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241  Economy / Speculation / Re: Will the price of bitcoin increase forever? on: December 08, 2017, 01:52:52 AM
Since the total number of bitcoin is fixed, so the value of bitcoin will keep grow, and it's price will keep grow also. So will there a price cap for bitcoin?
I think that bitcoin's price will not increase forever. Someday it will stop and reach its highest price cap then it will be stable there. I think the maximum price cap is within $100k. Its price is continuing to rise up so it is not impossible to reach it but then it will not rise forever.
Yes, your opinion is correct, but so far no one has predicted what happens in the future because now the currency exchange rate is always moving to follow the market.
Likely there will be a new government agency created to analyze the regulation of digital currency.
242  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: How long bitcoin will survive ? on: December 04, 2017, 09:56:30 AM
The question is not one that can be answered right now. This is because since its launching, it has recorded quite a huge success. And also the fact that the whole world is evolutioning from paper currencies towards crypto currencies, thus bitcoins future is bright and shinning. I think it should last a long time.
in my opinion, bitcoin will continue to survive seeing the development and interest of more and more users, despite the bitcoin exchange rate. no one is 100 percent predicting the future. Everything about the digital currency can change at any time. I hope bitcoin is getting famous.
243  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Bitcoin growth again, what to do? on: December 04, 2017, 09:43:00 AM
Well, whether it is growing now or not yet, investing in bitcoin be a good option for you. For almost 10 years, bitcoin has been performing well and proving a lot of those who don't believe in it that bitcoin could be the real future currency.
In the past month, there has been a decline in the exchange rate of bitcoin, currently although then the value is back up, very high bounced bitcoin price is good to invest because bitcoin has a long-term aspect. so very good investment in bitcoin.
244  Other / Off-topic / Re: What are some disadvantages of BTC? on: November 18, 2017, 01:17:01 PM
disadvantage? one thing i have on my mind. its when you're on a non civilised area. bitcoin is an electronic money like. so if signal and technology is not accessible in some places. the benefits we all know about bitcoin is just a dreams only. sense people that living there might not recognize its worth! or even dont know it excise.
indeed the internet network as a bridge directly to the bitcoin forum if there is a problem with the internet network we can not berbut anything, the weakness of bitcoin that is very harmful is losing bitcoin or stolen by irresponsible party.
245  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Do you think Bitcoin will survive after 100 year ? on: November 18, 2017, 12:31:52 PM
indeed Digital currencies have the potential to bring the most important changes in the financial world of the century There is a great debate about the future of money, and we still can not see the end result. There may be a winner, maybe there is a loser.
246  Local / Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian) / Re: Jika Ada SigCamp Yang Berisi Tentang Judi Dan High Paying Apa Yang Anda lakukan? on: November 14, 2017, 04:27:07 AM
Jika Ada SigCamp Yang Berisi Tentang Judi Dan High Paying Apa Yang Anda lakukan?
Apakah Anda Ikut Atau Tidak ? Apakah Agan Gk Takut Masuk Lembaga Permasyarakatan?

kalau saya bukan maslaah masuk ke lembaga pemsayarakatannya bang. lebih ke yang di Atas. bukannya sok suci ya. tapi selama ini saya lebih memnghindari hal hal yang berbau Judi, meskipun hasilnya gede.

sangat setuju.. selain hasilnya terlihat gede secara nominal. namun tidak berkah.. bagi saya sendiri.. cari uang sih boleh saja.. tapi selalu ingat. kain kafan tidak berkantong.
sebenarya ini tinggal diri pribadi masing masing mau di ambil atau tidak, Dikehidupan kita sehari-hari sudah banyak aktivitas yang kita lalui setiap harinya. Dalam kegiatan sehari-hari kita secara tidak sengaja kita sudah pernah melakukan perbuatan judi. Judi bukan hanya dilakukan dengan uang saja melainkan juga dengan suatu benda.
247  Local / Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian) / Re: Bank Konvensional? on: November 14, 2017, 04:18:59 AM
Saya penasaran gan,
nanti kedepannya setelah bitcoin diterima di masyarakat indonesia...
apakah nasib bank konvensional akan bernasib sama seperti contohnya ojek pangkalan/taksi konvensional saat ini ya?
(yang dimana mereka mayoritas menolak ojek online)

mungkin bisa sharing pemikiran agan2 disini

berbagi ilmu ga merugikan kok gan  Wink

Tidak mungkin gan jika bank konvesional akan bernasib seperti ojek pangkalan.. karena bank konvensional juga menggunakan sistem  online juga yang bisa terhubung ke seluruh dunia dan berpusat pada bank dunia.. serta kita juga membutuhkan bank konvensional untuk melakukan withdraw dalam bentuk rupiah.. jadi jangan disamakan antara sistem ojek online dengan sistem bitcoin.. karena itu sangat jauh berbeda..
iya gan benar menurut saya bank melaksanakan kegiatan usaha secara konvensional yang dalam kegiatannya memberikan jasa dalam lalu lintas pembayaran. Untuk jasa-jasa bank lainnya, pihak bank menggunakan atau menerapakan berbagai biaya dalam nominal atau prosentase tertentu. Sistem penetapan biaya ini disebut fee based.
248  Other / Off-topic / Re: Bitcoin community is rising. on: November 14, 2017, 03:53:13 AM
What do you think a about it? is it good or bad for bitcoin?
in my opinion Bitcoin Community is increasing because of the social media, use of social media in the modern era as it is now a great existence. With its broad scope as a place to meet and discuss the passion for knowledge to grow, this is great for everything.
249  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: How to explain bitcoin to teenagers or children on: November 14, 2017, 03:41:05 AM
it's hard to explain to kids..for teenagers maybe because you've taught teenagers it's likely they'll quickly learn because they're older than kids who do not know the world but the game..but when you teach what you taught this is a great help to them especially in their studies
yes you are right about teaching bitcoin in children, that children still love to play rather than learn because play provides many lessons for children. Children can learn to know the shape, color, nature of objects, size, and so forth. Various knowledge gained through this game.
I think let the children finish their education and go through their teenage years and grow up to introduce bitcoin.
250  Local / Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian) / Re: Apa bitcoin bisa jadi pekerjaan utama on: November 13, 2017, 02:19:41 AM
sebelumnya saya minta maaf karna sok"an nanya padahal rank masih newbi

saya ingin tanya untuk bitcoin ini bsa gk sih kira" jadi kerjaan utama karna pertukaran bit yang semakin hari makin tinggi dan sekrg katanya udah nyampe 64 juta/ bitcoin..
Ada gak sih dari agan" yang disini yang menggantungkan hidupnya dgan hanya pada bitcoin

Menurut saya bisa saja, mengingat nilai bitcoin semakin tinggi dan semakin banyaknya altcoin, tidak menutup kemungkinan nilai bitcoin terus bertambah.
memang harga bitcoin  semakin tinggin di setiap tahunya. setelah memantau perkembangan bitcoin di bulan sebelunya dan yang akan datang bitcoin bisa di jadikan sebagai pekerjaan utama jika anda memang serius dan mau bekerja keras.
251  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Why are my sending fees so high? on: November 13, 2017, 01:43:53 AM
I have a little bit of bitcoins on the online blockchain wallet and noticed the sending fees is 14$ no matter how much I am sending and seems to be rising everyday... what happens if I decide to customize the fee and put it at 10 sat/b for example?

How long would that take it to transfer?
Geeez, at least I am not alone. Yeah my transaction earlier had took forever and it costed me so much. I guess the majority of the miners are mining the wrong coin that's why only a few were processing your requests. My 0.5 BTC transfer took forever earlier, thank goodness I was able to cash it out before leaving my house.
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252  Economy / Speculation / Re: Why do we keep converting bitcoin back to dollars ? on: November 13, 2017, 01:24:56 AM
Because the dollar is still the leading position in the currency world, bitcoin has not been widely applied in real life.
I think a lot of people are turning bitcoin into dollars because Dollar money has long been a legitimate means of payment in everyday life, and as the official currency issued by the Bank, and the exchange rate or so-called foreign exchange rates vary, depending on the level of domestic inflation, interest rate payments, foreign exchange reserves, import-export and how much demand for the currency. the dollar is also a high currency exchange rate.
253  Local / Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian) / Re: Apa yang anda katakan pada orang disekeliling anda saat sukses dengan bitcoin.? on: November 09, 2017, 02:27:08 AM
Hello gan... Pada kesempatan ini saya ingin bertanya kepada para senior semua yang sudah pernah mengambil keuntungan besar dari bitcoin, untuk penghasilan tiada batas tentu bitcoin sangat jelas memberikan apa yang menjadi harapan kita semua. Meraih kesuksesan dan mengambil keuntungan besar dari bitcoin tentu bukanlah hal yang midah, prosesnya juga lumayan menyita waktu agan agan semua. Sangat wajar kita merasakan hasil yang memuaskan dari bitcoin setelah mengikuti semua proses yang lumayan memakan waktu.
Bicara fakta di lingkungan sekitar kita tentu menarik, banyak orang yang penasaran bahkan tercengang melihat perubahan gaya hidup kita saat sukses meraih keuntungan besar dari bitcoin. Bagaimana respon anda saat orang berkata bahwa anda mendapatkan kesuksesan dari hasil judi dan menjelek jelekkan anda, ini sudah lumrah karena karakter masyarakat kita memanh demikian adanya. Saat berbuat baik saja masih banyak orang yang protes untuk menyudutkan. Bagaimana jika yang jelas jelas berbuat salah, mohon berikan argumen yang real dari pengalaman teman teman yang sudah sukses meraih keuntungan dari bitcoin.

Terima kasih sebelumnya, salam solidaritas selalu.
biasanya orang menjelek jelekan orang lain di karenakan iri melihat kesuksesan orang tersebut, yang penting anda sabar dan anda jelaskan. tidak semua penghasilan dari bitcoin dari gemling, jadi kita jelaskan dulu tentang bitcoin bahkan bitcoin banyak manfaat dalam kehidupan, seperti itu.
254  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: when is the right time to invest on bitcoin on: November 09, 2017, 02:01:04 AM
Like any popular cryptos the “right time” was yesterday. But in all seriousness the value of Bitcoin and the other popular cryptocurrencies should continue to hold their value. Buy when it’s low, sell when it bounces back to a higher level.

in my opinion the sooner the better for now the price of bitcoin is always increasing, you can earn a lot of income and get rich.
255  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Are you surprise by bitcoin price now? on: November 09, 2017, 01:25:46 AM
October 29, 2017 Bitcoin price ranges from $6,000 - $6,100 and today, bitcoin price is now $7,000. Are you surprise?

I think, if only those people who planning to invest in bitcoin manage to notice this sudden increase. I think there is a high chance that they will start investing.

I'm not surprised often the bitcoin price goes up, so I focus on what I have to do. I would be happy if my project succeeded.
256  Local / Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian) / Re: Siapakah yg bertanggung jawab jika bitcoin hilang ? on: November 08, 2017, 06:41:52 AM
Apakah ada yang tau bitcoin itu dilindungi olah siapa ?
Dilindungi oleh ente sendiri gan
Jadi kalau hilang ya nte yang bertanggung jawab  Cheesy

jawaban bagus. bitcoin itu gak ada atapnya gan, jadi agan sendiri yang harus bikin atap. maksudnya gak ada lembaga perlindungan buat bitcoin kecuali tiap orang yang pegang coin itu sendiri. jadi keterlaluan apa enggak?
memang kehilangan bitcoin, kita tidak bisa mengugat siapa yang bertanggung jawab yang kita dapat hanya menyesal ketika kehilangan bitcoin, jadi berhati hatilah jika ingin melakukan transaksi, waspadalah bagi semua investor bitcoin.
257  Local / Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian) / Re: Apakah disini ada yang hidup dari Bitcoin? on: November 08, 2017, 06:30:57 AM
Sampai saat ini saya belum pernah hidup dari hasil bitcoin gan, soal nya masih pemula, hehe, mungkin kalau pangkat saya sudah tinggi akan hidup di bitcoin talk ini gan
mengandalkan bitcoin untuk hidup sehari hari, saya kira gak cukup, lebih baik bekerja offline  dan kerja online  untuk pemasukan tambahan.
258  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: Is this for real? I could be a millionaire? on: November 08, 2017, 06:18:20 AM
From Today price, you will have a fortune numbered 3 Millions dollars worth of bitcoin. Don't feel sad its always time to invest.
yes all can happen if you want to work hard and never give up, keep the spirit and success.
259  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Smart people have bought a bitcoin on: November 08, 2017, 02:27:42 AM
BTCI have to sell all assets, stock, sell the house, all buy coins, within three years, killing one coin will not sell, this is my confidence in bitcoin.
What do you think about the growth of bitcoin? Grin
The benefits of bitcoin are very good, I think you do not need to sell the house to make capital for bitcoin. There are many other ways to get bitcoin without having to sell the house.
260  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Why should people use Bitcoin? on: November 08, 2017, 01:47:08 AM
Because bitcoin has many advantages, bitcoin can be traded around the world quickly and bitcoin is anonymous, and only the payer knows it. Bitcoin is uncontrollable and the government can not control bitcoin. Bitcoin has the value of investing and you can make some profit by investing in bitcoin.
yes it is true, so young bitcoin is popular with various features that are amazing and very useful for bitcoin users.
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