a completely new place, world, universe or galaxy where you define the lifestyle and rules.

Why DenCity

Earn in Meta Life-Spend in Real Life:-

As the meta-environment replicates the actual environment and with the integration of blockchain your earnings in DenCity-metaverse directly translate to your earnings in the real life.

Decentralized Governance:-

In DenCity, there are no pre-defined centralised systems such as banks and government organizations and all important decisions relating to DenCity are taken through a voting/election format using CASTX protocol. This protocol ensures that all the voting is democratic, decentralized and secure.

In Environment Economics:-

DenCity’s economy is regulated by DNX token which is a standard ERC20 token for Peer to Peer payments. Along with this, each and every business transaction is executed via a smart contract which makes it the world’s first trustless economy.

Social Capital:-

We believe that relationships are essential to the survival of a human being. Incorporating this thought, the basic decentralised system is designed in such a way that encourages interaction between Denizens leading to in-environment friendships and relationships. Here, you will be able to form social groups, take someone out, start a family and many other things.

DenCity Use-Cases:

Social Groups:
Groups that currently gather in online forums, chat groups, or even other centralized multiplayer games could port their communities in DenCity environment to conduct activities and discussions

Meeting Spaces: For companies whose employees are distributed across the globe, they will be able to hold interactive and diverse VR environment meetings within DenCity.

Education: A teacher can provide his/her services to students across the globe in a more interactive and friendly manner through DenCity

Content Creators: Team DenCity encourages all Denizens to actively participate in the economy and enables content creators to publish and sell content within the DenCity environment.


Read the DenCity Whitepaper with detailed description of the technologies, architecture,
and all the other essential information about the platform:

The Technology Behind DenCity

DenCity’s technology is based on a 3 layer architecture that combines 3 major technologies. These three technologies namely Virtual Reality, Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence form the three layers of DenCity :

Virtual Reality: Interaction Layer

VR is basically the interaction layer that provides the interface for the users to participate, contribute and live in the DenCity as a Denizen.

Blockchain: Ownership Layer

Blockchain provides the ownership layer where you are the owner of the assets that you have built or earned over time. The cryptographic proof of ownership ensures that under no circumstances can your DenCity life be snatched away from you.

The Blockchain layer also acts as a governance layer as the Metaverse will need rules and regulations decided by the citizens.

Artificial Intelligence: Intelligence Layer

With a deep integration of machine learning and artificial intelligence, our system constantly learns how you are as a person and can predict or carry out your actions even when you are offline thus giving your avatar (Metaverse Parallel) the pseudo-freedom to carry out tasks and take decisions in your absence .
Our intelligent AI algorithms help generate environments that are constantly evolving as the number of citizens join, interact and transact.




8  Economy / Service Discussion / I survided the bitcoin-24 crash, I will survive the Mt.Gox issue on: February 26, 2014, 11:27:09 PM
I have a real deja-vu.

Last year I traded on bitcoin-24 and it crashed. I had bitcoins and no fiat there and got everything out.

This yeare it's Mt.Gox. I have Bitcoins and fiat there, but I am positive to get at least most of it out.

I don't dare to tell you what exchange I am using now, don't want to frighten the sheeples away Wink
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