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I would like to encourage all remaining critics to raise their voices clearly. This is the only way to turn the tide and finish the endless series of wrong decisions.
You should finally be taken seriously.
This continued arrogance and ignorance on the part of management and development must stop. This aloof faction does not orient itself to the needs of the users, but rather indulges in its own narcissism.
The submissive sectarians here are certainly not a solution but the main cause of the problem. They are only promoting the regime of their autocratic dictator.
We need a roadmap that will be worked out in dialogue with you. What we don't need is a permanent farce that will be stuck over us bit by bit.
Management?! Sounds like union speak. IMO your continued arrogance and ignorance in thinking you'll affect change must stop... or not. IDGAF about your whining.
Betting regularly with the P2P Betting Bot on the World Cup. So far so good (and a bit of extra GBYTEs). The only thing I would work on for the future is the possibility of placing multiple bets instead of singles. (parlays  ) But that's good for now Do you have any idea who is actually posting those odds? I can't tell whether people are actually betting against each other or if there is a well capitalised bookie that set's the lines.
What is the best exchange to buy Blackbytes?
Bittrex, if you are willing to do a verification first. Otherwise I made good experience with as well, although the Byteball trading volume there has recently been decresed. internetofthings5 is asking for Blackbytes. I do not think blackbytes are available on Bittrex (or the other exchanges). You should try the slack channel or the bots to trade blackbytes.
There literally one guy holding 30-40% of all coins that will ever exist, who also happens to operate all twelve if the consensus forming and transaction validating nodes that collect all of the network fees. It almost couldn't be more centralized, so practically anything that's changed would increase decentralization.
This is a cheap comment - really... The distribution of BB is not finished yet. The name of the dev is known to all - he can't hide... The distribution of the witnesses will follow in due course. Cheap-ness is subjective... but jwinterm's comment is objectively correct on every point.
hello someone can tell me what is byteball in short words?
Byteball is a decentralized system that allows tamper proof storage of arbitrary data, including data that represents transferrable value such as currencies, property titles, debt, shares, etc. "decentralized"  I feel the same way... even though I'm working on and care about Byteball's future, the above is why I don't come here that often anymore.
thumbs up for tradetheodds developers! It would be awesome if you finish by the time the FIFA 2018 World Cup will start. It looks very professional at a first glance. Byteball never annoys us
Thanks! Up and running in time for the FIFA world cup is the goal but it will be close. We tweeted the announcement this morning. Tony retweeted from the official Byteball account, which we are grateful for. We'll start putting out blog posts this weekend. you post more info, screenshots of your service here please? Very interested, in time for world cup, a trustless betting is needed. Hey. We haven't started a bitcoin talk thread yet but all of our content is either at or linked from
thumbs up for tradetheodds developers! It would be awesome if you finish by the time the FIFA 2018 World Cup will start. It looks very professional at a first glance. Byteball never annoys us
Thanks! Up and running in time for the FIFA world cup is the goal but it will be close. We tweeted the announcement this morning. Tony retweeted from the official Byteball account, which we are grateful for. We'll start putting out blog posts this weekend.
For those who aren't on slack and following the #tradetheodds channel or didn't catch it in the latest newsletter... there is an ongoing effort to create a P2P sports betting exchange website (using with Byteball smart contracts and on chain oracles. Betting is with $GBYTE not a new/niche coin. The goal is to be live in time for FIFA. The homepage and dashboard preview are almost finalized. This week we will announce the "coming soon and here's a preview" site. If you're willing to promote and retweet please follow Tony said he will retweet the announcement so once it's out you should see it from the Byteball twitter account as well. This could provide a nice push to Byteball. With increasing real world applications, Byteball definitely has an edge over all those coins which have nothing but a whitepaper backing them. Yet we are not in the top 100 coins while the rest have fantastic valuations. The preview of dashboard of trade the odds, says it will be ready on the second half of 2018, which is 22 day from today, is it?  The developers are working hard to try and make the betting exchange ready in time for the FIFA world cup.
For those who aren't on slack and following the #tradetheodds channel or didn't catch it in the latest newsletter... there is an ongoing effort to create a P2P sports betting exchange website (using with Byteball smart contracts and on chain oracles. Betting is with $GBYTE not a new/niche coin. The goal is to be live in time for FIFA. The homepage and dashboard preview are almost finalized. This week we will announce the "coming soon and here's a preview" site. If you're willing to promote and retweet please follow Tony said he will retweet the announcement so once it's out you should see it from the Byteball twitter account as well. The site is now live. The "official" announcement is planned for tomorrow.***Edit - I can't (maybe don't know how to properly) post this photo. Tried with other photo sharing sites. If anyone wants to quote and post the screenshot feel free. p.s. to all the $GBYTE hodlers... you're welcome for building this site.
For those who aren't on slack and following the #tradetheodds channel or didn't catch it in the latest newsletter... there is an ongoing effort to create a P2P sports betting exchange website (using with Byteball smart contracts and on chain oracles. Betting is with $GBYTE not a new/niche coin. The goal is to be live in time for FIFA. The homepage and dashboard preview are almost finalized. This week we will announce the "coming soon and here's a preview" site. If you're willing to promote and retweet please follow Tony said he will retweet the announcement so once it's out you should see it from the Byteball twitter account as well.
I received Today/Last night some Nicebytes in my byteball wallet and wondered what are these NiceBytes that I have never heard about. After a while after searching about the NBT I found this thread and the website, I watched also the video and it seems nice I have a question, how can I get the most of NTB, I really want to have lots of coins and want to get most of it, how?
Truly unfair distribution model... the team is keeping 40% of the supply. Calculated as 8% of initial 20%. Because of random distribution of the airdrop of the remaining 80% the expected value of dilution is 0%. Very very unreasonable IMO.
Haha, he probably means 1000% to break even.
So today I was testing out all the bots available in the not store, and I must say that the idea of this currency is absolutely brilliant. I am also offering odds on Golden State Warriors vs New Orleans match. If someone wants some better odds then do tell CD I wish the sports betting bots could include more games like cricket.
Also are there any more bots coming up in the near future?
Which league for cricket?
There is no doubt that BYTEBALL is one of the strong and worthwhile projects. I will spread this word everywhere with my humble support.
We need to go out there, there must be a way to organize us together and do something. We have a product to sell, we need to do some marketing, We have a unique wallet with a lot feature within, low fee, scalable, enviromental friendly, and so many things... We need to do marketing, we should focus on marketing now, we already have a product that others dream about... Please buy yourself a favor, buy a gbyte on byteball. IMO the best way for a community to promote adoption is to use the coin itself. When/if this project is released - use it!
I just signed up and will buy bytes. The ios app wallet is not available in the app store, is that correct?
Not in ios store yet. I downloaded on android and have the light version on windows and they work great.
i have a question. what do i have to do, when the bot of the bot is not visible in the botstore? i never had the problem that a bot cant be found. Maybe start off by making sure that the hub in Global Preferences is directed to and the Wallet version is v2.2.0 If that doesn't help I've found good help on the slack helpdesk channel.
Since there is no Sustainable Token thread and the whitepaper says it's an ICO on the Byteball platform, I'm in the right place.
Has anyone seen an official Byteball announcement about I've seen Tony make other official ICO announcements on this thread but I haven't seen one for this project.
I don't think you're in the right place as it seem that the ICO you are talking about does/will not run through the Byteball platform. Definitely the reason why it wasn't announced here. As I checked the whitepaper, there's NO indication about it, just mentioned that it will use the Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) just like Byteball. Better to contact them directly if you have other concern about the said project Got it thanks. Mayhaps I misread the whitepaper. That combined with seeing this asset led to the initial conclusion.!/assets/xAA+dSzVuf+M6JA1P84acyzsIgpaIvuBqARy7FQlMz0=
These spammy posts filled with unintelligible or incoherent comments are starting to get annoying. Anyhow... anyone know anything about are spammy posts on a completely unrelated topic. I think you're wanting the Sustainable Token thread. It's over there ----> Since there is no Sustainable Token thread and the whitepaper says it's an ICO on the Byteball platform, I'm in the right place. Unh, ooohkaaay...? Do we discuss EOS on the Ethereum thread? Mayhaps it is time for little chick to leave the nest. Has anyone seen an official Byteball announcement about I've seen Tony make other official ICO announcements on this thread but I haven't seen one for this project.