After updating my drivers and reinstalling SDK, my guiminer and cgminer crash every time after i try to open them.
I guess it's a location error but i can't find where to delete the corrupt file.
This is my debug, using drmingw:
cgminer.exe caused an Access Violation at location 7477c9f1 Reading from location 00000000.
eax=0028f3e8 ebx=03f20f3c ecx=0028f3f4 edx=040d8d48 esi=03f20f18 edi=00000000
eip=00000000 esp=0028f3d4 ebp=0028f3ec iopl=0 nv up ei pl zr na po nc
cs=0023 ss=002b ds=002b es=002b fs=0053 gs=002b efl=00010246
Call stack:
0281F918 amdocl.dll:0281F918
0294C15F amdocl.dll:0294C15F clGetSamplerInfo
0294C5EA amdocl.dll:0294C5EA clGetSamplerInfo
0294DB80 amdocl.dll:0294DB80 clGetSamplerInfo
02955B1A amdocl.dll:02955B1A clGetSamplerInfo
02955BEA amdocl.dll:02955BEA clGetSamplerInfo
02944DC6 amdocl.dll:02944DC6 clGetSamplerInfo
02918461 amdocl.dll:02918461 clIcdGetPlatformIDsKHR
65A21081 OpenCL.dll:65A21081
65A23F37 OpenCL.dll:65A23F37 clGetExtensionFunctionAddress
65A21219 OpenCL.dll:65A21219 clGetPlatformIDs
00425A7A cgminer.exe:00425A7A
00423AD9 cgminer.exe:00423AD9
004010B9 cgminer.exe:004010B9
00401284 cgminer.exe:00401284
74B633AA kernel32.dll:74B633AA BaseThreadInitThunk
77129EF2 ntdll.dll:77129EF2 RtlInitializeExceptionChain
77129EC5 ntdll.dll:77129EC5 RtlInitializeExceptionChain
Help needed, much appreciated!