Hi everyone.... were tokens distributed from the bounty campaign? Does anyone know the details for the:
symbol: TROY? (or GOLD?) decimals:? contract address?
were tokens from bounty ever sent to wallets like MEW?
Just curious as I participated in the bounty but never saw any tokens from my work.
Bitcoin is king but ETH certainly can make up ground in the future. Definitely consider continuing to hold ETH. Most of the decentralized finance dApps and projects, about 90%, are running on the ethereum blockchain. Defi (lending, staking, analytics, tokenization, oracles, DAO, DEXs) is in its infancy but it will continue to grow and increase ETH's prominence. ETH's future looks bright and will give a higher multiple ROI than Bitcoin. For an excellent review of DeFi and why ETH will be king in the future, see: https://www.publish0x.com/cryptocurrency-insights/defi-best-class-2020-xyjxjm(tip the author, he worked hard to compile the info  ) So it is an easy choice, go with ETH = Sleeping giant.
Hmmmm..... which one of these coins isn't like the others. All the other coins in your purported portfolio are top 20 coins with good market capitalization. The coin you are trying to pump is worse than a dogs breakfast.... Ranked at #937 Titan Coin has a 24 hour volume of $182.18 USD and its total market cap is just over half a million. This is a dead coin. If this is the best coin you could find after doing due diligence you better sell all your coins and forget crypto investing altogether. To anyone dumb enough to believe your soft sell that TTN might be good to buy because you are considering it. Titan has NO liquidity, NO volume, NO interest, NO community, and NO unique use case (its use case is pretty weak duplicating several other payment system coins).
I used to think Altcoin was a very unpleasant project because his bad management is not like Bitcoin and somehow I was interested in Energi. Energi Coin, Their projects such as donations and yesterday have held earndrop. but strangely their coin did not plunge into it even up and up until I was a little sorry too quickly sell it under
Same, I also like Energi project and have received rewards from Airdrop. This project continues to develop quite well and has a high popularity so that many investors and traders are interested in joining the Energi project. for now the NRG trade volume continues to grow large, on the CMC ranking Energi is ranked 81. one of the achievements is quite good because Energi is a new project. Yes, Energi is one of the rare newer projects that has great potential. They have set up their project to maintain their funding for the future (so they don't run out of funds and have money to keep going). NRG is a definite buy and hold. And you get a dividend if you stake the NRG coins in your wallet too!
A big NONE! If the kind of project you are pertaining avout is ICO and bounties. What I'm only interested to is Bitcoin. I already learned my lesson after I invested to Electroneum last 2017 (as far as I remember) and I don want to happen again. Such a waste of money, strategy and most importantly time and effort  . So here's my simple advice, avoid new projects because most of them are scam at least futureless lol. I can only agree with your post. I have done many bounties for small token amounts and the new projects don't get listed on any exchanges so selling the small amount of bounty is difficult. Overall, doing the bounty tasks was not worth my time and didn't amount to much useful cryptocurrency in my wallet. Also, yes so many of the new projects are scams with poor development teams. There are already many good projects that are relatively cheap and the development teams have proven they have "staying power". Why invest money in a new scam coin that will disappear in a year when there are solid projects like TRX, VET, ADA, DGB and ENJ all tokens that have future potential and some of these are a fraction of a cent to buy. The days of ICO pump and dumps are long gone. Good luck.
I only have a few altcoins, not too many. because actually I believe more in investing in bitcoin than altcoin. I spend most of my money on bitcoin investments. but i also have some altcoin. My favorite altcoins are ethereum, litecoin and BNB. and these two years most of altcoin lost its value. and I think right now is the right time to buy and add altcoin. because I'm sure that when bitcoin pumps the altcoin market will also go green again. I hope Bitcoin will increase soon.
You believe in Bitcoin but this post is asking for only other options then bitcoin. Not all alts has lost their value BitBall still standing strong and grown 4000% Good lord! Stop pumping bitball. You have posted a dozen times promoting it to this thread. Clearly you have invested in it and are trying to pump it. We get it.... you think it has "yuge" potential. However, there are many other coins that are much better buys and with much better development teams than bitball. When buying altcoins you would be smarter to buy less risky coins that have higher market caps, stronger communities, are listed on bigger exchanges (for liquidity), and are listed in the top 100 of coinmarket cap. I think Ve chain - VET, Digibyte - DGB, Cardano - ADA and Stellar - XLM are far superior and all cheap right now. If I wanted to pick dark horses I would look at the tech behind the altcoin and buy projects that bring blockchain operability such as LINK, ELROND, FUSION and FANTOM. Overall, the original poster can't go wrong with that list. From his list I would avoid bitball (can the team sustain development over the longer term given their cash reserves?), and the privacy coins with their forks (Monero, Dash, and Zcash as their multiple won't be as high as some other altcoins). Good luck with bitball, it has a lot of potential but likely will fade away so make sure you diversify and buy some of my suggestions  . Good lord! So you can pump your coin but I can’t talk about BitBall 🤷♂️ Open public discussion, I’m doing exactly what you are doing. Stop pumping your bags 😱 BitBall all the way 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 Given your response it shows you really are quite unintelligent. You are NOT doing exactly what I am doing. Look at how many times I replied to the original poster's question offering my suggestions of alternative coins (ONE TIME). Now go back and count up how many times you have promoted Bitball (NEARLY A DOZEN). I am clearly NOT pumping "my" coins I suggested like you are doing with bitball. Never said you couldn't pump "your" coin in public but please go start your own thread on bitcointalk to do so instead of suggesting bitball over and over in the same thread. Do they not teach critical thinking skills in schools any longer? You would do well to sell your bitball now and switch to another coin like ETH. Good luck youngster and when your bitball token value continues to decrease over time, the team's initial funding disappears, the project becomes inactive, and you finally sell with your invested money and pride is tatters just remember my words of warning, "I told you to sell and move on many months ago".
I only have a few altcoins, not too many. because actually I believe more in investing in bitcoin than altcoin. I spend most of my money on bitcoin investments. but i also have some altcoin. My favorite altcoins are ethereum, litecoin and BNB. and these two years most of altcoin lost its value. and I think right now is the right time to buy and add altcoin. because I'm sure that when bitcoin pumps the altcoin market will also go green again. I hope Bitcoin will increase soon.
You believe in Bitcoin but this post is asking for only other options then bitcoin. Not all alts has lost their value BitBall still standing strong and grown 4000% Good lord! Stop pumping bitball. You have posted a dozen times promoting it to this thread. Clearly you have invested in it and are trying to pump it. We get it.... you think it has "yuge" potential. However, there are many other coins that are much better buys and with much better development teams than bitball. When buying altcoins you would be smarter to buy less risky coins that have higher market caps, stronger communities, are listed on bigger exchanges (for liquidity), and are listed in the top 100 of coinmarket cap. I think Ve chain - VET, Digibyte - DGB, Cardano - ADA and Stellar - XLM are far superior and all cheap right now. If I wanted to pick dark horses I would look at the tech behind the altcoin and buy projects that bring blockchain operability such as LINK, ELROND, FUSION and FANTOM. Overall, the original poster can't go wrong with that list. From his list I would avoid bitball (can the team sustain development over the longer term given their cash reserves?), and the privacy coins with their forks (Monero, Dash, and Zcash as their multiple won't be as high as some other altcoins). Good luck with bitball, it has a lot of potential but likely will fade away so make sure you diversify and buy some of my suggestions  .
On the spreadsheet here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Mw2fBOhPoYYctOi1dvGr7fL4Q77hErgPLYwdT93iQP8/htmlview#I earned 8 stakes for content bounty but on the pivot table my bitbond affiliate name https://www.bitbondsto.com/?a%3DPFMUAI is given 1 stake and 1.96 tokens (I lost7 stakes). This means according to whoever did the spreadsheet that I wrote 10 blog articles for content creation and was paid 0.19 Euro for each article. This must be a joke! Someone from bitbond needs to step in and redo the math for the spreadsheets. The bounty pay outs for all tasks are ridiculously low for the effort. No transparency on the capital raise (how much was actually raised?) and a totally botched bounty payout makes Bitbond STO look like a scam and fraud. Please let us know what the actual capital raise value was and if you plan to honour the 2% amount for bounters.
I looked at the Bitbond sto bounty percentages on the first page of this thread: It reads: Hunter Bounty 15% Signature Bounty 25% Creativity Bounty 5% Social media Bounty 30% - Linkedin 10% - Twitter 10% - Facebook 5% - Telegram 5% Content Bounty 25% And also wrote, "We are allocating 2% of the total tokens raised in the STO to the Bounty program, therefore up to 2 Million Euros worth of BB1 tokens are up for grabs!" If 2.3 million Euros was raised (it is difficult to know since bitbond refused to update their numbers for over 8 weeks) then 2% of that would be at least 46,000 Tokens. However, on the spreadsheet here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Mw2fBOhPoYYctOi1dvGr7fL4Q77hErgPLYwdT93iQP8/htmlview#It shows 25% allotted for the content bounty or 1,250 BB1 tokens. That means the entire bounty program 100% was given 5,000 BB1 tokens. This is 1/10th the tokens. This must be a mistake.
#Proof of Authentication Bitcointalk username: g.m.tyshenk Telegram username: @gtyshenk Campaign joined : Content Creation
Does anyone know what happened to ethlimited.org  The website is down. Did they even complete their ICO  Was this a scam project??? Hoping someone knows.
Investment on ico is very risk. You should choose best one for investment. But better option for you to buy bitcoin and ethereum. Just go for bitcoin or ethereum. If you invest, then you should need more analysis.
I just realized you are showing Bitbond's logo in your post and you are a part of their signature campaign, so you must already be aware of this STO and its benefits. I have read many ICO whitepapers but Bitbond is the best prospectus. The quaterly dividend really appeals to me. And the stability of the project with a proven use case puts Bitbond above most other projects.
i watching new coins in ANN theard, but here is a lot of shitcoins,
what is normal coins (mineable + tokens) with backed by strong team and high level of transparancy?
Yes many ICOs are scam coins that wont amount to much. For a great alternative take a look at Bitbond STO. It is a crypto bond with a proven business model. It pays 4% per year and has a yearly dividend payout too. The project webite has a basic scenario calculator to show their predicted range for returns (depending on how much token you buy and hold). Security tokens are vetted by financial oversight so it is much safer than an ICO. Bitbond's prospectus was Germany's first STO approved by their financial regulator Bafin. The STO ends July 8th so you can still buy. You can buy tokens with a bankwire in Euros, BTC, ETH, or XLM from the STO portal here: https://www.bitbondsto.com/?a=PFMUAIFor passive income and a quarterly dividend at a higher rate of intrest this is an excellent new project to add to your crypto portfolio. Good luck.
I suggest Bitbond. It is just finishing its STO (as of July 8th), and is worth buying their BB1 tokens. They pay 4% interest each year and their cryptobond is the first approved STO in Germany. The tokens will be bought back at the same price after the 10 year maturity date. So you xant go wrong. You get any money you invest back plus the quarterly and annual dividends. Invest and get dividends every 3 months.
Its a great project indeed and being regulated makes it more interesting and at the same time safe for investors to give it their best. Most investors fear investing into ICOs sake of scam but guess the regulated STO is here.
The Bitbond prospectus is very good and thorough. It discusses many of the usual risks faced by many companies tokenizing or using crypto and blockchain. Many ICOs do not review internal and external risks to such a degree. The fact that Bitbond has thought about many of the risks and has ways to minimize them helps the stability.
Hello everyone, Recently I discovered this STO called Bitbond. They are Germany's first STO with a BaFin (Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht. It is the German financial regulation authority) approved Prospectus and will be using BitGo’s Business Wallet. I am curious what you think about the project. Do you think STO's are the next evolution in ICOs? Or just a rename? You can look at the article below. https://www.bitbond.com/resources/bitbond-works-with-bitgoAlso if you want to visit their website, you can do that by clicking here - https://www.bitbondsto.com They have already raised 1.8 million Euros according to their website and they are in their fundraising phase. STOs are good as they are tokenized real world assets. More importantly the peer 2 peer lending provides dividends higher than traditional big bank stocks, bonds, CDs and annuities. You can read my latest blog post that compares Germany's first peer to peer lending STO called Bitbond here: https://icochat.wordpress.com/2019/07/07/cryptocurrency-and-income-investing/