new wallet not syncs - need nodes. thx
hey still here  .free coins went out today and also any outstanding promo coin.PM if i have missed you.Dev is currently still working on fixing staking and than he will rebuild wallets.once that is done i will try and push for more exchanges.Once everything is working right i will try find a dev that can give wallet a facelift and maybe get coincontrol and try and make it so u can see weight of coins and also unlock wallet button instead of using console window.I will update OP soon.Also we have 72 people now signed up to receive free coins and 22 people following on twitter need some more guys.jump on over to twitter and hit the follow button  well I didn't get anything yet... did I miss something ?  other thing, how can I check minting left time ? XNDuBBjvZ45ut2hHyGTHMG5xxrNSaPNKy4 you cant check missing time in this version of wallet. Staking time for CX is around ten days
hey still here  .free coins went out today and also any outstanding promo coin.PM if i have missed you.Dev is currently still working on fixing staking and than he will rebuild wallets.once that is done i will try and push for more exchanges.Once everything is working right i will try find a dev that can give wallet a facelift and maybe get coincontrol and try and make it so u can see weight of coins and also unlock wallet button instead of using console window.I will update OP soon.Also we have 72 people now signed up to receive free coins and 22 people following on twitter need some more guys.jump on over to twitter and hit the follow button  thanks again for your freeCX. Just for my understanding: for fixing up Staking you have to do a hard fork ? Take a look at Coin Control section @ HyperStake wallet = really nice done ...
I already have a user and is the same account like here what are next steps ? XNDuBBjvZ45ut2hHyGTHMG5xxrNSaPNKy4 info: Minting suspended due to locket wallet. ok, but where is the unlock for minting button ? unlock works similar to any other wallet without unlock function or button: go to Help - Debug - Console give in: ''walletpassphrase <yourwalletsecuritycode> 999999'' enter
thx for voting, we are an 9th place today (Sunday)
hi, HoboNickels wallet - out of sync ver. "No valid UPnP IGDs found" - is the last line on debug log Any idea how to fix it? Thank you!  Hobo wallet v works fine for me last 10 days ... maybe you try an update
Back up your wallet.dat file and delete everything in the user/appdata folder. Then restart the growthcoin wallet and wait for it to fully sync. After it syncs all the blocks shut it down and add your wallet.dat file from your backup and restart. Its a pain in the ass but it is the only way that would fix my wallet not syncing.
My config file
listen=1 daemon=1 server=1 rpcuser=Yourusername rpcpassword=Yourpassword rpcport=17178 rpcconnect= addnode= addnode= addnode= addnode= addnode= addnode= addnode= addnode= addnode= addnode= addnode= addnode= addnode= addnode= addnode= addnode= addnode= addnode= addnode=
thanks for your tutorial. Needs a lot of time to download whole chain - but it works at end 
no wallet (v1.3.0.1) sync possible since thursday 18th. Any nodes or ideas what can i do - thx
installed voting for Cryptoine Exchange: everybody can vote once daily with one point, registered user gets 4 points - its free. Support UVC by voting now - starts today #68 UVC is on #30 now - support your coin
installed voting for Cryptoine Exchange: everybody can vote once daily with one point, registered user gets 4 points - its free. Support UVC by voting now - starts today #68
@ HunterS Coins received. Thx a lot for generous tranfer. Keep supporting CX with voting on Cryptoine, think this will be our first accepted EX.
Voted at cryptoine EX , and will continue daily in future ...
HAPPY BIRTHDAY dear Growthcoin 
Fiaz today at Alpha forum '' Viper / Re: Will Alpha inform customer if things go wrong? « on: Today at 06:41:00 PM » Hey guys, sorry for the silence, it is quite a critical time where we want to be confident in anything we announce so as to avoid certain expectations as we have made mistakes in this in the past. I can tell you we should be releasing an update on shipping tomorrow. ''
'' Ask Us Anything! / Re: Final Payment Date? « on: Today at 04:32:40 PM » Quote from: 4imble on Today at 02:53:07 PM
When is the current date for final payment?
I have had problems with payza and so waited for CC processing, but that was not working either. I am also in the same boat as others and worrying about the lack of an update and would prefer to hold off until then.
So again, i was wondering when is the latest i can make my final payment?
Technically the due date was 2 weeks after we asked for final payment however rest assured we will give you sufficient time to pay.''
Fiat reply today
good idea coin, will buy me some food at exchanges today 
knows anywhere details about PoS interest rate of this coin ? thx
yes - its always same song with prepaid asics ... waiting for over 4 weeks that alpha is able to install a CC processor. I know there is no possibility for making ROI - thanks god is only a hobby by me to support crypto currencies of my choice ...
4 weeks? I take credit cards in my businesses, and I could knock up a web processor in a matter of minutes if needed. I think the same way. But maybe you are the right man to help Fiaz Malik (alpha-Technology with his dilemma  ?
yes - its always same song with prepaid asics ... waiting for over 4 weeks that alpha is able to install a CC processor. I know there is no possibility for making ROI - thanks god it is only a hobby by me to support crypto currencies of my choice ...