same here - waiting for alpha Tech delivery ... but will switch my Gridseed to your pool 
any news about PoS (block number) and interest rate (anything greater 3% will be fine)
Was für Entwickler?! Seit Bestehen des Coins hat es genau 0(!) Commits gegeben: obwohl Bitcoin in der Zeit durchaus einige gravierende Sicherheitslücken, DOS-Probleme und Fehlerquellen gefixt hat, die ebenfalls nicht auf DEM zurückgeportet wurden, genausowenig wie neue Features. Das Ding war und ist rein Codemäßig betrachtet eine Totgeburt. schon mal hier geschaut ?
hm, es gibt zur Zeit gerade mal 9 Millionen DEM ( ) und das nach mehr als acht Monaten (Launch Oktober 13) in dem die eMark existiert. Dazu kommt das kein PREMINING und kein IPO stattgefunden hat - somit sind die Entwickler arm wie Kirchenmäuse ... (was heutzutage eher die Ausnahme darstellt). Es gibt seit kurzem eine neue Homepage ( ) so ganz tot scheint die DEM also nicht zu sein ...
and agaaaaaaaaaaaaaain .... nothing
over 17000 blocks mined = over 17 Mill. RC so far 17/144 (RC max)=11.80% of totals and no idea about worth of this coin, tsts ....
I think it is better to wait few days for good website and exchange, also block explorer, fast one is not good one:) good things takes time to do, so maybe we should be more patient
+1. we are working non-stop on all the listed services. before PoW is over everything will be online. Can't find info on OP. How many of this 144 Mill. RC will be PoW mined before switch to only PoS ? Thx
Any news about exchange listing ?
my wallet is on block 1072, i made before manual payment and still not in wallet, what to do to get these coin? hope will not loose it
same here wallet block 1076 - very slow sync
I vote for option 1, because it looks like a currency symbol the most and resembles the letter "h" the most. I think both of those things are important for a currency symbol.
same here, voting for 1, symbol it graphical best solution
@ dev. Would be nice if Samba can do Proof of Stake (POS) also. In this case value maybe raise und its more fun for people to hold SMB in their wallets (see HBN, HYPER etc.)
there was 1.6% premine. dont believe any issues with blockchain
becausePool same. Maybe we have to pay for getting wallets ...
@HYPERfuture. I am a frequent reader of TokyoGhetto's HBN Investment Journal an d a holder of HBN. Please oversleep your decision to manage HYPER stabilization funds by your own. You have lot of work to do by making HYPER to a strong reliable coin beside creating a MMOG. Trading and cover a coin is indeed a 24/7 job (if you do this on several exchanges realtime). Of course all payments to TokioGhetto must be transparent for the community. Think about this
We are past block 600 and the diff change has taken effect, we now recalculate diff after every block, so block times should start to be more consistent.
Block 1000 coming soon! Hello to my fellow miner montegue on is such a nice looking pool yes nice pool , Alphawolf. Will be back at block 1008 MontAgue
@dev Please look at : ''Info! We do not find any working nodes for this coin. It may be unlisted soon. If you have a working wallet, you can help us if you send you result of getpeerinfo of your wallet. Thank you.''
Thank you for pointing this out, we did a server migration and moved the node to a new server earlier this week but waited for all DNS to update before turning the old server off, but it's possible the node was hardcoded over there, but I was pretty sure I checked that it said it was still connected after I turned off the old server. I have contacted Europex with the new node IP and a list of other IP's that are currently peering so that hopefully we can get this issue resolved. glad to help EMQZTWRqduokafHyU3W2szP4CCDfG6PPWS
@dev Please look at : ''Info! We do not find any working nodes for this coin. It may be unlisted soon. If you have a working wallet, you can help us if you send you result of getpeerinfo of your wallet. Thank you.''
i agree. I hope if we get 50+ votes: we are in (last voting communitycoin was added with only 20 votes at #4). But now Coinpayments was sold by founders ....