have done a deposit to Cryptopia from a v3xxx wallet got hundrets of confirmations, but support says TX transfer is not in blockchain.
you gonna dump ıt ha  dump dump  not really, after this i installed new v4.0.3 wallet with reroll of complete blockchain. This last transaktion i made was not listed ...
have done a deposit to Cryptopia from a v3xxx wallet got hundrets of confirmations, but support says TX transfer is not in blockchain.
last post from dev here on BCT was April 15th = R.I.P.
I have less than 0.03 ECA so far, thats not the point. But i think more and more iam wasting my time here ... thats right,, better mining wyvern, and hold wait next month  yepp, see ya later alligator. Now its up to dev brings some life at this coin ... 
I have less than 0.03 ECA so far, thats not the point. But i think more and more iam wasting my time here ...
dev pls modify wallet ! Miner need 10 or maybe 1 ECA/block until block 11522, otherwise coin will final die in next days ... imho
After running fine yesterday, blockchain stopps again with diff 83.27 for over nine hours now
Hello, i joined the signature campaign, already wear the avatar and personal text. I heard that the ico is postponed, shouldn't you change the personal text to the actual date?
maybe we need to change it when we get the announcement about the exact date just for understanding, this means bounty campains will take some additional weeks ?
Dead...  if you find a block diff will go >100 , but this can take hours maybe days ... btw what noob routes 3300 Mh/s to this blockchain ?
yes, wallet works fine - sync in 2 min. Dont find Electra on NovaExchange voting list any more.
dead node
Nodes are included in source code and are working fine. You should connect to a node automatically a few seconds after the wallet opens. There were a few power outages yesterday that may have affected the nodes. Try again if you want and let me know if you still have issues. opened new unsynced wallet for over 5h = zer0 connects to network ... yesterday same result with an other PC ( both WIN 10). Nodes cannot be dead because Electra Pool works.
My wallet does not connect, has anyone a node address for me ? thx
With the communities help and initiative we have been listed to NovaExchange for voting. We will be using the funds to purchase votes on it but in the aim of saving as much money as possible we would like to ask you, the community, to help us vote. Vote for HYPER - https://novaexchange.com/addcoin/We have acquired enough NPOINTS to fully purchase the 250 votes required and if any is left over they will be sold back into BTC and added back to the BTC Dev balance for future projects. good work. HYPER will get my daily votes until listing.
Another thank you to GreenDefender who has contributed 0.014 BTC towards the listing on Nova, 3,500 HYPER has been sent to him.
The BTC Dev Fund balance is currently at 0.09895429 and still requires an additional 0.03969071 BTC. The goal looks like it will be met pretty quick which is excellent for the HYPER community.
A maximum amount of 0.01 BTC has been enacted, please do not contribute more than this amount.
Yes, 3500 Hyper arrived to my wallet. Thx to devteam, Hyper AD ASTRA
Hey whats up...been awhile since ive checked hyper back out. Ive sold all my old coins when hyper started to flounder. Will be watching this thread but ine thing of concern to me is the stake rate....isnt 5%/ month an awful alot. If interest and buying power doesnt keep up, the price of hyper will get squeezed all the way down. That is a lot of inflation pressure to keep up with. Maybe im looking at this wrong?
I'm not a big fan of the 5% stake rate because of the inflation. It will end in about 2 years though dropping down to 10% a year which is when HYPER's value will increase instead of decrease. I have no problems with this 5% stake per month over next two years. If devs burns all not swapped new Hyper to a public address ( it will be around 5 millons ). Staking brings Hyper after next two years only in range of 8 millon coins again. After this beginn 10% per year. Sum of 8 millons Hyper after five years - there is no reason for fear about inflation.
Thanks, but make my offer to people who held old Hyper created with this thread. There is no exchange at moment and if you not want to swap sell at me before May 14th 
I want to buy 20,000 Hyper for 333 Sat each. Mininum transfers 2500 Hyper. First come first serve. Please PM me for details.
I want to buy 20,000 old Hyper for 333 Sat each. Mininum transfers 2500 Hyper. First come first serve. Please PM me for details.
voted for Hyper @ MERCATOX. Bleutrade EX will be fine for listing also, have had never problems with that guys.
A good staking rate is one of the things that attracted me to this coin. 5% a year I can get from a term deposit or a fiat bank.
Going from a lower rate to a higher one after three years doesn't make much sense either. Personally, Id prefer that we had it back to its original design.
Just my opinion.
swapped half of my coins to new (lightspeed  wallet last days. Think only less than 50% will be swapped until block 4xxx and burned (2.2 millions now). What happens to unswapped new v2.0 Hyper ? It will be burned also ? Thx to new Hyper dev team for Info & good work