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Any participant with single GekkoScience Compac F, can you share your cgminer parameters? Mine does not exceed 250G most of the time, I wonder if I do something wrong. systemd job i configured: [Unit] Description=runs cgminer
[Service] Type=simple Restart=always ExecStart=/home/rpi4/cgminer/cgminer --syslog --real-quiet -o stratum+tcp:// -u bc1qeuupt2tgerfum8jclt8aklu9cdmzzkwml9lg7c.mustafatufan_1 -p x --gekko-compacf-freq 380 --gekko-mine2 --gekko-start-freq 320 --gekko-tune-up 85 --gekko-tune2 60
Username: mustafatufan_1 (I want to add more miner, so added the number just in case.) Device type: GekkoScience Compac F Normal speed: 380Gh/s
Reward payment: 1MustaoR6XLZ1fE31XmK1mXnfqMSchAuBs (I am extremely lucky person, get ready for a block.)
New address for reward payment: bc1qp6tha6exuujv7gj9gzdatveuxem7cr6h2dexvr
You can use all. Important is the result Statistik from the Solo Pool.
Best regards, Willi
I ask this because of following: The setup is really interesting. When I read it, I instinctively optimised it in my mind. To get maximised result: A miner should mine in your setup as long as to keep 7 day avarage higher than 200 GH/s. Anyone who higher than 200 GH/s for 7 days, basically gifting its hash power for others. I would like to able to write a script that keeps my miner 201-202 GH/s 7 days average, and mine solo its own in other idle times. Algorithm could work in one hour intervals. 10. Mine for shared for one hour. 20. Are you eligiable for reward? If yes goto 30, else goto 10. 30. Mine solo for one hour. 40. Goto 20.
In case of a block found After a small survey, we have decided on the following distribution of rewards in the case of a block found.
- The user who found the block gets 10% extra - The remaining 90% will be divided by the number of miners (devices / lines) from our table
Basic requirement for payment: - the miner has been active for the last 7 days (you can see this in the CKpool statistics) - Miner must contain the forum member name - Minimum hashrate per miner of 200 GHs in 7 days
And what happens if a recently joined worker (less than 7 days) finds a block? Is it still eligible to get 10% extra or not? Yes if the miner are not in 7 days over 200 GHs but find a block, the 10% Bonus is save. Thanks for the Question! Update: i update the rules on page one, to make that clear. Best regards, Willi Another question then.  Is it possible to use 1.4 TH/s device one day in a week or 33 TH/s device one hour in a week? This would make 7 days avg. as 200 GH/s.
In case of a block found After a small survey, we have decided on the following distribution of rewards in the case of a block found.
- The user who found the block gets 10% extra - The remaining 90% will be divided by the number of miners (devices / lines) from our table
Basic requirement for payment: - the miner has been active for the last 7 days (you can see this in the CKpool statistics) - Miner must contain the forum member name - Minimum hashrate per miner of 200 GHs in 7 days
And what happens if a recently joined worker (less than 7 days) finds a block? Is it still eligible to get 10% extra or not?
Interesting how do you manage to connect these devices into this pool without an ASIC unit? I have 3 broken old phones and 2 broken laptops that I bought for around 5$ each and I already fixed them and no one in my family wants to use them due to the versions are outdated and slow. I might be lucky to mine a block reward if I run them for mining so what software or tools did you use? Do you have any guides that you can share? Of course. I am sure that you are aware the odds. There is a chance theoretically, but in practice, it is not possible mine. Still, I would bet that; in next 10 years, we will see a CPU mined block. Just for fun. I just put a message about it recently here: old PC and Raspberry Pi, I installed Ubuntu Server and have setup cpuminer-multi. I followed this tutorial here. to him, it is really good one, but I want to prepare a better one on weekend. I will post here if I prepare. For Android phones, I used aaminer apk. So you need to enable installing apps from unknown source option and install this apk here. is easy and pretty straightforward app. You just put pool url, address and select algorithm as Bitcoin, and press start mining button and that's it. But use your own risk about this app. I really do not know what it contains really. Do factory reset the phone, enable guest wifi on your router and disable accessing your actual network in your router setting, connect guest wifi, do not login anything, directly install the app. So, in this way, it will be isolated in your network even if it does any harmful activity. According to Public Pool graphs, it does mining as expected. About pools: CK Pool seems not accepting non ASIC miners. In logs, it shows as accepting but does not show low hash rate users in the website. This is why Public Pool is a better option for low hash rate mining. It shows all users without any minimum hash rate limit.
Using your old phones, new phones, laptops, or any other brand new CPU is wasting your time.
Prompting people waste their time, power and money like this is pure negligence.
Do you wanna bet? So, do you think no one ever will mine a block with CPU or smaller devices like Nerdminer in next 10 years? I will be here at 08.01.2034. The ONLY was a BTC block can be mined by CPU/GPU or toys like the nerdminer is if difficulty plummets back to where it was around 2013. That ain't gonna happen unless the value of BTC collapses. To have even a remote chance of finding a block means the miner must process at least 1 share before someone else finds a block. In other words it has to be faster than 1 share every 10 min (on average). At current diff that just is not going to happen. Period. I understand the science behind what you mean. Currently on Public Pool, Nerdminer + cpuminer have 3.5 GH/s. It is "Chance per day: 1 in 909,668,533" according to SoloChance. Ten years is 3650 days. So my chance is 1/250k. Is this calculation correct? It won't be happen, most likely. But I would bet on it with fair ratios just to have fun.
Using your old phones, new phones, laptops, or any other brand new CPU is wasting your time.
Prompting people waste their time, power and money like this is pure negligence.
Do you wanna bet? So, do you think no one ever will mine a block with CPU or smaller devices like Nerdminer in next 10 years? I will be here at 08.01.2034.
Thank you for this service. I am a big fan from Turkey. I always wanted to do mining but it was cumbersome process. I wanted to do mining with old devices but shared pools was not option for that. But now, we are able to do lotto mining with old devices. I am pretty sure that it is not a new thing but I recently discovered it and public pool seems most common sense one in options. This is a really old netbook. Its hashpower is equal to around 15 Nerdminers. this is an old Android phone. It equals to around 100 Nerdminers with better efficiency.
Hi everyone, I work for Change Invest, but I am not here with official purposes. After seeing the latest bullish market in Kucoin, I just wanted to remind everyone who holds CAG, to convert their CAG into CNG by sending to the app. Converting ratio is decreasing every day, so it is beneficial for you to do it as soon as possible. You can read more about CAG to CNG token swap: can get the app from the main page: https://www.changeinvest.comJust a friendly reminder, thanks. How many ratios that will be getting by those who are converting their change token into the CNG token at the end of SWAP? i guess that should be the main reason why market was hyping change project. Tq for this information. I have a small CAG Hey, I really don't know the answer. You can ask this in Telegram or to customer support.
Hi everyone, I work for Change Invest, but I am not here with official purposes. After seeing the latest bullish market in Kucoin, I just wanted to remind everyone who holds CAG, to convert their CAG into CNG by sending to the app. Converting ratio is decreasing every day, so it is beneficial for you to do it as soon as possible. You can read more about CAG to CNG token swap: can get the app from the main page: https://www.changeinvest.comJust a friendly reminder, thanks.
Hi everyone, I work for Change Invest, but I am not here with official purposes. After seeing the latest bullish market in Kucoin, I just wanted to remind everyone who holds CAG, to convert their CAG into CNG by sending to the app. Converting ratio is decreasing every day, so it is beneficial for you to do it as soon as possible. You can read more about CAG to CNG token swap: can get the app from the main page: https://www.changeinvest.comJust a friendly reminder, thanks.
Herkese merhaba, Adım Mustafa Tufan. Eylül 2019'dan beri yeni adıyla Change Invest'te yazılım mühendisi olarak çalışıyorum. Bu konuyu tesadüf eseri bir Google aramasında buldum. Baştan itibaren tüm mesajları okudum. Bildiğiniz gibi Change Bank isim değiştirerek, önce Change Finance, sonra da şu anki adıyla Change Invest oldu. https://www.changeinvest.comBir uyarı yapmam gerekirse, eğer elinizde o günlerden CAG kaldıysa bunları bir an önce Change uygulamasından ulaşabileceğiniz Token Swap cüzdanlarınıza gönderip CNG'ye çevirmeniz gerekiyor. veya ekibe bir sorunuz olursa buradan veya özelden sorabilirsiniz. Teşekkürler.
😂, türkiye yokmuş maalesef. Tembelliğimiz tuttu google a sormadık, hemen bozdun vallahi  Avrupa Ekonomik Alanı = Avrupa Birliği + İzlanda + Lihtenştayn + Norveç
Merhaba arkadaşlar. Adım Mustafa Tufan, yazılım mühendisiyim, Estonya'da yaşıyorum. Bu hafta Change'de çalışmaya başladım. Kriptopara ile ilgili ilk işim olduğu için sanki hayatımda ilk defa işe başlıyormuş gibi heyecanlıyım. Change'i Bitcoin'li Enpara olarak özetleyebilirim. Bir banka hesabınız ve bu hesaba bağlı bir VISA kartınız var. Mobil uygulamadan anında komisyonsuz Bitcoin ve diğer 4 kriptopara birimini direkt alıp satabiliyor, Euro hesabınızdaki miktarı VISA kartınız ile harcayabiliyorsunuz. Şimdilik sadece Avrupa Ekonomik Alanı ülkelerinin vatandaşları veya oturum vizesi sahipleri üye olabiliyor. iOS hakkındaki düşüncülerinizi merak ediyorum. Günlük hayatınızda kullanır mısınız? Ayrıca diğer sorularınızı elimden geldiğince yanıtlayacağım. Teşekkürler.