Disclaimer: I do not condone nor tolerate the actions by forum members, I am just trying to make sure that people are aware about the topic and that it has legal repercussions.
Doxing the practice of researching and broadcasting any identifying info in public.
My concern is most topics in investigations doxxed potential scammers, I believe that everyone is innocent until proven guilty and I see this as a pretty alarming thing because if it is tolerated here then I am scared that someone with ill-intent might use the doxxing in the forum as a scapegoat for their actions despite forum members doing it with the ill intent behind. Wouldn't it be better if we report the details to authorities instead of putting it in the forum. The doxxed identity has a legal leverage which can negate the accusations.
Hopefully, everyone can understand what I want to say, this can happen to anyone and everyone here for sure cares about privacy.
PS. I feel that this might not belong here so let me know if I should delete it or move it.