OK! I am out of here!! Retracting my bid! Shouldn't have agreed to edit it anyways!
I'll start, 0.022 BTC Retracting!
66 - realediston, please and thanks
I'll help you with the picture (as a newbie you can't post pictures here) but please re-submit a Picture of your Coin (front and back side) you want to sell along with a piece of paper with the actual date and your bitcointalk username to build trust.
A pic with username, date etc can never hurt, but I think most members hanging around here know this is the original MRBONG411 Good luck with the sale LOL. How do you name?
I looked at the pictures and I actually found some clues in addresses. What happened in this post: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5321663.msg56490105#msg56490105FOr me I see the following The topic or board you are looking for appears to be either missing or off limits to you.Thnaks [EDIT] Okay was able to see the post. So, all this was a scam. Feel bad for tee. He/she worked hard on colllecting all 9 coins.
So example redsn0w has posted.
So does the name become redsnow ? or redsnw
Can the name have a number? if yes, how do we account for that
I have the names.
How was this ecncrypted ? 020000000103bfdaa1eb2ddfe0f3413737fafb043f0607229643ba5934fcc1ce7455e23f3100000 0006a473044022007da6d883ee0952139a8b97c7c89503f4c13e6f69e213eec838a23e35f8808e1 02207082958fb7f01920e1fc89b2b08fb946f9a43da5f2604e334e28318f6c837b0201210372a52 f8ef2e3663507477f7f0cf1994c8cb46252ca22bed4425a70cab09deca3feffffff01bd27000000 0000001976a914675bd20c10471947aa3ae1ef323d01fa41e7e2a588acdee83160
Which algorithm?
or which website/app/ etc. to decrypt it, please ?
Thanks Edi
I wrote a small script to solve this.
Problem is I only have these names
['thursday', 'luzerviking', 'raghavsood', 'mitchell', 'haloxon', 'owlcatz', 'kryme', 'evilish', 'dumbastronaut', 'eclipse', 'mityme', 'xslyy', 'hellot', 'satslife', 'retrosoviet', 'moparminingllc', 'heisenberg', 'chibitcty', 'mindtrip', 'hunter', 'motoxguy', 'agrawas', 'jcga', 'liquidoptions', 'est', 'heisty', 'selassiesoildier', 'turbodogma', 'spokanistan', 'thenovemberman', 'room', 'philipma', 'janemil', 'windjc', 'krogothmanhattan', 'hanspetertt', 'cygan', 'azkabal', 'crypto', 'ezeminer', 'digicoinuser', 'sircyptos', 'polymerbit', 'hanspeter', 'litlitbit', 'edits', 'minerjones', 'canaryinthemine', 'mrcrypthodl', 'xenodata', 'elmejorrematador', 'heisenberghunter', 'phishead', 'yogg', 'cryptocurious', 'dozerz', 'owlctaz', 'fusioncoins', 'batesresearch', 'blucepheus', 'realediston', 'yimfinity', 'eodguy', 'mrcryptohodl', 'blackjonny', 'gatorelf', 'eclipseee', 'tweetious','thebreadedbaby']
what names am I missing?
you are definitely missing some OG members from the collectibles section from the above list (regardless if they are part of the solution or not). Having said that, I guess that you are not expecting someone to just comment here the names that you are missing (ie a solution or even give hints) at least prior to the broadcasting deadline. Since you went the extra mile and did a script to solve this, why not just put all the forum usernames into it, and run it?  Well. I thouhgt we are only looking for people who posted on 15th Jan in the colelctibles forum.
20 was easy, 30 wont be difficult either
Oh really! Easy you say....next one lets make it vertical...diagonal...horizontaly and backwards as well now.  Is it not already, "vertical...diagonal...horizontaly and backward"??
I wrote a small script to solve this.
Problem is I only have these names
['thursday', 'luzerviking', 'raghavsood', 'mitchell', 'haloxon', 'owlcatz', 'kryme', 'evilish', 'dumbastronaut', 'eclipse', 'mityme', 'xslyy', 'hellot', 'satslife', 'retrosoviet', 'moparminingllc', 'heisenberg', 'chibitcty', 'mindtrip', 'hunter', 'motoxguy', 'agrawas', 'jcga', 'liquidoptions', 'est', 'heisty', 'selassiesoildier', 'turbodogma', 'spokanistan', 'thenovemberman', 'room', 'philipma', 'janemil', 'windjc', 'krogothmanhattan', 'hanspetertt', 'cygan', 'azkabal', 'crypto', 'ezeminer', 'digicoinuser', 'sircyptos', 'polymerbit', 'hanspeter', 'litlitbit', 'edits', 'minerjones', 'canaryinthemine', 'mrcrypthodl', 'xenodata', 'elmejorrematador', 'heisenberghunter', 'phishead', 'yogg', 'cryptocurious', 'dozerz', 'owlctaz', 'fusioncoins', 'batesresearch', 'blucepheus', 'realediston', 'yimfinity', 'eodguy', 'mrcryptohodl', 'blackjonny', 'gatorelf', 'eclipseee', 'tweetious','thebreadedbaby']
what names am I missing?
I know the password, but I didn't have any wallet installed on this phone, and now that I installed mycelyum they went ahead, haha, it was nice and fun to try.
Hmmm....be ready for another one soon...just need to make it a bit harder..too many smart people here!  You can still try this one http://www.crypto-stamps.com/private3.html It has 0.02 BTCWas there any hints for this one or another post about it?  Its been online since 2017 and never been cracked. No hints as the password was created by me punching keyboard symbols randomly to create a ridiculously 100 plus pass word that will take millennia to crack. Thats why i did this one today with a riddle. "100 plus"?
Sorry. Is this a joke post? I dont understand why price is 250 XMR for an empty coin?
We will provide escrow services. Minimum 100$ and no maxmimum cap. Flat fee: 0.001 BTC
We are honest and provide services to all kind of cryptos.
Thanks Edi
Please pm if you have one?
Thanks Edi
What's a good price for this one please?
10.2 BTC?
I am interested in 0.5 and 0.1 Silvers. Please pm.