we completely refund all unlocked buyers
So this means that people who sent btc to you for the "tentative sale" on the 30th of June and also locked their tokens will be getting the tokens at half the market price of 30th of June?
Ugh, so now you're selling tokens at about half the current market price or lower.
Been following this project for a long time but this doesn't sound fair at all.
clearly you have no idea what we speak about here. so go away. i'm the only nonsmart allowed here. Well you gave people the chance to buy AGRS tokens before July 1st directly from you for an undisclosed price. I too thought of buying that way but assumed you'd be selling around the market price + the added bonus of getting a discount for large purchases. Now it turns out that people who sent you btc on the 30th of June will be getting tokens at minimum for half the price of 30th of June or today. I don't see the fairness in that. Or are you saying that only people who sent you btc before the recent price climb, i.e. before 12:00 GMT 29th of June, will be getting the tokens at half the price? Now that would be fair as market price was also half of what it is now.
Ugh, so now you're selling tokens at about half the current market price or lower.
Been following this project for a long time but this doesn't sound fair at all.
You can buy the coins on bittrex, or directly from Ohad. If you buy from Ohad the price was higher than bittrex price, but cheaper if you bought in bulk.
not anymore. now, only bittrex, or the "tentative sale". see my last posts here https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=365974What's the price per AGRS for this "tentative sale"?
I agree. There needs to be clarification on what is happening with our tokens. It appears a massive sell off is occuring in this uncertainty because people think they're coins won't be tradeable on bittrex. Please clarify this asap.
Massive selloff? The price was almost half just 24 hours ago.
Selling 2.5k Lisk @ 0.0019 BTC, through escrow ofc.
PM me for screenshots of the account or any other questions.
Anyone sent USD there recently? Thinking of wiring some.
Stay in the process of synchronization in 15164 Right blockchain getblockhash 15164 0000012af65e1e42e8d18d6d8234ecff7a1dd7d972fc34a8a37021576f28b593
Wrong blockchain getblockhash 15164 000000e5214eba206a93d099fc1cd6f99178e806183af7749eae9601a424e9b7
Thanks d00de!
Is anybody still experiencing sync issues?
Not at all. Working fine. Care to share your peer list? have problems myself too
Primer, could you stop attackking slimcoin dev that much  You are in this coin, don't attack the dev or the coin you mine, unless you want the value to go down and buy up more.. but when do you turn? I have not posted for a month and look where it got us. Everything is broken. PoB ROI is unachieveable. PoS/PoW is broken. Block propagation broken. GUI icons and transactions broken. Coin is centralized. A hacker could destroy the blockchain if he gains access to devs checkpoint node. On top of all that, retarded dev wants to write a FAQ for beginners. Fucking retard. Sorry, but how old are you? You haven't matured enough yet to stop that childish howling of yours? Hmmm, maybe you have tourette's. If so, you're excused  .
Has there been a better explanation how good the obfuscation between a sender and a receiver is using PoSA? The whitepaper just says its relayed through two staking nodes. Would be great to know what traces there are left? Its done twice and I assume thats done to increase the obfuscation level.
do i need an internet conn to mine this coin?
No, thats the beauty of it. It makes p2p connections over UV waves, just like the sun. so funny :v i ask again: do i need a full time conn to mine this coin? How else would it work you idiot ? im sorry but LMFAO seconded 
Because many people POB, easy mining lost its meaning. { "General Info" : "", "nBurnBits" : "1d014a53", "nEffectiveBurnCoins" : "166427915074", "Formatted nEffectiveBurnCoins" : "166427.915074" } ]
PoB is not working, i am getting one a day, 3000 burnt... Ah, now I'm confident I know what you are 
Fixed the PoB block detection on frontpage. I'm working on the richlist, it should be online soon. Woot! thank you for your contribution 
I might be the only one semi bothered by this and I dont follow NXT at all, but kinda gay to freeze anyone's funds. Robbing the robber is still robbing! It adds a little flavor to the community!
Intertubez logic or failed humor?  If you believe that the guy who got his funds frozen did indeed steal it from the victim, then returning the coins to the rightful owner is stealing how? Can you steal something that isnt the person' property? Dont know why I even replied to this 
If removing PoS would help the developing process I can see a point in sacking it. But please lets not increase the volume of new coins created or the maximum supply.
Its inevitable. Removing PoS will increase volume of new coins created (both PoW and PoB.) Increasing PoS diff. will increase volume of new coins created (both PoW and PoB). Their is no way to keep the current daily coin supply the same unless PoW block creation time is increased. No way, like reducing-PoW-PoB-block-reward no way?
If removing PoS would help the developing process I can see a point in sacking it. But please lets not increase the volume of new coins created or the maximum supply.
I wouldnt eliminate PoS completely, if nothing else it will help promote Slim as a coin with a trinity of ways to mine/mint. PoB should always be the star of the show because of its perks over older Proofs-of-X. It brings mining to a whole new level by completely skipping the part where one gets shafted by pre-ordering a "fully QC tested" rig  Investment ---> Return, nothing in between
Have some faith in the dev.... he might have *gasp*.... a day job. The shock, the horror. 