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361  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Decentral Airdrop token promotions destroying bitcoins attention. on: April 19, 2018, 10:29:21 PM
many people are getting airdrops extremly easy from various icos,

there are even special scemes to get those announcement threads always on top.

these people then automatically get an interest to promote their token, similar like the early bitcoin members and the early miners.

they will not just promote the token they have unlike bitcoin, but also advertise for them against bitcoin.

this is why i ultimately expect bitcoin to loose attention which is its most important valuedriver.


362  Local / Off-Topic (Deutsch) / Deutsche bank überweist aus versehen 35 Millarden euro statt ein paar tausend on: April 19, 2018, 08:36:55 PM

deutsche bank hat aus versehen 35 milliarden euro überwiesen.

und die leute sagen kryptische währungen und Cryptocapitalisten wie ich sind nicht vertrausnwürdig.

ich muss widermal die deutsche bank und die sich einander liebenden dort an den pranger stellen

wo ist die bafin?

wo ist die polizei?
363  Local / Altcoins (Deutsch) / Deutscher "Bafin" ICO scamt 50 millionen euro on: April 18, 2018, 10:37:27 PM
hier bitteschön, da hat wohl die "bafin" versagt.

an diesen scheis werdet ihr euch gewöhnen müssen, die bafin kann höchstens die bevölkerung an neofeudale ausländische und eineimische superreiche und ihren bürokratiehelfern ausliefern. welche riesige geldsummen aufwenden um sich eine lizenz zu kaufen um dann den deutschen arbeitsmarkt für die private selbstbereicherung zu verwenden.

werden viele schäbie icos dabei sein die nie ein product liefern werden nur ein dauerndes versprechen.

banken werden kaum noch gegründet, weil die bafin, keine lizenzen vergeben kann die will wohl eher in die vergangenheit zurückreisen als irgendwas anderes

umso sicherer ist dann die umwandlung deutschlands in einen ico währungsmarkt.

deutsche mark wird kaum funktionieren.
364  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Amount of Existing Altcoins around 22.5k on: April 18, 2018, 07:59:42 PM
I tried to estimate the total amount of existing altcoins not those that coinmarketcap has listed.

its arround 22394 altcoins

i used as a basis for this number

the amount of announcement posts in the announcment forum which is 27992 and multiplied it with 0.8 which is 80% since there are also some poss without [ANN]

so we end up with 22400 Altcoins

365  Other / Meta / lets list bitcointalk.merit on coinmarketcap on: April 18, 2018, 12:51:43 PM
 Grin just for fun, i know its illegal but would wonder what price merit would get if it would be listed on coinmarketcap and on exchanges.

this is just a fun thread

but considering the us elections where money decides on everything, and billionaires win elections, why not have the same like in usa (the greatest country on earth) also in this forum

additionally the goal of this community was from the beginning to make money (bitcoin) why not again?
366  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Japan discovers next 780 years supply of rare earths for High Tech equipment on: April 16, 2018, 12:44:49 PM
Here you go your Favorite Bitcoin Country has found now enough rare earth minerals that it needs to build smartphones with cryptocoin wallets on its

Discovery of rare-earth minerals off Japan coast secures 780 years of industrial demand: study

japan having a population of 125 million the developed world that uses smartphones has around 3 billion people making it a fakto 24

or in other words 33 years supply of earths demand for rare earth just in japan.

now you can be happy.

nevertheless 780 years should be enough to find new ones on other planets on day.
367  Other / Politics & Society / More Peaceful World through CryptoCurrencies? on: April 15, 2018, 11:59:07 PM
Considering the Current Syrian war, the bankster macron in power in france and puppet of the rich french parisians,

they print national currency to hire salary slaves, that then push their hatred agenda.

trump having advisors all running their own private lobby, having no idea whats going on, striking missles in the middle east,

lybia destroyed, now syria.

will a turn around of the people away from banksters towards cryptocurrencies secure world peace?

i think thats a likely outcome.

368  Bitcoin / Project Development / Project Proposal Creating Unified Neutral Industry Forum on: April 14, 2018, 03:09:46 PM
By creating a new Unified Neutral Industry related Cryptocurrency forum,

the forums goal is to absorb as many of the smaller forums as possible into a new Big one,

the scattered Communities Projects must be approached for this the admins/mods must be talked to and convinced to melt their project for the greater good, in return they will of course get admins/mod positions in the new bigger Neutral forum, that will have to be marketed in the Industry media.

as a Neutral Industry related Alternative of,

there ICOs and Cryptocurrencies can seriously be discussed and analysed regarding their value stability, their economic and environmental benefits, their cultural benefits, the efficiency of the managing team of the respective tokens.

i List here some Forum Communities whose leading Admins and Mods would have to be talked to for this Big Melting Project -> The name of this forum i dont like still lots of bitcoin fixation in it.

This list would have to be coninued. (Post small scattered comunities here if you know some, so i will complete this list)

But very important

this new unified forum cant be successful if just established and marketed.

it must be proposed to the admins of those small scattered communities, that have to listen to the advantages to melt their projects.

we could really use a good project developer for that.

after that we finally will have a Neutral CryptoIndustry related Forum.

369  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / CNBC: Bitcoin despite short recovery now at lowest ever market share (38%) on: April 14, 2018, 11:32:10 AM
Bitcoin is according to CNBC now at 38% of the Market share due to a rise of alternative Cryptocurrencies globally

i am also currently writing an essay about that issue as bitcoin is basically designed to be unbeatable for banking cartels after the banking cartels power has been weakened, bitcoin becomes a different type of cryptocurrencies, it is not good for usage in the economy.

while at the beggining the people supported it sawing bitcoin as a hammer to crush the banks

later the peopleand icos will consider it resource wasting etc. as they will compete with it.

Bitcoin was designed more like a ram to destroy the central bankers licensing cartel, after they are weakened, those participating in the economy will have no interest aligned with it anymore. as bitcoin stays for wasting ressources. bitcoin will then be opposed and dropped by all other icos,

an additional not that review came from 2 january bitcoin was at 12k USD back then, so with  
jan. 02   12K USD -> 38%
Apr.14.   8K USD  -> likely lower as more token in existance now and lower price, for example 24%
370  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / CNBC: Bitcoin despite short recovery now at lowest ever market share (38%) on: April 14, 2018, 11:07:41 AM
Not sure weather this belongs into bitcoin or altcoin section

Bitcoin is according to CNBC now at 14% of the Market share due to a rise of alternative Cryptocurrencies globally

i am also currently writing an essay about that issue as bitcoin is basically designed to be unbeatable for banking cartels after the banking cartels power has been weakened, bitcoin becomes a different type of cryptocurrencies, it is not good for usage in the economy.

while at the beggining the people supported it sawing bitcoin as a hammer to crush the banks

later the peopleand icos will consider it resource wasting etc. as they will compete with it.

Bitcoin was designed more like a ram to destroy the central bankers licensing cartel, after they are weakened, those participating in the economy will have no interest aligned with it anymore. as bitcoin stays for wasting ressources. bitcoin will then be droppes as the stealthy weapon it originally just was.
371  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Fintech licensing? new attempt of the banksters to imprison everyone? on: April 14, 2018, 03:46:04 AM
have you heard of the new Fintech licensing, the banksters are afraid of loosing their power and wealth and now seek to establish "licenses" with "license applications"

to create an environment suitable for them

has anyone researched this development, how dangerous can it become for freedom of cryptoeconomics?

will they go nazi style?

here is the ecb demands for fintech firms
372  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / How many blockchain encription services are there now? on: April 14, 2018, 12:32:59 AM
How many Blockchain encription plattforms exist by now.

1. Ethereum biggest sysstem with most attention currently gas has high price and is fastly overrun by gas speculants

2. Neo (in china) as far as i know no tx fee

3. Waves (Russia) as far as i know low tax fee 3.51 € for 1000 transactions

now i heard there are more plattforms comming up offering similar services.

which have managed to establish themselves?

i appreciate your answer.

373  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Let's face it current main Value driver is Attention Superiority, Next comes... on: April 13, 2018, 12:18:01 AM
No cryptocurrency has as much attention as bitcoin or ethereum and they have therefore the Highest Value, but bitcoin is bad outdated tech now, and there are many better encription services now available than ethereum with lower transaction costs. and much less overrun by speculants that hold bag its gas, for the ico token holders, like waves, or neo. and more to come.

their attention superiority is however extremly difficult to defend in the long term, so people will desire stability and someone will come to bring it to them:

Violence and Oppression will then be the next much longer lasting and much stable value driver which will be desired by traders, merchants and their workers, thats how history of mankind always worked.

The Holocaust of the Nazis was a tool to establish a financial elite and delude subhuman cattle forced to sell their time to their national central banks,

now with millions of cryptocurrencies out there its just a matter of time till violence becomes the next tool to intruduce and enforce a CryptoCurrency

because the alternative to that would be a neverending increase of cryptomarketing in tv, internet and everywhere, all social media will be overgarbaged by the industry since everyone will think, oh easy money, lets join it.

i am afraid i am quite right on this one. where will it happen first?

374  Other / Off-topic / Why dont muslims understand that, on: April 12, 2018, 08:50:52 PM
if god doesnt want that there are atheists he would have just shown himself to them like:

and there would be no doubting atheists anymore.

maybe god wants the atheists to exist and constantly threaten their governments to protect the "muslims" human rights.

or wants the muslims to have something to do.

now this depiction of god in a human form is just examplatory, but god could give all atheists a sign to prove his existance so they would immediately know, why do they have to believe the muslims?

375  Local / Off-Topic (Deutsch) / Wieviel prozent der Männer sind Schwul? on: April 12, 2018, 07:05:41 PM
Ich bin aufgewachsen mit der Realitäts-Einschätzung das schwule ein in der Bibel erwähnter Mythos sind. Ich fand auch keinerlei verständnis warum es so toll sein soll schwul zu sein.

Diese biblische Ablehnung von Schwulen und Homosexuellen habe ich erfolgreich und ununterbrochen als einziges religöses Gesetz perfekt befolgt, obwohl ich ansonsten nicht religös war. ich konnte schlicht und einfach nicht anders.

bei der ganzen schwulen Lobby die überall um sich greift, auch im Internet frage mich da echt langsam wie hoch ist den der Prozentsatz von schwulen Männern tatsächlich?

sind das 20-50% im westen?

Würd mich mal echt eure Meinung interressieren wie heftig die situation ist.

vielleicht wärs dann doch besser wenn wir dann alle eine polygame religion wie islam hätten.

Muss mich da mal echt updaten.

und noch eine frage:

sind die Freimaurer eine geheime Schwulenorganisation?

376  Local / Deutsch (German) / Veränderten kryptowährungen auch euren medienkonsum? on: April 12, 2018, 10:37:58 AM
seit kryptowährungen raus sind habe ich meinen medienkonsum gewaltig geändert,

fernsehen schaue ich schon seit jahrzehnten nicht mehr. und seit kryptos raus sind habe ich es nun voll weggeschmissen ard/zdf und die ganzen anderen konzernmedien anzuschauen.

hab vor kurem mal testweise reingeschaut und da wird wieder zum krieg gehetzt um wieder im nahen osten ein land in die steinzeit zu bomben.

so gesehen haben kryptische währungen echt die aussicht für frieden zu sorgen wenn den zentralbanken das und die arbeitssklaven ausgehen.

zum erstan mal in der geschichte ist es nun möglich einfach bestimmte währungen nicht mehr zu akzeptieren als ein händler um damit gewalt,krieg, und petrodollarimperialismus den garaus zu machen.

377  Local / Altcoins (Deutsch) / Wie müsste eine PERFEKTE Kryptische Währung für Deutschland heisen? on: April 11, 2018, 09:05:34 PM
Wie müsste eine Kryptische Währung/ICO in Deutschland heisen. damit die bafin (die will eine million euro lizens haben) und die deutsche Bevölkerung diese animmt. heisen?

ich tippe mal auf


wenn die bafin nicht mindestens 10 millionen Bafingulden abkassiert dann ist diese währung illegal.

alles wird illegal sein außer dem kryptischen Bafingulden.
378  Other / Meta / Shall build neutral CryptoEconomics Forum? on: April 11, 2018, 08:31:44 PM
So many Complains about upranking issues,
So many Complains about merit System,

Newbies living under the rule of the "old rabits"

there are now more than 1500 other cryptocurrencies, why is bitcoin "the coin" and the others just "altcoins"

making a new general Forum calling it CryptoCapitalist Board, or Cryptoeconomics Board etc.

has huge potential, who would join that new board. post in this threat. Who has experience in board management. the altcoin section is the one causing the most difficulties for the admins maybe we should move it into a new forum on its own.

379  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Any data regarding the density of ico per region/population on: April 10, 2018, 03:03:25 PM
any idea where in the world the amount of icos has the highest density per population amount?

would be interesting to know but for that all icos would have to be considered, as i expect many more to come.
380  Other / Meta / Exchanging considered & reviewed trust donations, on: April 10, 2018, 08:28:54 AM
are here people that are not beeing rewarded with trust, they deserve?

why dont we just do an exchange of reviewed and considered trust donations? you show me why you earned trust through some posts (as i do as well) and then we do reviewed and considered trust donations, both parties have to agree on the other persons agenda, and goals.

otherwise only the elderly forum founders and admins will have huge trust because they support each other. because they will be the only systematically corporating group in this forum

pm me if you are interested.
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