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1  Local / Anfänger und Hilfe / "Non segwit" Wallet Empfehlungen? on: December 07, 2023, 05:38:13 PM
Hi @all,

hat jemand Empfehlungen für "non segwit" Wallets?
Also einer BTC Wallet die - edit: deren adresse - nicht mit "bc1" beginnt
2  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Speculation (Altcoins) / Blockchain Projects with MCAP <1mrd$ on: May 01, 2018, 10:26:04 AM
Hi guys,

what small blockchain project do you think will perform best for the next 1 - 2 month and WHY?

Waves - 700mio$
Stratis - 700mio$
Ardor - 400mio$
edit: AION - 400mio$ (21/05/2018)
Ark - 400mio$
Neblio - 200mio$
Deep Brain Chain - 150mio$
Nuls - 150mio$
AChain 150mio$
Matrix AI - 130mio$
High Performance Blockchain - 100mio$
edit: Lamden - 30mio$ (21/05/2018)
edit: Remme - 11,5mio$ (21/05/2018)
3  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Speculation (Altcoins) / ACHAIN next x10? (Smart Contact project) on: April 30, 2018, 07:21:17 PM
AChain is a Smart Contract project which has already some running DAPP's.
However, it seems that currently no one has it on its radar for being hat.

Anyone else who knows the project? What are your thoughts?
4  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Speculation (Altcoins) / Decentralized Web Projects on: April 30, 2018, 04:09:48 PM
Hi guys,

does anyone here know some projects which care about internet decentralization expect the following:

- Substratum
- Shift

Meanings for the projects above are also very welcome.

Maybe I start with my opinion. Shift have not delivered anything timely for the last 9 month I think so, so maybe good to speculate with the coin, but not a longterm for me. Datadash just released a video of SUB (top 3 coins for may 2018), but I am not so much involved in SUB, so I have to do my research first before doing a criticism.

5  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Speculation (Altcoins) / Crosschain Projects on: April 28, 2018, 12:32:35 PM
Hi guys,

I think one of the big gainers 2018 and in further future will be cross chain projects.

I am mainly aware of chainlink, pantos (which recently had the ico) and metronome (which will do an ico in may '18 when not delayed again).

Has anyone of you focused especially in such projects?
6  Economy / Exchanges / Bitfinex - 0.00 calculated max buy although btc on btc margin account on: November 02, 2017, 08:17:35 AM
Dear Community,

thanks in advance for your help!

When I withdraw f.e. 0.2btc on my bitfinex btc margin wallet and I want to margin sell/ buy btc/usd, the max. calculated amount is 0.00, so I don't understand why?

I have already a small iota margin position running (just for trying), but i dont know the context between them to be honest.

iota position was already opened when there were no btc on btc margin wallet?

moreover i just deposited a small amount of neo to the neo margin trading from neo wallet. all fine so far, neo arrived on neo margin wallet, but again "0.00" calculated amount..

Thanks + KR,

7  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Speculation (Altcoins) / Quality Alt Coins with mid-long term success on: August 23, 2017, 10:10:32 AM
Dear Community,

I spent a lot of time sind dec '16 for analyzing all kind of new crypto projects.

According to the new economy rule "winner takes it all" i think 90% or more of current projects could slowly move to 0 and die out, so its very interesting trying to find the 10% which will dominate the market.

Below some smaller alternative projects expecting top 10 coins where i see good chances for future:

WAVES / token platform
GOLEM / supercomputer
SIA / decentralised data storage
ICONOMI / DAA, Investment
BANCOR / DAA, Investment

These projects combine all necessary parts for getting highly successful (vision, market, team, technology,..) best i think so.

Looking forward to get any critical Feedback to the projects or / and some other Quality projects with good survival chances.
8  Local / Altcoins (Deutsch) / Altcoin Marktkapitalisierungen / Absolut überbewertet oder gerechtfertigt? on: May 04, 2017, 10:35:25 PM
Liebe Community,

wie in nachstehendem Chart klar ersichtlich, explodiert der Markt gerade:

> 33% Steigerung des gesamten Marktes in nur wenigen Tagen (25.Mai: Marktkap rd. 30Mrd. USD; heute: Marktkap rd. 42Mrd. USD)

Das die BigPlayer wie BTC, ETH, etc. entsprechend steigen, macht mir - besonders auf lange Sicht gesehen - wenig sorgen, viel mehr Gedanken mache ich mir über Coins zw. 10 - 100 Mio. USD Marktkap., die tlw. nicht mehr zu bieten haben, als eine Hand voll Programmierer (wenn überhaupt) + Homepage + Vision -> das ist mir für 10 - 100Mio. Marktwert zu teuer!
(Einige Projekte mögen durchaus gerechtfertigt bewertet sein, die Masse (ich schätze ca. 90%) wird - meiner Meinung nach - rein aus Euphorie/ Dummheit gerade in den Himmel geschossen, bevor das bittere Erwachen kommt.)

Ich versuche die Coins entsprechend zu kategorisieren um innerhalb der Kryptowelt eine Asset Allocation/ Risikostreuung bilden zu können:
Kurzfassung grobe Aufteilung:
1.) "LargeCaps": Top 10 d. Coins lt. Marktkap.
2.) "MidCaps": Coins zw. 10 - 100 Mio. Marktkap.
3.) "SmallCaps": < 10 Mio. Marktkap.

Glaubt man an eine Zukunft der Kryptowelt, so sehe ich bei den LargeCaps weiterhin absolutes Vervielfachungspotential (langfristig), entsprechend gering (in Relation zu den anderen Kategorien !!!) sehe ich hier die Gefahr einer absoluten Talfahrt.

Sehr skeptisch bin ich momentan wie bereits oben angedeutet bei den "MidCaps". Der Nutzen ist tlw. sehr gering bis nicht vorhanden und die Bewertungen auf Rekordhoch.

Einen kleinen Teil in "SmallCaps" zu investieren halte ich ggf. (je nach Zielsetzung) durchaus für interessant, jedoch sollte man hier große Vorsicht walten lassen, worin man investiert.

1) Wie seht ihr die aktuelle Marktlage? Sind wir noch immer in den Kinderschuhen oder bereits in der DOTCOM-Blase?

2.) Welche Projekte haltet ihr für besonders zukunftsreich?

Freue mich auf alle sinnvollen Antworten und bedanke mich vorab!
9  Local / Altcoins (Deutsch) / Market Situation / Projects with most potential on: May 03, 2017, 10:14:56 PM
Dear Community,

I spent a lot of time with sudying different charts and technologies from all kind of crypto projects.

All in all I would categorize crypto currencies/ projects in three different categories:

1.) LargeCaps ("BlueChips"): For me the 5 - 10 coins with highest market capitalization are the so called "Blue Chips" from crypto world.
I think they have a huge potential, because if they establish on the market and in 5 - 10 years (or maybe much earlier) you can pay with btc, ltc or dash for example on each corner, capitalization will multiple many times (especially btc, even the market cap is already approx. 25 mrd. usd)

2.) MidCaps: Coins with a market cap. between 25 - 100 mio. F.e. waves, ardor, lisk, stellar, decred, steem and so on.
That's a very dangerous market I think so, as there is a lot of euphoria in the market price already. So what I mean is that there are a lot of projects capitalized with 20mio usd or more, but nothing behind the project.
(I think the listed coins are quite stable and have good growing potentials, but there are a lot coins priced too high I am convinced of)

3. SmallCaps: Coins capitalized under 10mio usd (ICO's, new projects & low scored coins):
It's a "all or none" market for me. If projects will establish and technology will be used in future, coins will multiple, otherwise (i think approx. 90% of them) will go down to zero.

How do you see this?

What are the coins you see the most potential for?

What are the landmark projects for you?

Looking forward to receive a lot of useful answers.

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