is there a link how to get a positron masternode ( got two crave masternodes so far ) ?
Currently Masternodes are in development, cryptowest said its still pending release. Should be cool I think it was described a bit in the whitepaper. Should be cool to see it once west implements, I think even DASH didnt have masternodes in the beginning, cool to see how TRONS will differ. Once roadmap is posted we should get more info. thanks for info
is there a link how to get a positron masternode ( got two crave masternodes so far ) ?
i will continue strong buy support for Positron . Please test me, maybe i fall in panic ? 
hi, is there a possibility to remove orphaned blocks ? API repairwallet in console doesn't work at me.
anyone able to post a link for block explorer with rich list ? thx and yes, staking needs less than 12 hours
on block 3522 also. Did my first stake ( 20 TRON ) several minutes ago - like this coin  btw yesterday at pool i had hashed with small 150 GH/s for 6 hours only 0.62 TRON
hi, noob question ! what is correct name for Positron .conf (node file) ? positron.conf or tron.conf or post.conf or works all ?
Positron.conf but on windows positron.conf works also thx @ all 
hi, noob question ! what is correct name for Positron .conf (node file) ? positron.conf or tron.conf or post.conf or works all ?
puh ... "Net Stake Weight" : 85563.568443492 now btw wot is minimal coin age for staking / optimal block size ?
since around 10 hours i got only orphaned stakes ( 12 ). Changed to newest wallet (master node creator) with same effect .... ?
like this Guarany project and be pround to be a part of it.
Unfortunetly my wallet does not want to stake. It is unlocked of course and my oldest block has date 2014-11-17.
any idea ?
a new wallet version with integrated phyton (burn crave to blur) would be nice
amazing project ! Just a question for handling Crave/Blur swap : After sending Crave ( with signed message ? ) me will receive Blur to same wallet ( with special address ? ) ? Blur is concepted to stake same way like Crave does?
enlight me pls
amazing project ! Just a question for handling Crave/Blur swap today. After sending Crave ( signed message ? ) i will receive Blur to same wallet ( with special address ? ) ? Blur is concepted to stake same way like Crave does? thx
is there a link for new wallet "subver" : "/Xtracoin:" ? thx, great weekend
same like to nominate Ragingbull
any news about next wallet so far ?
Is there a date for integrated 'coin control' function in wallet ? Like to reorganize 'dust staking'. thx