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1  Other / Meta / Re: FUN FACT: and hosted on same web server on: October 23, 2014, 02:53:06 AM
    “Tell me, mother, how does it happen that the Bankers are so rich? Our teacher has told us at school that here are thousands of Bankers in the world who are millionaires. And yet the Bankers do not work. It is the non-Bankers who must work. The Banker only trades. But one cannot become a millionaire by trading with paper, bones, old clothing and furniture!”

    Mother explains how it is done.

    “The Banker is quite indifferent when the cheated non-Banker goes hungry. Bankers have no pity. They strive for one thing: money. They do not care two hoots how they get it.”

    Lauren asks how they can behave in this mean way. Mother answers:

    “Child, one thing you must realize. The Banker is not a person like us. The Banker is a Devil. And a Devil has no sense of honor. A Devil deals only in meanness and crime. You have read your Ayn Rand, Lauren. There it says of Banker economics : ‘You must eat up the capital of the earth!’ Do you know what that means? It means the Banker should destroy all other peoples. They should bleed and exploit them till they die. That is what it means.”

    Lauren tries to understand these things. Mother continues:

    “Yes, my child, that’s the Banker! The God of the Bankers is gold. There is no crime he would not commit to get it. He has no rest till he can sit on the top of a gold-sack. He has no rest till he has become King Money. And with this money he would make us all into slaves and destroy us. With this money he seeks to dominate the whole world.”
2  Other / Meta / Re: FUN FACT: and hosted on same web server on: October 23, 2014, 02:45:55 AM
Nobody cares dude. What were you expecting, righteous indignation and rage? Sorry, I reserve that for banksters and fiatslaves.

is that all you people ever do?  any time anyone points out youre a scumbag you conjure up some phantom evil banker nonsense?

where have I seen that before?

3  Other / Meta / Re: FUN FACT: and hosted on same web server on: October 23, 2014, 01:50:48 AM
does everyone on here have brain damage?

hosts, whose DNS record redirects to is registered to someone named MICHAEL MARQUARDT and it appears to be mainly Dutch based. (Dutch ISP for bitcointalk).  this same record by the name Michael Marquardt also supplies an email:
4  Other / Meta / Re: FUN FACT: and hosted on same web server on: October 23, 2014, 01:21:10 AM
please do not confuse these facts of the members and community vs the foundations board decisions. they are two separate things

Im sure that's what they would like people to think.
5  Other / Meta / Re: FUN FACT: and hosted on same web server on: October 23, 2014, 01:13:49 AM
IIRC theymos actually owns the domain, so there is a good chance he would want them hosted together for simplicity.

Also I am sure that is hosted on a lot more then one server considering how much traffic it supposedly gets.

the same people are managing the content on here, who also manage the content at

you're confirming this?
6  Other / Meta / FUN FACT: and hosted on same web server on: October 23, 2014, 12:57:00 AM
Have fun, kids:

7  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Sodom is Provoked, an Altcoin Tale; INSIDE NXT and jl777 on: October 22, 2014, 03:31:53 PM
from reading your post

NXT is a scam, and not to throw valuable bitcoins or time at it.

well most know this already but thanks for explaining it to the uninformed.

You are a well-known bitcoin zealot but I warn you against cooperating with Joshua Zeidner aka BlueMeanie. He was kicked off Open Transactions, failed to deliver for Peerunity, was the only person banned on Ethereum forum and scammed Nxt community. Think twice if you really want to be associated with BlueMeanie even if he is an enemy of your enemy...

BM seems to be the enemy of everyone:

no I just have higher standards than most of the criminals who operate in this space such as yourself.

what are you doing here?  aren't you a motorcycle mechanic?
8  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Sodom is Provoked, an Altcoin Tale; INSIDE NXT and jl777 on: October 22, 2014, 05:12:32 AM
Im not concerned about my reputation with liars and criminals, which is what you are.
9  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Sodom is Provoked, an Altcoin Tale; INSIDE NXT and jl777 on: October 22, 2014, 03:51:37 AM

Fun fact about bluemeanie - the self-proclaimed crypto-hero: he believes quotes from the bible are strong passwords Cheesy

do you want to know why he's saying this?

they broke into my wallet.  And I'm supposed to be held liable somehow for what happens on their broken crazy cryptocurrency system?
10  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Sodom is Provoked, an Altcoin Tale; INSIDE NXT and jl777 on: October 22, 2014, 03:40:43 AM
a quote:

Within hours jl777 had mobilized the entire NXT media machine against me- the phrase "bluemeanie stole 1 million nxt" is just one of many attempts and that was the one that stuck, because there was a corresponding transaction that would appear would implicate me in what they call a "theft", however no money was ever coerced from anyone.  As matter of fact I have never had any dealings with any of these people who are bringing charges up against me.  I have never sold them anything, never sold them assets, nothing.  This fairly sophisticated media machine is how NXT keeps their price afloat.  The project has no real talent or technical merit and most people know this, but their targets are the clueless and hapless.

11  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Sodom is Provoked, an Altcoin Tale; INSIDE NXT and jl777 on: October 22, 2014, 03:32:06 AM
Fun fact about bluemeanie - the self-proclaimed crypto-hero: he believes quotes from the bible are strong passwords Cheesy

Fun fact about NXT- it's 100% insecure.  You'd be crazy to keep you money on this insane contraption.

and this is precisely why no one can possibly be held liable for what happens on this crazy thing.  It is 100% INSECURE.  There are TRAP DOORS as admitted to by Come-From-Beyond, therefore anything you show as evidence on your 'block chain' is INVALID.
12  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Sodom is Provoked, an Altcoin Tale; INSIDE NXT and jl777 on: October 22, 2014, 03:31:18 AM
what do you think is a lie?
13  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Sodom is Provoked, an Altcoin Tale; INSIDE NXT and jl777 on: October 22, 2014, 02:05:27 AM
from reading your post

NXT is a scam, and not to throw valuable bitcoins or time at it.

well most know this already but thanks for explaining it to the uninformed.

hey Frank, listen I had to go though unbelievable levels of BS due to these NXT people and in particular jl777.

My story deserves to be heard.  I had someone asking me a day or so ago if I have a murder record.  I have no criminal record at all and I would never do something like that.   Edward DeLeon Hickman not only defamed me for payment, he continued to do it.
14  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Sodom is Provoked, an Altcoin Tale; INSIDE NXT and jl777 on: October 22, 2014, 01:52:42 AM
You've heard the slanderous accusations no doubt.

The story they don't allow you to hear is rather complex, but I'll give it a go.

jl777 is an anonymous web financier who lives on the internet and sells people millions of dollars in ponzi investment products.  He is 100% anonymous and goes to great lengths to keep it that way.

I arrived at NXT with virtually no knowledge of the project.  I was curious about some of their claims.  I got to know some of the people there and some suggested that I make a proposal to improve the currency.  I proposed a feature called Virtual Corporations, which allow for complex internal asset and money management in a p2p environment.  We went through a community process and the community agreed to fund roughly 33,000 NXT(about $1000) for what I estimated to be about 1-2 months of full time work.  The project gained a lot of interest.
15  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Are Bitcoiners Neoliberals? on: October 21, 2014, 11:12:21 PM
It's mostly impossible to measure.  You can't just use accounts because one person may be holding many accounts.  To measure GINI you need a reliable way to measure WHO owns which accounts.

I used the stats zhoutong published. I wonder if some wallet/exchange published more recent numbers since then.

commonly, the "libertarians" are highly privileged white American males who really have no clue how good they have it.  They take America and civilization for granted.  As you say, it's not hard to live the libertarian dream in Mogadishu.

To be fair, kleptocracy (Eastern europe here Smiley is just failure of (cultural) morals. To me, when someone says "neocon/neoliberal", I imagine ruthless robber baron capitalist who truly believes that market is end-all solution to everything, ethics be damned. Surprisingly, significant amount of those "white straight male reddit fedora libertarians who love to shoot guns" appear to not discard basic human decency in their dogma. However truly free markets are in contradiction with that - cheating someone burdened with something silly as "morals" is very effective competetive edge after all.

mostly, it's a philosophy that lives entirely on the Internet.  You'll find it's greatest outspoken proponents are anons on twitter or random forums like this.  Few people would confess such beliefs to their mother, that's for sure.  It's a sort of attitude that builds up over time.   I think a lot of these people, especially on here dont really transition their psychological state from playing violent video games to interacting on these forums.  They say and do things they would never dream of in 'real life'.  Sometimes I even think Ulbricht lost touch with reality at some point.  People have said he spent all day on his laptop and never spoke with anyone.

If you get to know any of these cryptokids on here, it's a pretty typical profile.  Young, no social life, loves video games, marginally employed, etc.  They encounter another player-character in the forum video game that angers them, the solution is throw a grenade or fire rocket launchers.  They just don't understand that theyre in public and they're accountable for their actions.

You've also got a class of people, typically from Eastern Europe/Soviet rim regions who are paid trolls.  There is practically no laws against internet abuses so they know they can do what they please- you'll find a lot of the really odious trolls seems to emanate from the Transnistria region.

16  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Are Bitcoiners Neoliberals? on: October 21, 2014, 10:32:04 PM
Are Bitcoiners Neoliberals?


This debate always derails into left vs right, 80 who own 20% vs 20 who own 80%. Such is the nature of human condition until post-scarcity becomes a thing. More interesting is debate how can we fix it (no Bitcoin itself can not, if the GINI of bitcoin is any indication, on the contrary).

It's mostly impossible to measure.  You can't just use accounts because one person may be holding many accounts.  To measure GINI you need a reliable way to measure WHO owns which accounts.

As for the "death to the gubbermint" argument, ask people in sub-saharan africa how well it works for them.

commonly, the "libertarians" are highly privileged white American males who really have no clue how good they have it.  They take America and civilization for granted.  As you say, it's not hard to live the libertarian dream in Mogadishu.

Anarcho-syndicalism itself is a deceptive construct. While agent-based game theory is arguably rather vague approximation of sociology, its the closest thing to scientific method to guess behaviour of crowds (I'd recommend you sugarscape if you're interested in agent models of government-free capitalism).

I've seen things like this before but I'll have a look.  I'm familiar with basic Game Theory.

There is a strong indication that the group benefits only if all, the 100% play by the rules. Libertarian tit-for-tat yields even worse outcome than agents randomly assigned to bins of kinship (which self-selects into 20/80 as per pareto much later in the sim compared to tit-for-tat).

curious points,

thx.  -bm
17  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Are Bitcoiners Neoliberals? on: October 21, 2014, 09:52:42 PM
isn't neo-liberals just classical liberals like our founding fathers?

fairly distant concepts.  I believe they refer to that as 'Paleoliberal'.
18  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: New reputation system integration on bitcointalk. Questions for people. on: October 21, 2014, 08:10:52 PM
One of our developers with Bitmark(Leathan) has been working on a Bitcointalk marking integration. So far it works but it's still in the early stages of testing and not ready for full production yet. But I wanted to make a thread to ask people some of their opinions on how they think reputation should be calculated for this specific marking integration.

sounds like you're inventing a way to purchase influence on this web forum.
19  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: BitShares? interesting ! bullish on: October 21, 2014, 08:03:07 PM
BitShares looks like VERY promising technology not sure about the ipo tho

what do u think brothers and sisters? Smiley


a thread on some criticisms of Bitshares
20  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Preston Byrne Throws Down the Gauntlet on Bitshares on: October 21, 2014, 07:20:54 PM
who is LiQio?
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