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We are in the process of developing an Android wallet for Electra. There is a tough decision to make:
Option 1: We can either have a staking wallet with pruning as originally promised but due to the recent increase in block size it could potentially take up about 3 GB even in pruned state assuming blocks are full. A reduction of our block size or some other modification to the blockchain would be necessary if this path is chosen so that it takes up less space. With staking mode turned on, phone battery will be reduced quicker. Also network security may be impacted if people prefer staking on mobile. On the plus side you will be able to stake on the go 24/7.
Option 2: We can have a wallet that is non-staking and pruned. It will take up less space and consume less phone battery than a staking mobile wallet. This one will take a shorter amount of time to develop.
Whichever one is chosen, I will consider my long term goal of create Android mobile staking wallet with pruning" complete. So if you have strong opinions on one or the other make it known here. I will mainly rely on the opinion of the foundation and stakeholder comments/votes while making this decision.
Pazartesi ya da Salı Electranın Süper Ödül Etabı başlayacak (blok 11522). 24-48 saat boyunca 18 milyar Electra çıkacak ve bu sürede içerisinde kazanlar arasında dağıtılacak. Bu Etap yaklaştıkça madencilerde ciddi bir artış başladı. Forumdan bu verimli dönemi kimsenin kaçırmasını istemiyorum. Hatırlatırım ki Electra şu an aktif olan TEK yerli kriptoparadır ve diğer denemelerden çok daha fazla yol kat etti. Coinmarketcape giren ilk Türk kriptoparadır. Ayrıca Bitcoin, Dogecoin ve Litecoin kriptoparaları ile şu an anda borsalarda Electra alıp satmak mümkün. Eğer siz de bu projenin en önemli kısmında yer almak istiyorsanız Electranın sayfasına gidin. Başlamanız için gerekli bütün bilgiler orada:
 Cüzdanlar Windows, Mac ve Linux v2.0 cüzdanları Pedro, CC, Ruru, Jenova, nashsclay, ECA Ricouskim, Arctic ve Master Den tarafından hazırlanmıştır. Port
RPCPort: 5788 (madencilik için) RPCTest: 15788 Port: 5817 Test: 15817
POS Getiri OranlarıYıl (≈) | Oran (≈) | Blok | _________________ | _________________ | _________________ | 1 | 50% | 11811 - 112200 | 2 | 2.5% | 112201 - 604950 | 3 | 1.25% | 604951 - 1097700 | 4 | 0.63% | 1097701 - 1590450 | 5 | 0.31% | 1590451 - 2083200 | 6 | 0.16% | 2083201 - 2575950 | 7 | 0.08% | 2575951 - 3068700 | 8 | 0.04% | 3068701 - 3561450 | 9 - ∞ | 0.02% | 3561451+ |
   Wallets v.2.0 wallets for Windows, Mac and Linux are credited to Electra01, Pedro, CC, Ruru, Jenova, nashsclay, ECA Ricouskim, Arctic and Master Den.
Credit to the developers of Bumbacoin and Feathercoin for contributions to previous forks. Ports RPCPort: 5788 (mining) | RPCTest: 15788 | Port: 5817 | Test: 15817 POS Reward RatesYear (≈) | Rate (≈) | Block | _________________ | _________________ | _________________ | 1 | 50% | 11811 - 112200 | 2 | 2.5% | 112201 - 604950 | 3 | 1.25% | 604951 - 1097700 | 4 | 0.63% | 1097701 - 1590450 | 5 | 0.31% | 1590451 - 2083200 | 6 | 0.16% | 2083201 - 2575950 | 7 | 0.08% | 2575951 - 3068700 | 8 | 0.04% | 3068701 - 3561450 | 9 - ∞ | 0.02% | 3561451+ |
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Imagine a scenario where:
An altcoin is launched fairly as 100% POW, and after a set number of coins are mined, switches to a system where there is no block reward for POW mining. Instead, you get interest for mining for a certain period of time (e.g. 20 days). If you dont mine, you dont get the interest. This is similar to the concept in POS where you can stake for a period of time and get rewarded with an interest of say 5% a year.
In this POW mining with interest system, the probability of a block being found would still depend on hash rate. I imagine though that there would be less of an ASIC arms race since whoever mines a block would get only the transaction fees within it. There is less of an incentive to invest in ASICs. The interest (e.g. 5% a year) is gained by all people who are mining for a set period of time no matter the hash rate. The reason people would mine for a fixed interest rate is to protect themselves from inflation within the coin.
Due to the design of this system, people may attempt to discover ways to mine the coin by prioritizing low energy usage as it may be more profitable to cost effectively mine minimally for just the %5 interest than to maximize hash rates in order to mine subsidized blocks as well as get the 5% everyone else is getting. As people may focus on mining with low energy devices, the network hash rate may be lower and open it up to 51% attacks. But if a large portion of users mine in order to protect themselves from interest, then the attack would be a costly one.
Do you think a system where you can mine for a certain period of time and gain interest is possible to create?
Has anyone tried it?
In your opinion, what are the advantages and drawbacks?
I suspect that when our generation of Bitcoin holders dies, a lot of us will not have left information for our heirs to access our wallets. If so, then most of the Bitcoin supply will eventually become inactive as most wallets containing Bitcoin will belong to people who are deceased. As mining will eventually finish as well, there will be no way to generate new bitcoins. The TOTAL supply and market cap will look the same on paper but, in reality, the ACTIVE supply and market cap will be a lot less due to these inactive wallets. Eventually, as the active supply falls, the price should rise but it will not reflect the total supply just the active supply.
After all Bitcoins are generated, do you agree that the ACTIVE supply will eventually fall and is there a way to stop it?
In the long run, if 50% of Bitcoins total supply becomes inactive will people still want to use it?
Is there a way to measure active supply?
Can crypto-currencies be programmed to automatically burn all coins in wallets that have been inactive for more than 100 years?