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1  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: The Blockchain compute GPU AMD -160 on: December 16, 2021, 01:50:53 AM
2  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: Chinese Crypto Pools are Shutting Down (Sparkpool was just the first) on: September 24, 2021, 06:45:31 PM
I've never heard of Flexpool till this year and somehow they are now "The best pool". I find Flex-pool highly dubious...
3  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: Octominer X12 Ultra - setup question. on: June 30, 2021, 01:22:10 AM
Not sure what you mean by 'server power cable' You can use any cable, including 110v. The PSUs are capable of running 110v, but only at 900w per PSU(so rather 3600w you only get 2400w of total power) You can run the rig with only 2 PSUs (if need be) you dont have to use the 3rd one. I have the same ones(But sourced by MinerDude)
4  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: For Nvidia GPU miners on ETH, why using Phoenix miner instead of T-Rex miner? on: June 19, 2021, 03:54:35 PM
Pheonix Miner is junk with 2000/3000 series Nvidia cards.

IMHO T-rex is good, but use Gminer. Gminer has been extremely stable for me and only 0.65% DevFee on ETH.
5  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: Next phase for Ethereum Miner on: May 18, 2021, 02:05:13 AM
I have been mining Eth since Sept 2017, and I have heard my share of GPU mining is dead POS is around the corner.  But I can honestly say that with 1559 this summer (July I believe) and the recent announcement that the diff bomb will be delayed until Dec 2021, we are looking at the dead of ETH GPU mining by the end of the year. 

And I have been reading the same news as everyone else that there is no minable coin we can switch our GPUs post post ETH POW that has the market cap to make GPU mining profitable.

So I plan on selling all my GPUs probably in the fall (while GPU prices remain very high) and would like to move to something different.

Question is what does that "new normal" look like.  It would seem to me the only real options if I want to stick with mining is BTC or XMR.  For XMR, I dont know of any profitable approach that gives a reasonable ROI, and for BTC its hard to get into with the high prices of ASICs for a hobby/home miner.

what are other ETH miners  thinking around their plans?

My plan, YOLO. Let the weak hands leave. The market will stabilize. Crypto's are the future.
6  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: strange behavior overclocking 1070's on: April 12, 2021, 03:45:18 PM
One of my rigs has 8 1070's that have been running nicely for almost 4 years.  But something I have never understood is that overclocking the memory makes no difference to the hashrate. But increasing the core clock does.  It's precisely the opposite of what is supposed to happen.  My other rigs which have 1070ti's don't exhibit this behavior.

My 1070's are tuned to use around 110 watts hashing at around 28mh/s which seems pretty optimum but I only achieve this by leaving the mem clock alone and bumping up the core clock.  All my rigs hardware are identical excepting the 1070ti's on the other rigs, which I have running at around 110 watts and 32.3mh/s by increasing the mem clock.

I haven't bothered asking this before because I doubt very much there is an answer.  But has anyone experienced this and know what causes it?

This has to do with the TLB bug on 1070s/1080s/1080ti's. Increase the core and power helps increase hashrate because of this bug. 1070ti is not affected because it was released later in the year with the "fix"

"Here is the reply. Please note that I likely will not be able to respond to any follow-up questions about this. Therefore, if you ask a question, and I do not respond, that is the reason. I’m not permitted to share any more details than what is presented here:

We’ve confirmed that the performance drop is due to the size of the DAG exceeding the total on-chip TLB capacity on the Pascal GPU. As a result, there is an increased number of TLB misses, which affects performance. Because the TLB is a fixed capacity hardware resource, and the ETH algorithm accesses the DAG randomly, we don’t believe there are any software optimizations that could reduce the TLB miss rate.

In the Volta generation, TLB coverage was increased by 4x, and large DAG sizes (up to ~8GB, which won’t be reached for many years) will still fit in the on-chip TLB. So these newer GPUs (Volta and beyond) will show much less performance sensitivity due to DAG size."
7  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: How are 4gb cards still able to pull 24-27mhs from mining ETH today? on: March 05, 2021, 07:23:26 PM
Is zombie mode that powerful? is there another mode out there that takes care of the DAG sitatuon?

I played with this myself and did some fun stuff.

The Radeon Pro Duo, which is 2x Fury 4GB card in one with a X99 Board and 6850X(lots of PCI-E lanes). It's possible to have these Dual GPUs still do 25-27mh/s on ETH. Each GPU gest x8 PCI-E lane and only using 1x PCI-E x16 lane.

Theorically using Zombie Mode, X99 board with PLCX chip(lots of PCI-E lanes) and Dual GPU, I can make a rig of 5 RadeonPro Duos and have a 10-gpu 4GB rig at near full ETH speeds.
8  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: Support miners and oppose reward reductions. STOPEIP1559.ORG on: March 03, 2021, 12:18:46 AM
Regardless of whether we miners want the fee burn or not the Dev will shove it down our throats just like the 3 < 2 ETH reward reduction.
9  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: I have $6000 to start mining, what should I buy? on: February 04, 2021, 08:56:13 PM
Invest in DeFI, Or literally any good project. You'll never make your 6K back in time if you're just starting now. GPU, PSU, and other Hardware prices are through the roof. During Bullmarkets you DO NOT BUILD mining rigs. You buy the coin which will make you'll more money in a month than a mining rig will paying itself back. That's my personal opinion. I'm a big miner, but I started during the first bullmarket in 2017 and never stopped even during the bear market of 2018-20.

With ETH finally getting Phase 0 and moving to phase 1.5 in 2021/22 Personally the mining game's over now. On top of that ASIC on ETH that are insanely powerful are coming online this year.
Here we are again, people are packing 40 pieces of graphic cards right in front of me in a store to mine Ethereum and you are here saying you can't make your ROI back? It only takes 4 month to get ROI back on a single gtx1660 super today, since you said you build your rig in 2017? Good, my question is did you make back your ROI or NoT?

Here we are again. People thinking of buying over-inflated priced GPUs like the 1660s when ETH POS was initially launched last year with a full move away from PoW thinking they'll make all their money back GPU-mining. I'm going to put this super easy.

$400, 1660 SUPER(MSRP was 230~)( plus you can't even buy these anymore there not in production). Will make about $1 - $1.50~ a day(accounting for a full system setup at 200w with a single 1660s@30mh/s, 2.5 ETH BR). That's a 400 day ROI. We're in a Bullmarket, Bull markets don't last. This is the third Crypto bull market I've been in. If you/he puts that in a good project he'll easily make $100-200 in just a couple of months.

Did I ROI?

Yes, and well beyond it now. However, As I said I mined during the bear market and suffered a lot of set-backs and pain. The Black-swan flash crash of 2018 and then in 2020 basically wiped me TWICE. In 2020 I just about gave up on everything but I worked at my normal job and held, kept mining. Last year I purchase 588's for around $65 a piece on Auction from liquated mining farms.

So my question WHAT ARE YOU going to do when your mining AT A LOSS because a 'flash-crash' or markets tanks for sometimes months on end? I saw it at the end of 2018. I'll probably see it again at the end of 2021.
Gtx 1660 super has 6gb VRAM, before that 6gb VRAM runs out it will take 3 to 4 years, you are bewitched if you failed to get your ROI back in this period of time even if you can only get 0.80$ from gtx1660 super mining 24 hours a day, what about those asics that are only given access to 4.5gb memory?? Before that time comes you should have get 2x your ROI or even 3x, do some math

What does VRAM have to do with it? ETH is going PoS long before 6GB memory. On top of that Network Dif will increase the "ROI" when the new 2GH/s ETH ASICs have been unleashed to regular buyers this June this year. Those ASICs have 8GB memory.

The Name of the game is "buy low, sell high" Same goes for Crypto-mining when in bear markets pick-up GPUs/ASICs during Bullmarkets cashout coins turning into $$$$. People eating up GPUs and ASICs at insane prices are not thinking what happens in a year. They only see the $$$(greed) of now.
10  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: I have $6000 to start mining, what should I buy? on: February 04, 2021, 05:06:00 PM
Invest in DeFI, Or literally any good project. You'll never make your 6K back in time if you're just starting now. GPU, PSU, and other Hardware prices are through the roof. During Bullmarkets you DO NOT BUILD mining rigs. You buy the coin which will make you'll more money in a month than a mining rig will paying itself back. That's my personal opinion. I'm a big miner, but I started during the first bullmarket in 2017 and never stopped even during the bear market of 2018-20.

With ETH finally getting Phase 0 and moving to phase 1.5 in 2021/22 Personally the mining game's over now. On top of that ASIC on ETH that are insanely powerful are coming online this year.
Here we are again, people are packing 40 pieces of graphic cards right in front of me in a store to mine Ethereum and you are here saying you can't make your ROI back? It only takes 4 month to get ROI back on a single gtx1660 super today, since you said you build your rig in 2017? Good, my question is did you make back your ROI or NoT?

Here we are again. People thinking of buying over-inflated priced GPUs like the 1660s when ETH POS was initially launched last year with a full move away from PoW thinking they'll make all their money back GPU-mining. I'm going to put this super easy.

$400, 1660 SUPER(MSRP was 230~)( plus you can't even buy these anymore there not in production). Will make about $1 - $1.50~ a day(accounting for a full system setup at 200w with a single 1660s@30mh/s, 2.5 ETH BR). That's a 400 day ROI. We're in a Bullmarket, Bull markets don't last. This is the third Crypto bull market I've been in. If you/he puts that in a good project he'll easily make $100-200 in just a couple of months.

Did I ROI?

Yes, and well beyond it now. However, As I said I mined during the bear market and suffered a lot of set-backs and pain. The Black-swan flash crash of 2018 and then in 2020 basically wiped me TWICE. In 2020 I just about gave up on everything but I worked at my normal job and held, kept mining. Last year I purchase 588's for around $65 a piece on Auction from liquated mining farms.

So my question WHAT ARE YOU going to do when your mining AT A LOSS because a 'flash-crash' or markets tanks for sometimes months on end? I saw it at the end of 2018. I'll probably see it again at the end of 2021.
11  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: I have $6000 to start mining, what should I buy? on: February 04, 2021, 04:23:02 PM
Invest in DeFI, Or literally any good project. You'll never make your 6K back in time if you're just starting now. GPU, PSU, and other Hardware prices are through the roof. During Bullmarkets you DO NOT BUILD mining rigs. You buy the coin which will make you'll more money in a month than a mining rig will paying itself back. That's my personal opinion. I'm a big miner, but I started during the first bullmarket in 2017 and never stopped even during the bear market of 2018-20.

With ETH finally getting Phase 0 and moving to phase 1.5 in 2021/22 Personally the mining game's over now. On top of that ASIC on ETH that are insanely powerful are coming online this year.
12  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: Thoughts on miner for ETH on: January 13, 2021, 03:57:25 AM
PheonixMiner has same features as Claymore with built in straps. Give that a try.
13  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: What speed is your 1080ti running? (EThash) on: January 10, 2021, 09:33:28 PM
I'm getting 46-47mh currently.

It's a shame nVidia never released a DAG patch like AMD did, If that were the case these would still be at 55mh  Undecided

Google Nvidia TLB bug and you'll see why. Nvidia wrote into the hardware of Pascal how it accesses the memory. All Nvidia Pascal GPUs will suffer this issue. Better off selling 1080tis and buying 3060ti's
14  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: RTX 3080 hashrate drop list on: January 10, 2021, 06:34:42 PM
Stay away from MSI Gaming Trio X's for such a beefy card(it very long) it doesn't perform as similar 3080's. 92mh/s is the best I can get and it seems to suffer from a bug that only allows 200w to card (in HiveOS). There are "fixes" such as flashing the BIOs to SuprimX one, but I would avoid buying any of these cards for mining. Seeing as EVGA FTW3 3080, as other have gotten, do 100mh/s+ easy. I've gotten mine to 107mh/s have to see about stability for that high but I keep it around 103mh/s

TLDR: Stay away from MSI brand 3080's
107mhs, EVGA FTW3 3080? memory speed? i mean if i go to 1500mhs, it gives me 103.

With the 3080's it relies upon temperature, I've gotten it to 107mh/s when it was around 45C. Right now it hashes around 105mh/s at 53C.

Just got another MSI Trio X in. Does even worse, about 89mh/s. Tried flashing various EVGA BIOs 400w to 450w with no success. Looks like have to use Windows strictly on the MSI Trios to get a good hashrate out of them.
15  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: RTX 3080 hashrate drop list on: January 09, 2021, 10:48:13 PM
Stay away from MSI Gaming Trio X's for such a beefy card(it very long) it doesn't perform as similar 3080's. 92mh/s is the best I can get and it seems to suffer from a bug that only allows 200w to card (in HiveOS). There are "fixes" such as flashing the BIOs to SuprimX one, but I would avoid buying any of these cards for mining. Seeing as EVGA FTW3 3080, as other have gotten, do 100mh/s+ easy. I've gotten mine to 107mh/s have to see about stability for that high but I keep it around 103mh/s

TLDR: Stay away from MSI brand 3080's
16  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: ETH hashrate keeps growing on: December 25, 2020, 04:13:11 PM
It's safe to say the amount of new miners joining because of the crypto bullrun is why were not seeing significant drops in hashrate. Most large miners already sold off and phased-out the 4GB cards. While new miners are buying older RX580 8GBs, 5700/5600XT's or Nvidia GPUs with 8GB ram or more. Lastly Zombie mode was invented by Miner-software Devs keeping whatever 4GB cards are on the network until they're unprofitable for that person. For me, I'm keeping my 4GB cards on until Feb a Full month later thanks to Zombie Mode.

So unlike everyone was expecting there will no 'massive' drop in hashrate.
17  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: ETHEREUM BENCHMARKS! on: September 23, 2020, 01:05:13 PM
Useful, thank you for this.
18  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: This *could change after 3000 series, but 5600 XT is king for a few on: September 01, 2020, 11:54:53 AM
But those watts are not at the wall.

I have used:


I can get 28 for the 5500 series at 63 watts
I can get 40 for the 5600 series at 84 watts
I can get 51 for the 5700.          at 108 watts
I can get 51 for the 5700xt         at 115 watts

those are all software numbers from my simple mining rigs.

prices matter.  

the best I can do for the 5500xt is 191-11 =180 each
the best I can do for the 5600xt is 244
the best I can do for the 5700xt is 349

and the 5700 is not easy to get anymore

all those prices are limited and include rebates and coupons.

I also do not push cards so squeezing every bit is not that import to me.

I rather under use them and they do last longer.

I can make an argument for any of them as long as they are a good price.

All of them are making money even if you have 20 cent power

Yeah my guess wattage from wall per gpu is 105w. Total power consumption of 12x RX5600XT rig in Octominer 12x case+fans = 1450w total from Wall(PDU).
19  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: This *could change after 3000 series, but 5600 XT is king for a few on: September 01, 2020, 10:50:17 AM
Yes and No. I personally went with RX5600XTs because RX5700s became EOL. Only a few RX5700 exist and no longer $300. leaving only 5700XT's for 380~. RX5700's/XT is better just for per hashrate and cost perspective. Good tuning can get 120W~ avg with 55mh/s.

20  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: 4GB GPUs and DAG file load problem with Claymore and Ethereum on: August 04, 2020, 03:04:49 PM
Claymore disappear again? I would think he'd like to update his software to allow mining 4GB until that time but nothing. I stopped using his Mining software once PheonixMiner came around. Now there's other options at hash just as good as his. He was first to market with "soft-mod" BIOs for Nvidia 1x00 and AMD however, props to him.
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