Achtung! Aware of so called p2pb2b exchange which listed Semux just recently.
They says they're Partida LLC based in London, this company was incorporated just 2 months ago and registered at well-known mutlyreg's scam address.
Russian money laundry + Estonian registration + Britains legal address = 100% scam approach
Thank you for the heads up. Now please provide proof for us to confirm.
Guys be carefull mddsemuxpool validator hasn't done payments for two days already.
Seems to be fixed now. Today I received payment from this pool as expected. This pool and it s operator is still owing me payment for two days. It s not much but ignoring and freezing is the thing that happens. FIXED
@everyone Weekly update: we are prepping for rc3 launch. Lots of new code improvements and stabilization. Still some minor work for hd wallets mnemonic checksum validation in progress, as well as making ui for hd wallets more seamless (same create screen). Perf testing VM in testnet was quite good, next phase of testing is to rc3 increases gas limit 10x to allow for pushing it to it's limit. As previously announced we are working in metting the goals in the Roadmap published. Funds released for marketing activities Cryptopia is coming back to life and will open read-only access today
It's been a difficult time with the ongoing bear market but the Semux team is with @semux @orogvany @honeycrypto @mdodong working non-stop to move the project forward
Dev and community update 11/25/2018
In progress - On going art contest, #contest-submission - On going VM test on testnet - Update testnet blockchain explorer - VM performance test - Docs for VM - web3js implementation
tested some expensive calls with high gas price <>
tested some cheap calls with insufficient/low gas price <>
For the art contest, please submit entries in the #contest-submission channel
I've been using the Semux wallet all year with no issues. I was using wallet 1.2 and today when I tried to sync it but would just stop dead at 97.77%. So I downloaded 1.3 from github, imported my wallet and let it try to sync from the beginning. Now wallet 1.3 hangs at around 94% and will not continue further. Here's the debug.log. I edited out the ip address but the one listed was correct. 2018-11-05T14:35:15-0500 INFO PubSub PubSub service started 2018-11-05T14:35:18-0500 INFO Kernel Semux/v1.3.0-8b4f140/Windows/amd64 2018-11-05T14:35:18-0500 INFO Kernel System booting up: network = mainnet, networkVersion = 0, coinbase = 3f536b203955a110ea34aec1a380b219a59e955e 2018-11-05T14:35:18-0500 INFO Kernel Computer: manufacturer = ASUS, model = All Series 2018-11-05T14:35:18-0500 INFO Kernel OS: name = Microsoft Windows 10 build 16299 2018-11-05T14:35:18-0500 INFO Kernel CPU: processor = Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4770K CPU @ 3.50GHz, cores = 4 / 8 2018-11-05T14:35:18-0500 INFO Kernel Memory: total = 16318 MB, available = 13556 MB, swap total = 4352 MB, swap available = 4352 MB 2018-11-05T14:35:19-0500 INFO Kernel Disk: name = \\.\PHYSICALDRIVE2, size = 1430796 MB 2018-11-05T14:35:19-0500 INFO Kernel Disk: name = \\.\PHYSICALDRIVE1, size = 715402 MB 2018-11-05T14:35:19-0500 INFO Kernel Disk: name = \\.\PHYSICALDRIVE0, size = 238472 MB 2018-11-05T14:35:19-0500 INFO Kernel Network: name = Realtek PCIe GBE Family Controller, ip = [] 2018-11-05T14:35:19-0500 INFO Kernel Network: name = TAP-Windows Adapter V9, ip = [] 2018-11-05T14:35:19-0500 INFO Kernel Network: name = Teredo Tunneling Pseudo-Interface, ip = [] 2018-11-05T14:35:19-0500 INFO Kernel Java: version = 1.8.0_91, xmx = 9733 MB 2018-11-05T14:35:19-0500 INFO Kernel Latest block number = 760233 2018-11-05T14:35:19-0500 INFO PeerClient Use IP address: 2018-11-05T14:35:19-0500 INFO PeerClient Starting IP refresh thread 2018-11-05T14:35:19-0500 INFO NodeManager Node manager started 2018-11-05T14:35:19-0500 INFO PeerServer Starting peer server: address = 2018-11-05T14:35:20-0500 INFO SemuxBft Consensus started 2018-11-05T14:35:20-0500 INFO PeerClient New IP address detected: => @@.@@@.@@.87 2018-11-05T14:35:20-0500 INFO SemuxBft Entered new_height: height = 760234, # validators = 100 2018-11-05T14:35:20-0500 INFO Kernel Found a gateway device: local address =, external address = @@.@@@.@@.87 2018-11-05T14:35:28-0500 INFO SemuxSync Syncing started, best known block = 809747 2018-11-05T14:40:32-0500 INFO Launcher Shutting down pubsub-default 2018-11-05T14:40:32-0500 INFO PubSub PubSub service stopped 2018-11-05T14:40:32-0500 INFO Launcher Shutting down kernel 2018-11-05T14:40:32-0500 INFO SemuxSync Syncing finished, took 00:05:04 2018-11-05T14:40:32-0500 INFO SemuxBft Consensus stopped 2018-11-05T14:40:32-0500 INFO PeerServer PeerServer shut down 2018-11-05T14:40:32-0500 INFO NodeManager Node manager stopped 2018-11-05T14:40:32-0500 INFO PeerClient Shutting down PeerClient is this wallet problem solved? im have the same problem with the wallet. after the update, synchronization is stuck by 96%. twice deleted and reinstalled but the problem did not dare. if the team answer what to do, write here. Sync issues will be solved on the next release. We will have at least one minor release most likely with HD wallet support and other bug fix before the release of VM.
I am not able to sync my wallet. My wallet doesn't sync it gets stuck on peers connected and syncing stopped. This is from the debug log. Any help is appreciated . 2018-10-09T20:26:01+0300 ERROR SystemUtil Failed to retrieve your IP address from OpenDNS 2018-10-09T20:26:05+0300 ERROR SystemUtil Failed to retrieve your IP address from Amazon AWS 2018-10-09T20:28:01+0300 ERROR SystemUtil Failed to retrieve your IP address from OpenDNS 2018-10-09T20:28:10+0300 ERROR SystemUtil Failed to retrieve your IP address from Amazon AWS 2018-10-09T20:28:31+0300 ERROR SystemUtil Failed to retrieve your IP address from OpenDNS 2018-10-09T20:28:36+0300 ERROR SystemUtil Failed to retrieve your IP address from Amazon AWS 2018-10-09T20:29:01+0300 ERROR SystemUtil Failed to retrieve your IP address from OpenDNS 2018-10-09T20:29:12+0300 ERROR SystemUtil Failed to retrieve your IP address from Amazon AWS 2018-10-09T20:33:01+0300 ERROR SystemUtil Failed to retrieve your IP address from OpenDNS 2018-10-09T20:33:13+0300 ERROR SystemUtil Failed to retrieve your IP address from Amazon AWS 2018-10-09T20:46:01+0300 ERROR SystemUtil Failed to retrieve your IP address from OpenDNS 2018-10-09T20:46:11+0300 ERROR SystemUtil Failed to retrieve your IP address from Amazon AWS Are you running the latest version of semux? If yes, then this could be a problem with your ISP. Go to to get your IP address. On your look for # Declared ip address p2p.declaredIp = and enter your ip address in like p2p.declaredIp = x.x.x.x
@orogvany_mobile Weekly update time Testnet back up! I have some commits in vm. Ran into issue with calling methods in contracts, filed bug. Something's off and we don't have testing for it. But work goes on. Trying to get erc20 token example running on devnet May take a break to look at seed node connection leak or fix the issue folks are having with Windows boxes and our system analysis... ----------------------------------------- end next on the table on VM development Hash out txs, tx fees, gas pricing reqs development has slowed down a bit since @orogvany_mobile has been busy with his day job and @semux just got out of surgery and is recovering will pick up the pending development as soon as possible @honeycrypto is busy organizing marketing and scouting next exchange listing all timeline is up to date based on the roadmap
nice update!  so we will have new exchanges soon, right? Most likely right after the VM release.
@orogvany_mobile Weekly update time Testnet back up! I have some commits in vm. Ran into issue with calling methods in contracts, filed bug. Something's off and we don't have testing for it. But work goes on. Trying to get erc20 token example running on devnet May take a break to look at seed node connection leak or fix the issue folks are having with Windows boxes and our system analysis... ----------------------------------------- end next on the table on VM development Hash out txs, tx fees, gas pricing reqs development has slowed down a bit since @orogvany_mobile has been busy with his day job and @semux just got out of surgery and is recovering will pick up the pending development as soon as possible @honeycrypto is busy organizing marketing and scouting next exchange listing all timeline is up to date based on the roadmap
Why are real Semux entusiasts afraid of Bounty Hunters dumping? Is this project so weak that it must be afraid of a few coins getting on the market? Are people here so desperate about the price instead of developement? I first thought this project is cool, but after observing these behaviors in the community - starting from the team, which is ending the campaign now for obvious fears about those mini-dumpers - I am not so sure any more.
I think it's more a question of signature campaign effectiveness in general. But specifically for the semux campaign, it has been going on for way too long. People have been seeing this signature for almost a year now, and it pays very well, particularly to high ranking members. I am rather puzzled by how much people resist to the campaign ending. Some people are just addicted to free money I guess but you know what? All good things come to an end some day. The problem is that at such a drop in the market that occurred in recent months without a volume of trading, even if only a small part of the signature holders on the forum sells at once, the price can fall very much. In two or three times the price drop can easily be. Investors are afraid of this and can begin to sell even before that, even more than they will collapse the price of the asset. This is the unholy cycle of bear markets. Some kind of positive loop which creates negative impact on the price until we hit the bottom. Good news is we might be out of that given the overall market conditions. I've noticed many of alts are starting to post gains now.
Thank you Phash2k , will test and feedback here . I hope more community members supporting semux test the APP with small transactions. Please help testing and visit github to request more features and report issues and bugs.
Has it been created just for the fun of it or it intends solving some problems? And this ANN is very porous a lot of details about this coin is needed. Hope to read more about it pretty shortly!
Maybe this is just a school project? Lol! The things you see during crypto bear market!
Is it just me or 99% of the people posting on this thread are newbies?
Really shady project! Keep out people!
We all waited patiently for close to a year (well maybe not that patiently, but whatever...) for this launch... Now let's not all get our panties in a twirl over a few more days wait for the Cryptopia market to open.
We'll celebrate as soon as the mainnet launch happen. IF that happens. So many projects now are not moving or simply dies due to market conditions. Devs and investors are not that motivated since there is very little gain to be expected during bear market.
Blockchain has moved, more to come.
Would this affect the coins kept in Yobit wallet? No. Yobit wallet is just like any other wallet, fundamentally. It sits there connected to the nodes and when a new block is found, the wallet syncs. This is what Yobit refers to as ‘online’. Hopefully the movement on wallet continues consistently. Any chance the block explorer go back online?
Sad isn't it? So many projects dying left and right. I guess it's to be expected during the bear market.