There's a new loan available to you...
- Paying lenders 4% APR
- Interest paid daily
- All balances over 30,000 satoshi accepted, and we'll repay you on your terms is seeking your investment...for the low risk, it's paying better than any loan you can make to an individual. use of funds: When you hold money in your account, we split it into 3 parts - the first part is used to cover user withdrawals, the second part is used to bankroll our MULTIPLY BTC game and the third part is used to expand our bitcoin mining operation (which is currently 6.485 Petahashes or 0.181% of the total hashpower of the bitcoin network). We make a profit and assume the full risks of our businesses and in return for you saving your money with us, we give you a risk-free fixed rate of return.
Details available on the website (see signature for link) or PM me directly.
Good luck to you!