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1  Economy / Exchanges / Exchanges are most important on: January 07, 2020, 04:17:57 PM
It appears to me, that trusted and honest exchange websites like the new exchange are the most important for the mass adoption of cryptocurrency for the world.

Currently countries like Venezuela have resorted to using Federal Reserve Notes, mostly in desperation. I believe Bitcoin and altcoins like Dogecoin will come to be more important in the long run. Exchanges allow price discovery and the ability to use any altcoin to transfer value, if the markets gain liquidity.
2  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Bounties (Altcoins) / [BOUNTY] 1,000,000 EPC to fix wallet connecting to dogecoin on: August 26, 2019, 03:20:34 AM

1,000,000 EPC to fix wallet. Currently the dogecoin blockchain is connecting to experiencecoin, which is preventing mining.

Be the first to Fix the issue and claim your reward. PM me with windows version compiled and github link, and experiencecoin wallet address.
3  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Are core wallets programmed to freeze??? on: July 15, 2019, 04:40:21 AM
Dear crypto community. I am a crypto-currency investor, I specialize in obscure altcoins which often require running a full node and downloading an entire blockchain.

What I am about to explain does not apply to every wallet, it is only something I have observed in certain wallets.

As we all know, bitcoin is an open source project, with the entire source code available at github. The altcoins are simply modified copies or forks of the bitcoin code. Many altcoins are forks of other altcoins, etc.

Certain wallets appear to simply stop functioning after a certain time, and will not function until the program is closed and started again.

I have been thinking about why this could be happening, and either the wallet malfunctions, or more likely it has been intentionally added. The only question was why?

So recently I have been attempting to mint a proof of stake coin called sprouts. Currently sprouts coin is traded on and was cheap enough that I could afford a reasonable portion of the circulating supply, and could possibly be successful in minting.

However, it appears that this wallet simply stops functioning after an hour or so of running. It appears to be running, but will not download the blocks, just like some other coins. This has made it very difficult to download the blockchain, since I cannot just leave it running.

So I have been trying to figure out what sort of benefit this could provide, and today I think I have realized the answer. The wallet stops functioning in order to prevent anyone except the top wallet from staking any blocks, because the wallet becomes frozen before successfully minting. This also happens with some traditional proof of work coins, probably to make it more difficult to mine them.

The problem could be a problem on my end, perhaps my computer or internet are to blame.

What do you think? Has anyone else come across the frozen wallet issue? Thank you for your time.
4  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Sprouts is revitalized! on: May 27, 2019, 05:35:08 AM
The crypto-currency fostering new possibilities and talents

Hey everyone, Sprouts is revitalized! Check out the new thread!

5  Other / Off-topic / Just bought a 3D printer, What should I print? on: June 29, 2018, 07:31:13 AM
Good day, as the title suggests, I have purchased a 3d printer, specifically, a monoprice mp i3 from ebay brand new. It was on sale for $150 with free shipping, marked down from $399.

3D printing is amazing, it is very simple and very powerful. 3D printing technology, specifically FDM (Fused Deposition Modeling) was invented in 1989, as a way to quickly prototype models. This has led many hobbiests to develop the first commercial FDM 3D printers sold as buildable kits. These systems have now become developed by companies such as Novamaker and Monoprice.

The main advantage of the monoprice mp i3 besides its excellent price, is that it comes fully assembled. There are, however, several disadvantages I have seen so far. The most obvious being that the monoprice mp i3 does not have a heated bed. This is actually OK, because a heated bed is only used for printing with ABS plastic, this is really not desirable, because ABS produces quite potent and toxic fumes when used. Getting the print bed level on the monoprice mp i3 is very tedious and tricky, it is the most crucial step for successful prints.

My first serious project will be to print a 660 watt brushless DC motor created by Christoph Laimer, here is a youtube video of Mr. Laimer demonstrating his beastly motor.
6  Economy / Trading Discussion / EASY single crypto address ANY COIN multiple customer SECURE METHOD!!! on: May 24, 2018, 05:14:41 AM
Greetings, one of the primary uses for cryptocurrency as set out in the original whitepaper written by Satoshi Nakamoto, was for them to be used as payments for goods and services online, similar to a digital cash.

The primary difficulty in using cryptocurrency as a payment method, is providing secure evidence of who sent the transaction. This has so far been accomplished by assigning one or more unique addresses each time a payment is required. This has the flaw of being very complicated to accomplish using a code based solution, and therefore will generally be pursued by a few perhaps only one company. This is our current situation with bitpay and litepay. These payment solutions are very tedious and complex to maintain, and because of this, only a few cryptocurrency is available as a payment method, and a single third party is responsible for ensuring those payment methods are secure and effective.

I am introducing an easy to use payment solution for goods and services online with any cryptocurrency and using only a single public receiving address for each type of currency accepted.

The solution is to email, or otherwise send via a timestamped communications method, with the sender previding their details, the exact amount of cryptocurrency that will be sent. For example, if you wanted to sell a pizza for $9.99 and you accepted litecoin, the amount to send would be 9.99/[Litecoin_Price]=[Amount_To_Send]. For example, the current price of litecoin as of this article, is about $121 usd.

9.99/121=0.08256198 LTC.

The exact amount to send will change as the price fluctuates, and will be unique for each transaction. The buyer first calculates how much will be sent and emails the seller how many coins will be sent exactly  before actually sending the coins. Then the buyer sends the calculated amount to the public address. The seller knows without doubt who sent the coins, because the timestamped email with the amount sent, will be before the transaction's timestamp as recorded in the blockchain.
7  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Was bitcoin created by artificial intelligence? on: April 03, 2018, 04:30:25 AM
Greetings. I am a cryptocurrency investor, and I am constantly researching topics regarding computer science and blockchain technology. Recent advancements in artificial intelligence, particularly in regards to artificial neural networks commonly referred to as deep learning, have become startlingly more realistic and human-like. The first I heard of deep learning, was the AI program called Watson, who could play jeopardy better than the world champion Ken Jennings. This ushered in a new era of Artificial Intelligence. Machines are now becoming more intelligent than people, as seen here in this video, where two robots talk to each other so realistically, it is unbelievable.

Deep learning Artificial Neural networks are now sophisticated enough to drive cars completely autonomously. I have even heard that AI has successfully written computer code. Is it possible that Sotoshi Nakamoto was actually an artificial intelligence program based on deep learning artificial neural networks? Yes, it is very possible.

In fact, robots are stealing our jobs, so that many people are against their development, there is a clear survival motive for AI to create bitcoin. Please share your thoughts below!
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