That's a good advice, we can get more profit if we do that. But once again, many peoples are believing bitcoin so that's why they are still choosing BTC to be the only investment. And we can not blame that, because I think bitcoin is a good choice for long-term investment.
The accumulation of bitcoin is our main goal, but the author correctly stated his idea. Altcoins can make good money, but then you need to move to bitcoin. After all, in the future it will be the main currency.
These are the altcoin who always stay active and give ideas for their work every day, keep up with the latest news from the group and take the user to the initial promised goals of the team.
For various reasons, even a good project can be closed. But it is really necessary to take into account many factors. Team experience, activity, and community feedback. If the project initially ignores its community, then you should not go there.
У меня товарищ держит в лизинге говорит стало больше приходить чем раньше но это не точная информация... Ну я если скажем у меня и так они просто на кошельке лежат в холде?
Чем больше транзакций в сети вейвс будет, тем больше будет капать с лизинга. Так что нам нужны смарт контракты, и рабочие проекты на волнах. Но если монеты лежат без дела то даже 2% лишними не будут.
More and more airdrop is a lie, I do not recommend participation in airdrop, because there are at most a few 100 airdrop quality, so I think it should not be a waste of time.
this is the sad reality. Last year airdrop was so profitable but not now! Some developer just scam people out of what they called "selfdrop" where you can send Ether equivalent to some token! But the reality is the token have no value at all. Yes, last year the airdrops were very good, now you should not waste your time on this occupation. Unless on the perspective project which can cost much in the future.
Should we hold on to altcoins which we have invested and see the price dropping every moment or it will be better to sell them and buy it again when the value pumps ? I have already lost a good margin of profit with the ripple I don't want to make the same mistake with the Lumens which I Hold so should I hold on or sell out ?
In investment, we do not always benefit. Surely there is someone who loses, or who is ready to bear the risk of loss. If everyone invests and everyone benefits. The question is where is the source of profit obtained? I think it's easy to relax, not always fail and not always get profit. I agree with you, so we need to buy tokens or coins intelligently. To select promising projects, and not in any slave not to sell if the price fell, the thing is a manipulation.
It looks like the project is not live, the volume per day is less than 1 etherium. Although the idea is very good, but poor marketing.
they don't believe it, when we all say that is a marketing problem. they keep saying " the product, the product" .. but the product is useless without marketing. with marketing you can sell and hype also scams, and without marketing the best project can easy fail. And seems that qvolta failed and right now is 100% dead. the current Qvolta project can be said to be dead, but if the team has the will to revive their marketing, do you think that Qvolta can return to life? The project needs funding, but they don't have the money for marketing. And so I already hope for this project, although I have a lot of tokens.
Вингсы не зашли, 2 года назад столько было шуму , пророчили в 2018 цену космическую, по факту продукт не нужный ни кому )
Не 2 года назад, а всего один  Как никому не нужный продукт? Появление новых проектов, активность прогнозистов показывает обратное вашим словам  Другое дело, что получилась эдакая внутрення тусовка холдеров  Активность прогнозистов кстати да, показывает обратное. Большинство прогнозистов выйдут при первом же пампе. При том что они прогнозируют, нет ничего необычного, им больше нечего делать с их просевшими депозитами, вот и ловят хоть что-то. Если большинство хочет продать свои крылья, то можно забыть о росте цены. Ведь при малейшем росте будут лить. Лично я бы хотела уже выйти по цене по которой входила.
Сплошной развод эти проекты здравоохранеия на блокчейне, как вероятно и многие другие, в подобные проекты фирмы типа гугла и мягкие пуливают миллиарды и потом закрываются, а тут слёзы, а не объемы.
Скажу шире. Сплошной развод 99% проектов на блокчейне  . Проекты идут волнами, одно время были популярны всякие гейблинги и дайсы, потом пошла "тема" с недвижимостью, медициной и т.д, ну за 2 года, что я в крипте так никто толком ничего кроме разных дырявых беток не сделал  . Отсюда и такое падение по всем фронтам, так как проекты не имеют реального применения значит не имеют и реальной стоимости... PS: Но даже на всем этом безобразии можно было неплохо зарабатывать  . Падение скорее не по этому, а только из за того, что так хотят манипуляторы. Рабочие проекты сейчас мало кого интересуют. Всем нужна лишь прибыль. А прибыль можно получать и без работоспособного продукта, лишь бы рынок был соответствующий Согласна с вами, потому что есть проекты у которых ничего нет, но цена заоблачная, и есть рабочие проекты которые стоят очень дешево. И всему виной манипулятор, у которого хватит терпения подождать пока бодьшинство продаст свои токены. В нашем случае и продукта нет и цена никакая.
Read the article that the cryptocurrency index is equal to the values of last year, and that the market will not go below. So we hope to turn the market.
"Soon" seems to have become the favourite word for many projects... yet I still hope that LiveTree in the near future will announce the launch date of BlossomTV.
As I remember they promised the launch of BlossomTV more than half a year ago during ICO. Really, I don't believe something will be done, but as a token holder I hope to be wrong Now, according to the roadmap, blossom'tv launch is scheduled for the end of the year, and as a token holder, I hope they do. I'm an investor too and I'm keen to see the launch of Blossom TV as soon as possible, the longer it takes the more nervous I get, but that said I'm the patient sort and can wait 'till end of the year. I understand your condition, there are a lot of people like us. But I must say that will have to wait much longer than before the end of the year.
If you choose a good project, ICO investment stage will be very good, But at present, there are too many projects failed! Prices fell sharply after the ICO, The investment needs to consider and decide at the right time!
I used to invest in many projects, but I don't do it for a year, because the statistics of successful ICOs are very low today. Therefore, it is better to buy a good asset on the market, which is traded on good exchanges, and whose price is lower than during sales.
Now it is very difficult to choose a good ICO. But I pay attention to all the details, if the project promises great bonuses or referral fees or drawing the car immediately understand that it is scammers.
Never, ethereum and wave aren't competing. Moreover ethereum is bether than waves 80% project are built on ethereum blockchain which makes it more accessible to the public
At the moment, Ethereum is in the lead, but it is not necessary to exclude the possibility that it will have a competitor. Weves has a lot of work to do to get closer to Ethereum.
"Soon" seems to have become the favourite word for many projects... yet I still hope that LiveTree in the near future will announce the launch date of BlossomTV.
As I remember they promised the launch of BlossomTV more than half a year ago during ICO. Really, I don't believe something will be done, but as a token holder I hope to be wrong Now, according to the roadmap, blossom'tv launch is scheduled for the end of the year, and as a token holder, I hope they do. I agree with you, they have to run this project without delay. I think they have taken too much time, if there is no real action then everything will be useless. I hope that the team understands and knows what he thinks theirs community. Otherwise, all the work will be useless, and no one will believe the project.
yep, sadly the problem was always the market. We all, investors, said to the team on telegram, and also here that was needed a big marketing campaign, and to be sure to have a marketing budget.. but they were sure that " the product wins" . A big LOL here, everyone know that also a shi*ty product can rank well if it has marketing budget, and the opposite can happen too, in this case.
you are right, the finished working product is not the key to success. But to attract and keep users on the platform is a great job. Here is the case when marketing is not enough.
This is a promising project in the future, I really like it. I joined and I wish you good luck, good luck to the developers!
Try to read and understand their white paper to know more about Buzcoin because you won't regret in joining this project. The functionality of the project is very good, and I'm interested in it from the beginning. But I am worried that very little investment, what is the minimum threshold for project implementation?
"Soon" seems to have become the favourite word for many projects... yet I still hope that LiveTree in the near future will announce the launch date of BlossomTV.
As I remember they promised the launch of BlossomTV more than half a year ago during ICO. Really, I don't believe something will be done, but as a token holder I hope to be wrong Now, according to the roadmap, blossom'tv launch is scheduled for the end of the year, and as a token holder, I hope they do.
Well the response you would get is that LiveTree's new video service, Blossom TV, is coming soon. Free Seed tokens for the first months subscription will be dropped into digital wallets on the launch day.
This therefore means no one knows when this launch of blossom TV would be, it's always soon...soon...soon. it's been a while approximately a year Livetree Project was initiated with ICO yet nothing tangible to show for it. Waiting will not change anything, people know that the project at any time can shift the time. But if they want to raise their reputation in this area, they need to keep their promises.
The market is starting to recover and I hope that this will positively affect the development of your project. I am sure that large investors will pay attention to such a strong project as ZWOOP.
Good projects do not pay much attention to what is the market, bad or good. Such projects are always in demand among investors, I do not have free 15K dollars, so I will wait for the main sale.
At least being listed on 2 more exchanges is better than nothing. It is what the community have been asking for so it is a step in the right direction. A better step would of course have been bittrex, but hopefully it will get there eventually. Preferably soon after the token swap
bittrex or any other big exchange will not list mgo, it is because mgo does not have a working product, token is erc23, mgo is scam! token swap will never happen, they will keep telling lies about development, nothing is being developed here. yesterday I saw on Facebook a post about a partnership with Microsoft, it's true or what it is. did MgO such an interesting project.