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1  Local / Other languages/locations / Re: Српски (Serbian) on: May 30, 2021, 09:40:42 PM
Ma bio jedan projekat 2017 u kom sam ucestvovao i dobio masu coina sa kojim sam i kupio sav svoj BTC. Samo sto je ugasen 2019 pa nzm kako neko ovo traduje i otkud liquidity
2  Local / Other languages/locations / Re: Српски (Serbian) on: May 19, 2021, 01:25:16 PM
Kakvi mutni poslovi, a ni jedna berza za ovo ne radi (MNX).
3  Local / Other languages/locations / Re: Српски (Serbian) on: May 18, 2021, 05:41:21 PM

Vecina je vec cula za publish0x platformu, nista novo.
Mislim da i u ovom lokalnom delu nije dozvoljeno postavljati referal linkove, mada meni licno ne smeta. Moderator ce sigurno obrisati ako dodje do tvog posta.

E nisam znao da je popularna. Msm meni je nebitno, necu nikakve pare uzet od toga no samo rekoh ako neko ne zna a ima dosta materijala, moze tamo da publishuje jer nije ograniceno da samo tu smije da bude. Neka je makao moderator onda, i treba.
4  Local / Other languages/locations / Re: Српски (Serbian) on: March 27, 2021, 08:52:16 PM
Ako koga interesuje PNL radi Airdrop ako udjete preko refferal linka 36$ u PNL. Imaju i Staking sa 0.1% dnevno, sve to dok ne skupe 1m korisnika.

*EDIT* Projekt je mrtav, ipak nista  Embarrassed
5  Local / Other languages/locations / Re: Српски (Serbian) on: March 27, 2021, 02:33:03 PM
Interesuje me zanima li se jos ko osim mene za NFT u zadnje vrijeme? Meni se NBA TopShot pokazao veoma profitabilan.
6  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] Nexo - The World's First Instant Crypto-backed Loans on: December 13, 2020, 12:59:48 AM
any updates? I just invested here and hate to see the BTT topic dead.
7  Bitcoin / Development & Technical Discussion / Re: setting up full bitcoin node on: December 07, 2020, 11:13:34 PM
Honestly the 500Gb vs 1Tb HDD price difference is insignificant (20$vs30$), getting an SSD for a node makes no sense, and also to be safe 4Gb of RAM can't hurt just to Future-proof the system. IT will help in the long run. IDKN anything software wise.  Roll Eyes
8  Other / Off-topic / Re: Which phone will you choose for me? on: December 07, 2020, 11:03:05 PM
Go for Xiaomi or Oppo at that price, if you can get some more and get OnePlus.
9  Local / Other languages/locations / Re: Српски (Serbian) on: December 07, 2020, 08:18:36 PM
Nadjoh na Payeer-u sa stari acc i za divno cudo na njemu nesto malo BTC iz 2017 kad sam prebacio tamo da prodam, I sjecam se dobro da je prodaja bila na principu ja kupujem tolko, ako imas toliko ili vise das mi a ja tebi pare (preko berze al nisi mogao prodat koju god oces kolicinu nego samo kolko pojedina ponuda trazi) i vidim tadasnjih 50$ sto je danas 700$ i presotalo nekih 0.0029BTC sto je tad bilo bezvrijedno  Grin Good Times
10  Local / Other languages/locations / Re: Српски (Serbian) on: November 27, 2020, 05:50:26 PM
Pozitivan sam na koronu. Da li ima jos neko ovde ko jeste da podeli iskustvo?  Tongue
Ja imam simptome zadnja 3/4 dana, uzasni bolovi u stomaku, temperatura prva 2 dana 39,6 I glavobolja, dijareja, bol u grlu, a sinoc(3dan) je pocelo da me steze u grudima I to traje I Danas mada su vecina ostalih simptoma prosli. Definitivno nije bas za salu virus. Prvi brzi test je bio negativan mada su doktori rekli da lici 99% na corona. Sutra idem na PCR.
11  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Bounties (Altcoins) / Re: [Bounty], $YFDAO on: November 24, 2020, 02:04:35 PM
Well this has gone unnoticed! After 12 days 0 activity.
12  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] Circcash [unofficial :: unmoderated] on: November 24, 2020, 01:54:38 PM
Important thing to consider for any crypto is it's purpose, their roadmap only aims to mine with different machines, ergo this coin isn't really going anywhere.
13  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: 🔥[SCAM][about 50MB zip-file is Virus] ↓ScamCoins are under this topic↓ 🔥 on: November 23, 2020, 10:51:21 PM I suspect the wallet of this coins contains viruses, checked on virustotal and cofirmed. Someone else to confirm this?
14  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] [KVA] Keva - Cryptocurrency with Key-Value Data Store on: November 23, 2020, 10:47:14 PM
How many actual users does this have?
15  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: Xenios Coin 🌍[XNC]🌍 An innovative Powerfull X11 digital currency! on: November 23, 2020, 10:37:21 PM
Honestly one of the worst excuses for an coin i ever read. I mean firstly the language used in the first paragraph :
*Xenios will be accepted by many businesses and enterprises - You are not able to guarantee this therefore using the word "will" is inadequate
*stacking XNC will produce wealth for all that make or accept transactions with our coin. - Stacking money will make anyone rich, did you mean staking?
*what kind of Whitepaper is 11 pages long - Most of the Whitepaper teaches history & mythology (I am very well educated in Greek mythology so it wasn't interesting either)
*no mention of any aspirations or goals except for wallets and exchanges
*despite giving only first name i found some of them (2/4) and the team appears to be real
16  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Bounties (Altcoins) / Re: 💰[BOUNTY][DEFI] Swan Finance | $100,000USD+ 💰💰🔥🔥 on: November 23, 2020, 12:24:34 PM
Bitcointalk Username: Nirado
Campaigns Joined: Telegram Campaign, Linkedin & Youtube Campaign
ETH address : 0xbB0e5B1D42b6b857bFA57D089B30CbCe8FF9783E
17  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [DEFI] ⚡️ Octopus Option⚡️ Decentralized derivatives on-chain on: November 23, 2020, 09:43:39 AM
Hello All,

I love the idea of decentralized options.  Not only would one be able to write their own contracts, but the on chain storage is a perfect record keeper for all things like taxes.  This also should reduce costs and put DeFi and cryptocurrency as a whole into the spotlight even more.  Good Job!!


At the beginning it wouldn’t be possible for a user to create their own contract for liquidity issue.
But we aim at doing that.

It’s very cool if you believe ETH will go up , you can sell a put, earn a premium, and if it goes up you loose nothing but you make money with the premium.
In the end we want a very easy way for our users to buy and sell complex strategies,

For example:

1- Today if you believe the bitcoin will be very volatile but you don’t know if it will go up or down, you can’t make a profit... with our platform you’ll be able !
2- If you believe the bitcoin (or any other wrapped or ERC20) will remain stable, at the moment you can’t make money , with our platform it will be possible.

When synthetic equity will be available on-chain you could sale option on Tesla or Apple which currently only investment bank can do !

It’s really a huge step to bypass the banks and bring peer-to-peer finance to another stage.
Well this sounds like a unique project indeed, I haven't heard about many places where you can earn on volatility predictions, especially in the crypto world!
18  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] Circcash has been launched on: November 23, 2020, 09:23:35 AM
That sounds like a plan. Nobody needs to hear from people like you who constantly complain when someone asks simply for the source code of the Windows wallet for security.
I agree that not giving the wallet sc is sketchy
19  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [CHIP] Chipcoin 2020 | X17 PoW/PoS | Short Circuit Stake (lock) | PRE-SALE/ICO on: November 23, 2020, 09:20:01 AM
will watch this when the presale ends
20  Economy / Services / Re: - Community Contribution Avatar Campaign on: November 22, 2020, 08:49:30 PM
What is

A few weeks ago, I decided to create a one-page Basic Bitcoin security guidelines site, as to have a quick link to give to beginners that are just getting started with hodling bitcoin. Yes, more intermediate information like full nodes aren't included, but this is mostly for the beginners, and it's to prevent them from being overwhelmed early on.

If you want to spread the word of the importance of self custody especially now that were closing in to bitcoin's all-time high, you can help out by using the avatars below. This campaign might not get any traction at all, but if it ends up helping one person secure his or her funds then it's totally worth it.

Simply right click and save(imgur link):


I added colour choices just for fun.  Cheesy if you're a lot more creative than me, feel free to create your own avatar design. It's the message that matters, anyway.

or, if your signature campaign requires you to use an avatar, you can just add "" to your personal text area instead.

NOTE: Wearing this avatar is free. It's pretty much a non-profit, so I won't be able to pay anything as this site won't be earning anything anyway.

Yes, the site contains a bitcoin donation address, but I don't expect to receive any donations anyway, and that's totally fine by me.

Final note: If you don't want to help out, that's totally fine. But if you want to help sharing, then in behalf of the community, I really thank you.
What are the dimensions of the avatars in px, I'd like to design another style for free for people to use if they prefer it.
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