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61  Economy / Services / Re: New Bitcoin Site on: May 30, 2013, 02:47:20 PM
Your website sounds like it is only there to serve ads to users and the games are a secondary thing.
62  Economy / Services / Re: [Looking for] Php Coder on: May 29, 2013, 08:29:37 PM
63  Economy / Services / Re: [Looking for] Php Coder on: May 29, 2013, 02:20:54 AM
You should add more info.
What functions? What api?
64  Economy / Services / Re: Graphics Design help will pay .5btc (Raised to 1btc if completed with 24h) on: May 27, 2013, 11:48:38 PM

Ignore the watermark.
It is slightly deviating from your description.
65  Economy / Speculation / Re: Wall Observer - MtGoxUSD wall movement tracker - Hardcore on: May 27, 2013, 08:06:56 PM
I think this is our launchpad.
66  Economy / Speculation / Re: Wall Observer - MtGoxUSD wall movement tracker - Hardcore on: May 27, 2013, 07:57:31 PM

67  Economy / Service Discussion / Re: Bitstamp gave me twice as much bitcoins on: May 27, 2013, 01:41:12 AM
Did they send you in 2 transactions or sent you it in 1 transaction? If the latter, wow.
2 transactions
68  Economy / Service Discussion / Bitstamp gave me twice as much bitcoins on: May 27, 2013, 01:36:05 AM
I withdrawed .37 and they sent me .74, I sent a support ticket notifying them of this (to be nice and all) and they are asking me to return the amount.
Should I? (I did notify them of the bug instead of never mentioning this again)
69  Bitcoin / Project Development / Afford The Lamborghinis! on: May 25, 2013, 06:51:48 AM
(I bet that title got you in here)

But in light of this thread:
I've put together a website that shows IF you can afford the Lamborghini Gallardo with 1 BTC and just how many Lamborghinis you can afford with said coin. Also open source and on github.
70  Economy / Speculation / Re: Bitcoin price skyrocketting!! $266 here we come!! on: May 25, 2013, 06:41:49 AM
Well guys I see we need an easy indicator of weither we can go afford the Lamborghinis.
So I present you:

(give me $12 to get
71  Economy / Services / Re: Need reviews website! on: May 23, 2013, 10:27:23 PM
That website design is amazing, it's simple and neat. But consider having a black bold logo (without .com) with a sans-serif font like futura. See coinbase, they do this properly.
72  Bitcoin / Project Development / Re: Looking for WordPress plugin (or someone to write one) on: May 23, 2013, 03:48:31 AM
The most complex part of your idea is the statistics, you would need to deal a fair amount with SQL.
Else I could finish you maybe a basic plugin that allowed flawless donation (using coinbase) for $30 over a weekend.
73  Economy / Speculation / Re: Bitcoin price skyrocketting!! $266 here we come!! on: May 23, 2013, 03:23:44 AM
Tomorrow we won't be saying how many Bitcoins we have but how many Lamborghinis we can afford.

Lamborghini price will rise because we all will buy it
Tomorrow: "how does it feel to have sold your Lamborghini at < 0.01 btc?"
74  Bitcoin / Project Development / Re: This might be a really really reallllly stupid question... on: May 23, 2013, 02:59:59 AM
Sure it can be an AI but the question is what are you going to do AI that sentiently cobbles together random numbers and letters?
75  Economy / Speculation / Re: Bitcoin price skyrocketting!! $266 here we come!! on: May 23, 2013, 02:57:59 AM
Tomorrow we won't be saying how many Bitcoins we have but how many Lamborghinis we can afford.
76  Economy / Speculation / Re: The grind on: May 23, 2013, 02:49:27 AM
The bitcoin train sucks, it stops often, a rock on the track will derail the train and the conductor takes weeks to verify your ticket, often requiring you to show proof of residency, your passport, and often asks you how much money he has deposited in your bank account to make sure you own the account, even if you paid with cash.

Not to mention most of the people on the train have been on it for months, repeating "I'll get there someday".
77  Economy / Services / Re: I need a working PHP mtgox API script [.1 btc] on: May 23, 2013, 01:05:51 AM
The class is pretty well documented inside the file. Just include the 1 file at the top of your script, then do for example this
$gox = new Gox('myLongAPIKey', 'Mysecretsecret');
$price = $gox->ticker();

     $gox->buyBTC($amount, $price, "USD");
else {
     $gox->sellBTC($amount, $price, "USD");

Whereas $amount and $price actually have to equal something.
See this for more detail on the various functions of the library, it's code is really easy to understand
78  Economy / Services / Re: Looking to hire: web designer on: May 19, 2013, 10:37:51 PM
(Check your pm's)
79  Economy / Speculation / Re: Blog post- Bitcoin could "Spike" 200% in a 24-hour period? on: May 13, 2013, 08:09:36 PM
80  Economy / Services / Re: [BOUNTY] Wordpress help on: May 09, 2013, 04:07:15 PM
Add this  before line 75 in pastebin to exclude categories.
query_posts('category_name=FBK News’);
Duplicate the file, change name and change line 2 to whatever you want, like
/* Template Name: FBK News Category */
The modified page will appear in the template options when you make a page.
No need to pay me.
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