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1  Economy / Economics / Video: Internet trends report | Mary Meeker, KPCB | Code Conference 2016 on: June 04, 2016, 09:13:35 AM
Internet trends report | Mary Meeker, KPCB | Code Conference 2016
2  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: - the bitcoin rocket on: June 04, 2016, 08:07:59 AM
i really like the percentage it shows (currently about 97 right now). we still got a month to go and the price is already going crazy. imagine what will happen when it actually comes.

Everyone will dump. And then rebuy on the panic.. I'm suspecting the real boom will be much later on, near xmass, or next year.
Would be too obvious for the pump to start and finish around the halving..

if that happen we might have problems....
The snow ball effect from a dumping right after the halving could be the end to bitcoin. it really hope it goes to at least 800$ and then start retracement.
3  Bitcoin / Press / [2016-06-04] Second-in-command at Silk Road 2.0 sentenced to 8 years in prison on: June 04, 2016, 07:29:44 AM
Second-in-command at Silk Road 2.0 sentenced to 8 years in prison

The second-highest administrator on Silk Road 2, the copycat site that followed the shuttered underground drug website Silk Road, was sentenced Friday to eight years in prison—the same term that government prosecutors asked the judge to impose.

and he owned not bitcoins? sure....  Roll Eyes
4  Other / Politics & Society / “Five Presidents” EU’s Jean-Claude Juncker Drunk in Public, Slaps Leaders on: June 04, 2016, 07:21:14 AM
“Five Presidents” EU’s Jean-Claude Juncker Drunk in Public, Slaps Leaders

Prominent British Member of Parliament Michael Gove received rave reviews for his performance on Sky TV’s European Union Referendum debate on Friday night. One of Gove’s many well-received points concerned the “Five Presidents” who run the EU – whom nobody can name.

Must watch!  Grin
5  Bitcoin / Press / [2016-06-04] Why Dumb Networks Are Better on: June 04, 2016, 07:05:13 AM
Why Dumb Networks Are Better

In computer and communications networks, decentralization leads to faster innovation, greater openness, and lower cost. Decentralization creates the conditions for competition and diversity in the services the network provides.
6  Bitcoin / Press / [2016-06-04] CD: Did China Drive Bitcoin's Price to 2016 Highs? on: June 04, 2016, 06:49:42 AM
Did China Drive Bitcoin's Price to 2016 Highs?

The price of bitcoin surged nearly 20% during the week ending 3rd June, rising to its highest point in 20 months. But what was the cause of the increase?

Mainstream media sources have largely attributed this sharp increase to demand from the Chinese market, prompted by yuan devaluation. But not everyone agreed with this explanation, as some market experts asserted that the rally was tied to other developments both within and outside of the digital currency ecosystem.
7  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: - the bitcoin rocket on: June 03, 2016, 07:44:48 PM
Just a reminder. Prepare the popcorn.
Beautiful site. Your design?

No. But i share your view  Wink
8  Economy / Speculation / Bitcoin is going crazy yo on: June 03, 2016, 07:43:09 PM
9  Local / Deutsch (German) / Re: Verdopplung des Netzwerks in Kürze +19.8 TH/s KAWOOOOOOOM on: June 03, 2016, 06:18:49 PM

danke. sorry für meine Unwissenheit.

Bin völlig 'raus was die aktuellen technischen Details beim mining angeht.

Bin auf dem Stand von 2011/12 stehengeblieben  Undecided

... wenn morgen einer schreibt das jetzt state of the art Quantenmining wäre, würde ich sagen 'Klasse'. Das wäre aber schon das Ende der Fahnenstange ...  Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes

 Cheesy - wenigstens ehrlich der Klaus.

16 namometer sollten erstmal das ende sein, zumindest wird es keine rapide verkleinerung mehr geben in den nächsten jahren.

bin mal bespannt wann es die ersten chips mit Diamant statt Silizium gibt

das ist für mich wieder neu. ich kannte bisher nur eine art "3D chips", welche die nächste generation von chips darstellen könnten.
10  Local / Deutsch (German) / Re: Was sagen eure Freundinnen/Frauen/Partner zu Bitcoin? on: June 03, 2016, 06:17:35 PM
Zurzeit mache ich eine Ausbildung als Bankkaufmann.
Da sind mehrere sehr fasziniert von Bitcoin (Lernende wie auch Mitarbeiter).
Gerade letztens kam einer in die Schalterhalle und wollte Bitcoins kaufen... fand ich noch cool  Cheesy

Was hast du ihm dann geraten? Alter?

Der war schon älter, 50+ würde ich schätzen.
Um gleich auf den Punkt zu kommen was der wollte: Der wollte Zahlungen an bestimme "Internetseiten" machen, aber seine Frau darf davon nichts erfahren. Dies hat er natürlich so gut wie möglich umschrieben...
Er hat eben in den Medien von Bitcoin gehört und das es anonym sei. Sonst hatte er von Bitcoin keinen schimmer und nach seinen Computerkenntnissen zufolge hätte ich ihm Bitcoin Stunden erklären müssen. Ich habe ihm geraten sich in das Thema einzulesen, um mehr über Bitcoin zu erfahren und ob es für ihn wirklich das richtige ist.

Dazu noch einen Buchtipp:

Okay, thx. Soll er doch zu einer Dame gehen, die ihn im echten Leben auspeitschen kann. Man sagt doch immer, dass man mal vor die Tür gehen soll!
11  Bitcoin / Press / [2016-06-03] Audio: Kenneth Ameduri of Crush The Street Interviews Trace Mayer on: June 03, 2016, 05:37:41 PM
Kenneth Ameduri of Crush The Street Interviews Trace Mayer
12  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / - the bitcoin rocket on: June 03, 2016, 05:35:02 PM
Just a reminder. Prepare the popcorn.
13  Bitcoin / Press / [2016-06-03] Repost: Why the Bitcoin Price Matters on: June 03, 2016, 04:58:06 PM
Why the Bitcoin Price Matters

Who pays too much attention to the price?

There are two main groups of people that have an unhealthy obsession with the price of bitcoin. First are the people who pay too little attention, a group that comprises nearly the entire world.  This group has no knowledge of the developments within the community or the underlying technology but can easily understand the straightforward barometer of price.
14  Bitcoin / Press / [2016-06-03] BTC´s best funded startup offers marketplace f user collected data on: June 03, 2016, 04:55:20 PM
Bitcoin’s best funded startup offers marketplace for user collected data

21 Inc. is a privately-held bitcoin hardware company that launched in May 2015, having raised over $121 million in venture capital, more than any other company in the bitcoin space to date. The company's stated goal is “putting a bitcoin miner in every device and in every hand.”
15  Bitcoin / Press / [2016-06-03] Why we should hide the bitcoin address on: June 03, 2016, 04:36:06 PM
Why we should hide the bitcoin address

IP addresses are the backbone of the internet, but the internet would have never been so big if we would still show them to the user. Bitcoin addresses are the backbone of bitcoin, you can’t send a transaction without it, but it is time to hide it for good.
16  Bitcoin / Press / [2016-06-03] Bitcoin has been the world’s strongest currency in 2015 on: June 03, 2016, 04:35:32 PM
Bitcoin has been the world’s strongest currency in 2015

(And it was in 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013.)
17  Other / Politics & Society / Federal Reserve Banking on: June 03, 2016, 04:22:14 PM
18  Bitcoin / Press / [2016-06-03] Video: Bitcoin & China? Virgilio from owns 14% of hash on: June 03, 2016, 04:04:47 PM
Bitcoin & China? Virgilio from owns 14% hash

fuck, that is cheap energy.
19  Bitcoin / Press / [2016-06-03] CD: CFTC Fines Bitcoin Exchange Bitfinex $75,000 on: June 03, 2016, 03:52:44 PM
CFTC Fines Bitcoin Exchange Bitfinex $75,000 Over Trading Violations

Hong Kong-based bitcoin exchange Bitfinex has settled with the US Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) following an investigation into its financed trading activities.
20  Bitcoin / Press / [2016-06-03] CD: Digital Currency 'Still on the Agenda' at Russian Central Bank on: June 03, 2016, 03:52:14 PM
Digital Currency 'Still on the Agenda' at Russian Central Bank

The head of a recently created unit at the Central Bank of Russia devoted to exploring financial technologies sees a wide-reaching role for blockchain use in finance, according to a recent interview.

ban, no ban, ban, no ban, ....
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